Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Help or Assist me to cope with a problem. I 3 mes, meet...

The woman for 30
27.05.2004, 03:45
The dear doctor!
Help or Assist me to cope with a problem. I 3 mes, meet the man (to him up to 40). He avoids to have with me sex contacts.
Though attitudes or relations develop good. There can be he an impotent? It is possible kak-nibud to define or determine it. He refers, that he is indifferent to sex. That to me to do or make in this case, very much it would not be desirable it or him to lose.

Isaev D.D.
27.05.2004, 23:57
It is in that case very complex or difficult to give any advice or councils. Quite I suppose, that your gentleman tests uncertainty in sex sphere. Then from you it is required to take the initiative and create comfortable conditions when he will not feel, that from it or him much is required, but mutual tenderness and caress can be at any moment translated or transferred in a plane of more active actions. Thus if you words will tell or say, that do not want affinity, and the actions will show the return it often operates or works rastormazhivajushche and stimulirujushche on diffident men!