Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, I am going to for some time poehatb on a visit abroad to the ...

24.05.2004, 14:37
The doctor, I am going to for some time poehatb on a visit abroad to the young man. .estestvenno, sexual attitudes or relations will not manage, especially both of us we burn with the desire, but I simply am afraid to accept constantly hormonal contraceptives, iz-for excess weight and contraindication vrachej-endocrinologists. But is in fact instant kontratseptsijaneposredstvenno before and after the sexual certificate or act. .rasskazhite, please, about these preparations and a degree of their efficiency.

RE: From Volodja
26.05.2004, 02:01
Greetings! My name is Volodja.
You know I wish to advise to use to you vagenalnyi suppositories "sterelin".
I with the partnershami 3 years use and is quiet in them I finish
And not what problems and from venereal diseases protects.
Tolka before application prochti attentively instruction.
If that not clearly that write on soap volodyamail@mail. ru
Yours faithfully Vladimir!!!

Isaev D.D.
27.05.2004, 08:00
Dear Undine! I cannot tell or say. That agents used after the sexual certificate or act can be considered or examined;surveyed as a variant, noteworthy. Emergency contraception is based or founded;established on "shock" doses of hormones and is much worse on the influence on organism, than usual hormonal tablets which accept every day. Therefore I shall not stop on them. And here in occasion of local agents of protection to tell or say follows.
The barrier method consists in use of a mechanical obex to an occurring of sex cells - spermatozoons and an ootid. This use of the cap which is put on on shejku of a uterus, man's and female condoms, and also of some the agents perniciously acting on spermatozoons.
Spermitsidy are the substances, having pernicious an effect on the spermatozoons killing them or depriving to mobility before their hit in a uterus. Spermitsidy reduce risk of infection with the diseases passed sexual by. One dose spermitsidov operates or works approximately at several o'clock. They are issued in the form of candles, creams, tablets, jelly, foams, pessaries (the uterine capsule entered into a vagina). All of them are entered into a vagina up to the sexual certificate or act. Insufficiently high efficiency (70 75 %) forces to use them together with barrier methods (a condom, a cap or a diaphragm). Before each subsequent sexual certificate or act the new dose spermitsida is required.
The round sponge moistened spermitsidom, is entered into a vagina before the sexual certificate or act and there is there a minimum of 8 hours after the relations. Similarly to a condom, it is widely accessible way of contraception well suitable those who conducts an irregular sexual life. Unlike other barrier methods of contraception the sponge can be in a vagina for a long time (till 24 o'clock). However tests have shown, that its or her efficiency does not exceed 80 %.
Well-known agent is farmateks.