Просмотр полной версии : Really it is the truth, that some women cannot reach or achieve an orgasm cher...

07.05.2004, 03:34
Really it is the truth, what some women cannot reach or achieve an orgasm neither through a vagina, nor through a clitoris? Or the correct technics or technical equipment of the partner is guilty not?

The anonym
08.05.2004, 07:04
In any cases - technics or technical equipment, in any - psychological barriers of the woman.

09.05.2004, 16:55
Almost in all cases - the attitude or relation of the partner. Psychological barriers are too our beloveds who compare the size of a vagina of the wife and the neigbour.

10.05.2004, 20:01
Nevertheless not all men such idiots, and psychological problems take place to be. At me, for example, were, and more not up to the extremity or end are solved!

11.05.2004, 12:15
I, for example, cannot receive an orgasm together with the husband... He so tries, it or him even it is a pity to me the poor creature: (, but unfortunately, there is NOTHING - even close do not approach or suit to predorgazmennomu to a status: (... Psychological barriers any. Poses have tried - what only have managed.. Also tried or tasted various emotional behaviour in bed... All is ineffectual.. I receive only klitoralnyj - only when myself I caress without its or his intervention... Here so..: (

Kiti - Anonimke
12.05.2004, 17:39
You speak, psychological problems - any. At me, apparently, too. But I read (and agree with it or this), that not REALIZED psychological barriers "are guilty". We think, they are not present, and they are. At me all was very long in accuracy, as at you. But then I have learned to receive klitoralnyj an orgasm from lask the husband (both arms or hand, and tongue). And now here I well oochen would like to receive a "usual" orgasm, but does not leave: ((

The anonym
13.05.2004, 23:24
I up to the husband nirazu did not test usual orgazm-only klitoralnyj... Though pratnery were different... With different experience.. And with the husband for the first time has tested an orgasm after 5 months of a joint life...)) have found such pose which did not try or taste.. And the status was probably good.)) then tried or tasted in same poze-it was impossible... Hardly - nearly did not suffice... And all gaslo... ((Why so?

15.05.2004, 04:42
Kiti but if I chuvsvtuju, that at me was not present problems as them to designate these or thus "not realized"...?? When the husband caresss me - me or shchekotno, or in any way. Bought even any raising or exciting smazki-creams - to sense 0. He does or makes all very gently and patiently, at me already the patience comes to an end, and he does not leave attempts... So it would be desirable, that sex would be not only pleasant movements, but also polucheniempolnotsennoj discharges.. Certainly words of all to not pass and to not tell, as as we do or make for the decision of this problem, but unfortunately the result is not present (about 4 years). I try to not go in cycles in it or this, but sometimes so it would be desirable the same sensation as at it or him - with desire, with a discharge... ieh... Will suffice about sad

15.05.2004, 22:40
Certainly, all here you will not describe. But: if he could make all IN THE SAME WAY, as well as you it would turn out? If all the same is not present - that precisely psychological!:) and if in the same way it is impossible to it or him, but he is interested, it is possible likely pobyt "regulirovshchitsej" and to learn it or him? Or tried or tasted already?

16.05.2004, 13:23
Kiti, we tried or tasted already - mojmu ALL!!! He does or makes as I... Studies, asks as me pleasantly as is not present... But when he caresss me - me as I already spoke, shchekotno or in any way.. Tried or tasted - everything, that could.. While it is ineffectual, estesstvenno we do not leave hopes, but to me at times "to be caught up or unloaded" most easier, than to wait while at us with it or him for something it will turn out.. If it is fair at times even to begin tra % atsja it would not be desirable, because in consciousness the idea sits, as this time will be as in last. I, certainly, try to drive from myself such ideas, to not go in cycles in them, but at times simply it would be desirable to sit down and bitterly to cry: (We like each other and to leave that I do not receive an orgasm at the certificate or act - silly, but at times so it is melancholy also a situation seems desperate. At me teplitsja hope that when I shall give birth (I, the truth also it is not pregnant), at me will be sufficient time of continences.. And something can be change. Now, even when I caress myself at the certificate or act - nothing turns out..

17.05.2004, 10:38
Anonimka as I sympathize with you if you speak the truth. A discharge "most" well such weak substitute that will go only on the extremest case... And how you cope with a dissatisfaction? At me if it is impossible to terminate (very seldom, but time in 2 3 months happens) and exaltation was, I tsanovljus such furious, can zakatit a hysterics... Tears and a rage kak-that by itself turn out and it is not possible to supervise them... I finish itself", but sensations it is far not those. And orally too it is impossible to you? At me "classically" too without special impressions, well it is pleasant, well sometimes I finish, but slabenko, and from tongue even cry I can not constrain, and all is then long inside shudders and even arms or hand shiver... Can try or taste you too?

17.05.2004, 15:36
It seems to me, that the first experience with the man is very important. Leka, in fact your husband - he at you the first, here is how with it or him at you has begun, and it and proceeds. At me my first guy was very patient, never asked me about "result". And I was still absolutely silly, did not think about any there pishologicheskih barriers. Here it also turned out as in a fairy tale. And the attitude or relation to sex was developed or produced similar. And if later would begin, probably too would think much "can", I "can not". Still I am am gained or helped madly with my imagination. She works for me many years (from that first experience). Without it or her at me NOTHING turns out. When at me suddenly something breaks off (for example, during the most responsible or crucial moment has thought, that it would be quite good to shave legs or foots for today's evening) simply I put one leg or foot on another and strong them I compress. After unsuccessful sex exaltation with the husband, the orgasm comes in some minutes. Well, at all - to a miscellaneous, certainly...

19.05.2004, 05:35
Oh Girls, at me with the husband too anything 6 years were impossible, with rare exception. Only itself. And then as has broken through! Any orgasm for 2 3 minutes, in any pose, from any lask. Like all it is good yes? So is not present, the husband speaks that SUCH I frighten it or him also to him so to not like...

19.05.2004, 20:28
Strange question, the truth and that many women can receive an orgasm and from a touch to erogenic points, looking with whom at you sex attitudes or relations.

Isaev D.D.
20.05.2004, 05:57
It is known, that approximately 30 % of women reach or achieve an orgasm very seldom or do not reach or achieve it or him never. And 7 % of women never tested an orgasm under no circumstances Therefore it is possible to speak that the part of women is on a way of self-knowledge and nauchenija to achievement of a discharge independently or with the partner, and the some it is simple is not given by nature thus at once I shall tell or say, that the greatest value or meaning;importance has an emotional spirit and feelings to the partner, instead of "technics or technical equipment"!

21.05.2004, 07:32
Girls, and than you are engaged, while your husbands are engaged in your clitoris? I advise you to borrow or occupy the arms or hand, tongue, etc. Take even an arm or a hand of the husband and all attention to it or her... (to That that will understand) more pleasantly. Will pass or take place any time and you so will take a great interest in it or this, that will cease to go in cycles in those sensations, that with you do or make and do not sweep up or will notice as all will be OK. You really wait, and in such status to relax not probably.

To 19 .15:00:34
22.05.2004, 22:50
I already wrote... And so! At me AGAIN progress!)) Segdnja I the second time for all poovuju the life has tested IT without self-stimulation (and stimulations from the husband)!)) HURRAH!) we vypii pivka, have relaxed... Also it was incured..)) I on myself for all time have noticed, that my problem in achievement vaginanogo an orgasm was that I could not relax psychologically... And here second time already at me it has turned out to not think of what... sostredotochitsja only on process.. Also it HAS turned out!)) all I wish pleasure and success!))

24.05.2004, 00:33
Leka, from its or his tongue to me only shchekotno... Sometimes even the desire vanishes: (While NOTHING helps or assists.. In a status, rasslablenom alcohol - rezultatt too zero.. And then, I not so like EnTIM to be engaged in the become slightly tight status..

Leka - Anonimke
25.05.2004, 04:27
And you are raised or excited? Can it is too strained? To me too sometimes happens in the beginning shchekotno, but it when I am too strained, then during I relax a little or I am a little relaxed and shchekotka passes in such sensations!... Let your partner begins not with lask around of a clitoris, and with sexual labiums, gradually moving ahead to a clitoris then shchekotki will not be. Or can press to him tongue little bit more rigidly? Though it is pleasant to me very cautiously and softly and that it was allocated a lot of saliva.

26.05.2004, 16:16
And you tried to change character of sex?