Просмотр полной версии : Has returned from business trip earlier and the husband zastukala: my stockings has dressed on go...

01.05.2004, 17:31
Has returned from business trip earlier and the husband zastukala: my stockings has dressed on a naked body, and with a standing member of a leg or foot compressed and, I apologize, - to mine it was wetted gradually before a mirror, dummies or papillas arms or hand touched or tampered with. He has not noticed me, I have left an apartment. Now I can not be engaged with it or him sex. Whether he blue chto-? Earlier I behind it or him that similar did not notice. Whether it gives in to treatment?

The anonym
03.05.2004, 19:09
He can vse-taki was not wetted, and finished?? It is wetted from members in a status of an erection to me it seems trudnovato... The Only thing that I can precisely tell or say - he not blue!!!

06.05.2004, 11:54
The normal guy. And it is impossible to talk to it or him. The husband all taki

07.05.2004, 20:48
Has not understood what subjects zapretny between the husband and the wife if there are no changes.

Isaev D.D.
08.05.2004, 05:48
Dear Linda! Your husband does not have anything, that would allow to think of homosexuality. Such behaviour specifies presence fetishistskogo a transvestism to you it is necessary to talk and discuss a problem frankly. And already after that to decide as to act, whether to go to the sexologist behind the help.

The anonym
11.05.2004, 21:07
And it strongly would excite or raise me..
The same some more new plots for sex games!

15.05.2004, 07:18
Some men do or make it...
Try to borrow or occupy with it or him sex, when he in stockings. It is assured or confident it its or his secret dream. It is a pity that he has not found in itself(himself) forces to tell or say about it or this. He can is simple is afraid, what you will not accept it or him such what he is?
I to the wife have told or said even before wedding. Also I do not regret about it or this. But not all my girls up to it or her have so tolerantly concerned to my "habits".
And in fact such men, it seems to me, require in chutochku greater attention from partnersh.
Present, what to you 30 years and all this time to you forbade to dress clothes which to you it is pleasant, and forced to wear, say, only a prison uniform? And in fact it also estetiko-erotic experiences for us...
Here time has now come... Time of check of force of feelings. Marriage or spoilage should keep on love, instead of on a habit to live series. And love it also the Pardon and Acceptance of object entirely...

16.05.2004, 04:58
Dreamery it completely agree!!

It is clear
17.05.2004, 04:21
And here " the Pardon and Acceptance of object entirely... ". Whom to forgive, for what to forgive to that to forgive? Only frankness between liking people and if pair not ustarivaet that occurs or happens, it is necessary to visit or attend the doctor.

20.05.2004, 14:10
It is exact - to be wetted with a costing or standing member is a feat! Your husband simply hero!:) and if it is serious... Well probably there is a predilection to transvestivizmu, or as there... Not lethally, I think. Well and what to do or make (it is joyful to join in the same game or to go to the sexopathologist) this your business!

22.05.2004, 07:25
Dreamery, excuse for tactlessness, allow to learn or find out, whether it was possible to you to solve a problem about which you wrote? Certainly, still more few time, but, maybe, there are already any results?

Dreamery - Lerchik
24.05.2004, 15:41
Sand... While sand... It is visible in a captivity of dies and public prejudices spitsja is more sweet...
Though on me rolls depra and arms or hand at times fall, I nevertheless do not leave hope for a favorable outcome:)
People should liking drug-to find the friend the reasonable compromise.

25.05.2004, 11:35
Correctly, I only also understand such heroes. And that tell to us about any heroic acts in history. And here the life is in reality perfect also such society in vain vanishes. What for the wife, from what you centuries or blepharons?