Просмотр полной версии : Question: never were engaged in sex with the girl on the present. vsegd...

23.05.2004, 16:01
Question: never were engaged in sex with the girl on the present. Always there were attempts. She devstv. And I too. The first attempt 1, 5 months ago - then I have put nearby 5 6 see in a condom. She has told or said that to her slightly painfully, have stopped. (after she tested a burning sensation and a pain about a stomach or belly). Have gone or send to the gynecologist he has told or said that all ok (devstennost has remained). Before many times entered palchikom, even to two, approximately on the same 6 see

Excite questions:
1. After that case longly did not try to begin, played, I drove a member on its or her labiums. Did not finish. One to later has thought and suddenly there on the extremity or end there was a semen, she could become pregnant?????

2. Have tried or tasted again later. The Favorite has dressed prezik. Has put, from strong exaltation almost at once has terminated, the member was in a vagina as has felt that I finish, began to take out quickly enough, prezik the whole, the semen in itself was. 15 minutes had then a rest. Have decided to begin again I has dressed same prezik, but the member was wet, prezik has unrolled and I can an old semen as that have smeared on prezik??? Or etoprezik was wet, vobshchem I have put. Have not for long tried or tasted and is not deep, have stopped. There is what that probability to become pregnant?

3. The question, at it or her the good extension interests, the gynecologist has told or said that Membranula or film virginal is too close to a uterus. What does it mean? All the ways long our contact were to a pain. The last vobshche any pain were not felt by her. However last time (tried or tasted friktsii not for long, but did not try or taste earlier) she has told or said that after that since morning hurted or was ill;was sick. And the stomach or belly ached a bit (only since morning) a little. Then all has passed or has taken place.

What probability we have torn Membranula or film? (there was no neither a hint on a pain, nor a blood, the member did not feel resistance too)

What probability pregnancy in our attitudes or relations?

We use prezikami. They wet, it and should be. Tell or say about condoms a favorite and maskulan, whether they on a surface contain greasing killing semen?

23.05.2004, 20:18
Mn Durex nravjatsja, and in your case (under the story) to become pregnant there is no probability...

23.05.2004, 22:55
Thanks for the answer, and how with virginity?

24.05.2004, 12:57
The probability is always. The Another matter, that she can be zero. Watch or keep up logic, misters!