Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte Dmitry Dmitrievich! At me one idle time vopros-up to skolki years...

The virgin
20.05.2004, 01:20
Zdrastvujte Dmitry Dmitrievich! At me one idle time vopros-up to skolki years grows a penis?

21.05.2004, 15:37
Up to 21 years, personal mine up to 17. And to 21 mu veins povylazili

Isaev D.D.
22.05.2004, 18:11
It is considered, that on the average body height of a penis proceeds till 18 years, individual variations however are possible or probable... Besides last researches approve or confirm, that the minimal body height can proceed and in the further...

23.05.2004, 12:49
To me now 17, and at me already gde-that as year as veins povylazili with what it can be connected? Well it or is bad? How the female half concerns to it or this?

23.05.2004, 21:20