Просмотр полной версии : I am afraid to admit to my young man that satisfy me oral...

11.05.2004, 10:34
I am afraid to admit to my young man that satisfy me oral caress.

14.05.2004, 00:23
You boishsja to suggest him to rinse or gargle you so?

16.05.2004, 22:13
Well a difference between laskami and oral sex nevertheless greater or big

19.05.2004, 14:21
And it seems to me, that all will come in due course. I at first too was confused very much, and now my young man to not drag from it or this!:)

21.05.2004, 06:47
It agree with below told or said, all will come if will want to make to you pleasant that zdelaet and is not present and not present, to force the person chtoto to do or make in postele it is impossible

Isaev D.D.
23.05.2004, 06:35
Simply tell or say, that very much it is pleasant to you, when he so caresss you.