Просмотр полной версии : I am married 5 years. With sex on a miscellaneous, but as a whole very well. In 13 years became...

20.05.2004, 08:09
I am married 5 years. With sex on a miscellaneous, but as a whole very well. In 13 years became the witness of the homosexual certificate or act among teenagers and since this moment very much it would be desirable to try or taste - here only the status of the bisexual for me simply we do not accept. It would be desirable to try or taste not with the coeval and with the man. How to get rid of it or this rastrojstva? And in general that to me to do or make? To me 27.

The anonym
21.05.2004, 11:20
To psiholgu, instead of to the sexologist it is necessary for you

21.05.2004, 17:07
If hochesh to save family, remain the dreamer,
But who does not risk, that knows nothing:))

Isaev D.D.
22.05.2004, 19:35
Dear Vlad! It is necessary to understand with some aspects of your experiences. It is possible to feel to itself as the bisexual or not without dependence from real behaviour. Interest to similar sorts to contacts does not testify yet to obligatory presence of any non-standard preferences. It can be mere curiosity which has not been satisfied at teenage age and remains as "splinter" in a brain Presence of such ideas yet does not speak about any frustration. To understand with this question is better on reception at the sexologist or the psychotherapist.