Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Very much I ask to help or assist advice or council! Problems I to myself have saved up or have collected a heap and chu...

10.05.2004, 00:40
Hello! Very much I ask to help or assist advice or council! Problems I to myself have saved up or have collected a heap and I feel that I acquire them with rate of a wind. I shall begin all over again. With the husband 2 years. Before have started to live together I was cheerful self-sufficient raskreposhchenoj the woman 24, I have much achieved, clever and beautiful. With sex I did not have problems any, I very much like sex, always tested an orgasm and have been liberated enough in this plan. My husband on the contrary sex for it or him only at night without light before a dream not every day and only 2 3 poses. As I was self-assured enough was is assured that I shall change its or his representation about sex. He the perfect person but when that that not so with it or him it is impossible to talk, he as a turtle becomes reserved and it or him will not reach, such impression that he simply does not hear me. Has passed or has taken place 2 years. Now I represent a walking complex, as in sex and in general in a life. I have ceased to like myself, I cannot is frank, as earlier, to speak that me does not arrange. The most awful, that I now cannot already terminate with the husband of 9 months and I pritvarjajus though did not understand women which earlier pretend and cannot tell or say what not so. I so in it or this uvjazla, in these complexes, I became in bed as the virgin, am afraid that that to make itself, to touch. The husband at me quickly finishes always, earlier I too quickly finished and strongly preparations it was not required to me. The husband never touched my genitals or genitalias, at it or him on the bill of it or this a complex what that, I as have tried it or him to force that (not ultimatomom certainly, but have persistently asked) so he after that week what that closed went, more I did not try. He detdomovsky, I think at it or him therefrom a complex though who knows it or him, not the boy in fact, 30 to him. What to us occurs or happens? To the psychologist he will not go and is not present at us good spetsov in city, and at me tongue does not turn with it or him to start talking. I simply fade every day, I like it or him strongly, he the remarkable husband and the father. Help or assist please! If I shall continue in the same spirit, the husband will stop loving me how to like the person, which itself does not like.

The anonym
10.05.2004, 05:04
To talk to it or him it is useless - to break a nature or character it is impossible! If he also will do or make, that you want, it will be iskustvenno and satisfaction vse-peerly will not bring. So, that or search for the lover or masturbiruj. I do not see other output or exit. I have chosen the second and is very happy in marriage or spoilage! And the masturbation can be such various and bring so much emotions, that man will not give any!

11.05.2004, 15:31
You it is sincerely a pity to me, but an output or exit which would accept Both of you I I do not see...: (

15.05.2004, 14:55
In this situation you should do or make all ITSELF accurately and tactfully. To force to touch genitals or genitalias it is not necessary, if you are raised or excited from touches to them, try to caress itself yourself and let he sees. Only you are not sharp, that he would not be frightened. In the first affinity so slightly itself caress, look or see at its or his reaction, further more, can and you will accustom it or him. To complex I do not see the reason, it is not necessary to assimilate to the husband. Be such as was, do not wind itself. With light understand, buy or purchase a night lamp and at affinity cover with its or his dark tissue, to turn out twilight both you it is good also to him of an eye does not cut or on krojnjak put an aquarium with small fishes about illumination do not forget. Now about poses. By the way we with the husband too use to a subject the poses, as you. An extreme us nevdohnovljaet. At each pose is how to tell or say, podpoznik, you know as in the contract there is item or point 1. Also there are subitems 1. 1., 1.2., etc. So we shall take for example bonalnuju a pose you from below he from above.. . Here look, you can lift or bend one leg or foot in a knee, to the friend to lower or omit, it turns out, that you already polubokom. A pose with zadi, too bend one leg or foot in a knee and rise. Kajf you do not represent. It turns out, that he gets further, than usually and will not terminate is fast, friction a little. A pillow under the priest enclose or lay, too it is good. In a word from each situation there is an alternative, and koplksovat it is not necessary. You only to yourself do or make is worse, and should be liked and lileit.

19.05.2004, 05:40
The primary trouble and alarm show, that from the very beginning the person is not going to anything to undertake in a life. He initially wishes to avoid everything, that for it or him sounds a call. He speaks all "is not present", he lives is total speaks "is not present".

At it or him it is primary, during the instant of origin of energy of action already exists "is not present". And with it or this there is no" he applies for that to him in a life all was executed: job, the house, women, children, success and so on. Internally costs or stands - "is not present", and only externally he kak-that moves, acts, associates consider or count as its or his person that or other, and sushchnostno is there is no" speaking person. Detdomovskie children frequently very perfect, as a rule, like and value close people. And here in occasion of sex preferences to you vse-taki well with the husband to speak openly, gently, nenasiluja its or his man's beginning, but mjagkoi cautiously to prompt: " Instead of you could, my lovely and beloved, good and the most gentle in the world, to make today here it..., I so would like it or this... " And so on.. Olesya, you the mistress of position and if is more skilled, behave adequately, unostentatiously and with vremenm all becomes on the places:-)) In other case to you without the sexologist to not manage: - ((Olesya, tomorrow on what site we shall meet? Success also work above itself and the spouse, instead of be engaged slovobludiem:-))