Просмотр полной версии : I met 2 years the perfect girl whom very much liked and I like. So...

06.05.2004, 12:22
I met 2 years the perfect girl whom very much liked and I like. And so recently it was found out, that the last half a year besides me she met another! And not only that at me behind a back so has still learned or has still found out, that two of them laughed over me, that is for example my girlfriend discussed my ridiculous gifts, methods of caring and even ability with it or him in bed! They discussed it and laughed... I was betraid by one of the most people close to me. I do not think, that kogda-nibud I can trust girls now. I do not see ahead of anything light, all in a gloom and me very much h.. In! What to me to do or make?

06.05.2004, 21:46
Sergey! Do not despair! The girl has appeared not perfect, very painfully to be disappointed... To you it is insulting and it is sick, your feelings are clear. The pain in due course will pass or take place. This girl, this person, it has appeared bad. Probably in her you liked that image which have drawn in the imagination, and did not notice the real person behind it or him. Mistakes or errors happen. The main thing, that we bear or take out from these mistakes or errors. There are two ways. The first - to tell or say to itself(himself), that all girls disgusting and further according to them itself(himself) a message. But hardly this way will lead you to love and happiness. The second - to think, analyse why you have appeared in such situation what your incorrect steps were, that you did not notice in your attitudes or relations with the girl, and on the future to consider "misses". When wounds will be tightened or delayed, it will be already possible to build new attitudes or relations on qualitative other level.:-))

The anonym
10.05.2004, 12:45
Whence you know, what she discussed with it or him???? You cannot know it or this!!!! And that that she met another, it is its or her choice, the person is the individual, and it or her vybor-it is ITS or her choice. Easy leave it or her concern philosophically if you to her of roads, she all will weigh and will make the decision in your party or side. And if is not present - well.

14.05.2004, 09:49
January, 26th 2004 09 : 00 : 19, you here anybody, as well as others ananimy. That that you are afraid to use a constant name and from under "anybody" on all run speaks about your poor or scanty and cowardly dushenke, shavka ananimnaja. Sergey, set to a horn to the guy and pshli on... The maid, you polegchaet here you will see. Then find new and quickly all you will forget.

18.05.2004, 04:06
Discuss a situation with yours partnershej!!! Remain with her or rasstantes!! But all not such!!!!

18.05.2004, 18:53
Actually you need to be pleased! You have learned or have found out about dishonourableness of the girl while your attitudes or relations yet do not send far... Certainly it is not pleasant, but I think you can will cope with it or this and to find to myself the suitable girl, the reliable friend. Success to you!