Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Heard, that it is possible to give to the man pleasure, doing or making...

15.05.2004, 18:43
The dear doctor!
Heard, that it is possible to give to the man pleasure, doing or making massage of a prostate through a proctal or an anal aperture. You could not tell there is a prostate more in detail how it to do or make and where exactly?

Isaev D.D.
16.05.2004, 15:19
Dear Ljalja! Really, in the literature enough often it is necessary to collide or face with similar, not so clever judgements the Prostate is the very gentle glandular organ which completely not has been not intended that of it or him mjali by arms or hand. Pressure upon it or him a finger only injures a tissue, can lead to an inflammation and even occurrence of a blood in a semen Such procedures the professional (but not for pleasure, and for a capture of a secret of a prostate, check of a status of a tissue of a gland) can do or make only. And even if you will try to do or make something similar I strongly doubt, that your partner will test great pleasure the Another matter, that some men (but at all all!) Feel pleasure from stimulation of proctal or anal area outside and the some even like introduction of a finger inside during exaltation. But the prostate here has only indirect value or meaning;importance and more likely reacts not to direct stimulation, and on pressure upon the next tissues. In any case, be guided first of all by individual reactions of the partner! I wish good luck!