Просмотр полной версии : The doctor business all that at me have removed ovaries and a uterus and already bolshe year...

12.05.2004, 14:48
The doctor business all that at me have removed ovaries and a uterus and already bolshe year I have ceased to test an orgasm. But to the husband about it or this I do not speak and I pretend, that too I test an orgasm. That will advise.

13.05.2004, 22:30
Operation on excision of a myoma 18 ned is necessary to me. So udaleie uteruses and ovaries, it is possible or probable and shejki. Whether I shall test an orgasm after all it or this?

Isaev D.D.
14.05.2004, 12:52
Dear Hole! The reasons can be, in particular, in change of a hormonal background and it is necessary to consult to the endocrinologist or with the gynecologist!
But disturbance of an orgasm not necessarily, it can wear and psychological character and the help of the sexologist is required.