Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, prompt what to do or make if I cannot receive klitoralnyj at all...

The anonym
07.05.2004, 06:19
The doctor, prompt what to do or make if I cannot receive klitoralnyj an orgasm at all, only vaginalnyj. I, certainly understand, that many girls will tell or say "happy", that receive vaginalnyj, but at all it is not pleasant to me that my clitoris almost feels nothing. More correctly I receive klitoralnyj only from a jet of douche. Oral caress of the partner (and any) do not help or assist, and itself I can not arms or hand... That deto such also what to do or make?

07.05.2004, 16:51
Not rahdrazhaej the clitoris serious water. You will be excruciated otherwise from tumours klitoricheskoj parts which expand. As a cauliflower and this kind of a cancer it is incurable. Let the partner is better you will lick. Well and what here happiness if you so have got exhausted, exhausted, all expiring with juice as a mare laying on road and greedy expecting the next dog, if only to terminate klitoralno.

09.05.2004, 06:48
In the first neobrashchaj what attention to the report from Scorceni December, 04th 2003 06 : 45 : 36
It is delirium of the idiot.
Here is not present that terrible, many girls are raised or excited with a jet of water, the some people do or make it by arms or hand or other improvised agents, or legs or pinches clamp or clip it or him you all can try or taste, in last variant the main thing to find and pravelno to arrange it or him. And the partner certainly should try or taste in the first you well to excite or raise and then longly and monotonously without change of a rhythm to make it orally, simply to him it is necessary trenerovat tongue. I in the beginning could do or make it no more than 2 mines, now I can mines 15 20 so it or this kakraz suffices mine partnershe. Success.

09.05.2004, 08:58
In the first neobrashchaj what attention to the report from Scorceni December, 04th 2003 06 : 45 : 36
It is delirium of the idiot.
Here is not present that terrible, many girls are raised or excited with a jet of water, the some people do or make it by arms or hand or other improvised agents, or legs or pinches clamp or clip it or him you all can try or taste, in last variant the main thing to find and pravelno to arrange it or him. And the partner certainly should try or taste in the first you well to excite or raise and then longly and monotonously without change of a rhythm to make it orally, simply to him it is necessary trenerovat tongue. I in the beginning could do or make it no more than 2 mines, now I can mines 15 20 so it or this kakraz suffices mine partnershe. Success.

10.05.2004, 19:07
Sergey, directly I read also the divine I am given. All has on the contrary written. Here it is necessary to hammer on douche, t. To. She, I am assured or confident uses it or him quite often (I think-), and the trickle there as from a fire hose every day "washes", and the partner - is on the contrary too gentle; the second variant - a jet moderated or moderate, and the partner is too rasping. If he will be " longly and monotonously without change of a rhythm " it to do or make - can it will turn out, but most likely the extremity or end will be such: he to her so there will rub all, that she dyorgnetsja as follows, having told or said, that " was healthy, here she a long-awaited discharge ". Sergey, I can be mistaken, but you partnyorsha most likely very much often "does needlework" itself vodinochku, without you, on it or this she needs more time, what with you up to klitoralnogo to reach (whether it objasnjaet is possible well as though accustoming that). From here and 20???. If to do or make normally - to exclude monotony (she should be certainly pereodicheski and right at the end when partnyorsha leaves on "home straight", I think you in kurche of what) that 10. Will suffice for eyes. To the girl I advise to throw douche, even for a while during which to achieve " effect of douche " from the partner and to talk to it or him. Estimate, he is stronger there moves than you douche or not, in general draw an analogy " On-Douche " think that raznitsja, draw conclusions. Success.

12.05.2004, 00:18
It agree, the more she will be engaged in self-satisfaction, the further she will be from satisfaction the bojfrendom, on myself I know.

12.05.2004, 08:20
And here vse-taki strange now it seems - as it is the woman can not test an orgasm? Good advice or councils. But I against kunnilingusa, for example. Why - vse-taki this any humiliation of the man. And what for? Better, than a member the nature nothing has thought up for this business or affairs... It is just necessary to look through that advice or councils, kotory were earlier. There suitable poses when the area of a clitoris is well irritated have been described.

For Margo.
13.05.2004, 23:41
Assessment (an estimation of the person) - one of the fashionable words entering into our use. And knowingly. The high degree of reliability and the objectivity received about the person, data can help or assist to solve mass of problems: from strategic self-determination before personnel rearrangements. Margo, you would study in more modern psychology. Knowing only complex Elektry and daddies with momoj, far you will not drive off. And as now new kinds the loony. The help more than 145, yot also do or make conclusions. Greetings to the daddy and mum! Professional kouching is an effective cooperation between kouchem and clients (the organizations, people). Principles kouchinga are based or founded;established on achievements of modern western psychology and ancient east wisdom. For today it is the most effective method of job with people which takes root into management for rising productivity of business, motivations of the personnel, development liderskih qualities. Kouching so defines or determines a way by which these things are reached or achieved, as well as that is reached or achieved.

14.05.2004, 12:09
Not stemis to strain the brain, receive that you receive:)))