
Просмотр полной версии : Yes, the dear doctor, you have not wanted to help or assist me with my problem. It is necessary...

Anna Sergeevna
07.05.2004, 08:43
Yes, the dear doctor, you have not wanted to help or assist me with my problem. It is necessary to operate or work most.

To me 57 years yet durna themselves, want love and caress. I shall consider or examine interesting offers.

08.05.2004, 04:43
And interesting predlozhenija-it in a fistula or still where?
And obscene allocation where will put? Few times
There will give, he purulent becomes. At you that, apertures
Whether chto-it is a lot of?

08.05.2004, 20:47
P. S. Obviously you have solved epatirovat public on konfe.
Without you, the truth, it became dullish, so though above you
poprikalyvalis, but to the psychiatrist obviously it is necessary to you obra-

09.05.2004, 08:44
Fantasy! Babka in 57 years shparit in not those as young. And the truth yet durna itself can also, and?;-)

Isaev D.D.
10.05.2004, 02:26
Dear Anna Sergeevna! The developed situation demands the adequate approach. If is any allocation from a vagina it is necessary to visit or attend the gynecologist for definition of a course of therapy. As to a fistula fistulas arise only as consequence or investigation of chronic purulent process. In case of the termination or discontinuance of the inflammatory phenomena fistulas are exsected and after that heal. Your offer to use a fistula for sex contacts it is possible to regard only as a joke. The lumen of fistulas is minimal and cannot be used for present purposes I Wish the prompt convalescence!

11.05.2004, 14:13
Rain, esteem its or her message from the April, 25th, full atas!

12.05.2004, 06:54
Zjuke: Thanks. I in a deep aesthetic shock.:-)

12.05.2004, 11:01
Similar, that Anna Sergeevna is easier man with rough imagination. And competent and with the developed speech (probably composes erotic detectives) And voprosik has thrown for development of a plot.