Просмотр полной версии : The last half a year was gone desire to be engaged in sex. And when I am engaged (I for...

08.05.2004, 21:27
The last half a year was gone desire to be engaged in sex. And when I am engaged (I married 12 years, 2 e children), seldom I test an orgasm. Before it was normal. At me the level of Prolactinum is raised or increased. It can cause?

The anonym
09.05.2004, 18:04
In occasion of Prolactinum doubtfully that there is an interrelation with absence of desire. Be necessarily observed at the endocrinologist. Sensuality is concealled in each woman - simply allow her to leave outside irrespective of age, health, appearance. It is necessary for this purpose so a little - and so much. Try to forget about affairs, about prejudices and manuals of girlfriends, how (-to yours) you look or appear in opinion of the partner, about yourselves. And the miracle will come to pass - you become another.

You sami-understand that, what beauty and sexuality - absolutely different things? For certain in your life there were girlfriends, not bleshchushchie beauty, but as if or as bewitching internal game, mysteriousness. The woman can be fine combined and have a structure of the Roman goddess but if its or her sensuality has not woken up, she or it can admire, instead of to live together. No external shifts can replace that is hidden or latent gde-that inside.

Sensuality is a promise of secrets and the opening, involving the man an admixture of inaccessibility and an appeal. Only chut-hardly the hint on singularity of a private world will flash - and captivated the man will rush to storm, will go not kolebljas though on edge or territory of the ground, though for edge or territory ...

Sensuality - as depth of sounding of a violin or a guitar. The flat colorless sound does not involve neither musicians, nor listeners. But the oof of sounding causes internal vibrations which unite both bodies, and souls or douches. In the same way the body serves in sex by the instrument which adjust or set up on joint sounding in that duet where executors and instruments are uniform in one face. But you should let know to the partner that wish to feel its or his caress, are ready to respond on its or his touches, can to play also with the conductor and the musician.

Study or Investigate the body, allow to let to you the know, that it is pleasant to him. Open the perception so that no external reasons prevented to be given you to own arms or hand, and then tell and show the spouse what exactly is pleasant to you most of all.

Opening of perception - quite vypolnimaja a problem or task. Touch any subject, and then to the body, realizing a difference. Play this difference, find in her new shades. Give some load to a body that the blood is faster struilas on vessels is will strengthen sensitivity of a skin. Exercises which cause a rush of blood to a basin, and extensions are especially useful. Using creams, put or render them on a skin slow, caressing movements to like to itself. And it is even better, if it is done or made by the beloved.

Taking a shower, direct or refer a jet of water on different parts of a body, vary a pressure to feel, where and as the body responds on this gentle touch. You can find very sensitive places, for example in ulnar folds or in popliteal spaces, on an internal surface beder or on a loin. In a bath it is possible to experiment and aromas. Gentle or exciting, stimulating or weakening or relaxing - they frame the certain mood under which happens very pleasantly slowly to drive a soft sponge on all body. To weaken or relax itself and simultaneously to raise or excite an anticipation of the moment of an output or exit from a bath, as Aphrodites from sea foam...

Having woken up, but not having risen yet from bed, tell or say to itself three times: I such sex, gentle, attractive, sensual. Today I shall be happy, as never! And then, taking a shower, think of something erotichnom. It will give to you a special spirit for all day.

Do not think of that, how old are you and what appearance at you, realize itself the woman. Attractive, hardly skrytnoj, but raspahnutoj towards to a life, desired to men. Simply realize - for itself. Impose to Nobody itself such, know, that you such and are, it operates or works much more strongly, than inguiring looks aside men: well, teper-you see that, what I?! No, they will not see, while you will not see yourselves. And even if the magic effect will force to wait a little, be assured of itself and in an end result. Then all will turn out.

As if to sensuality corporal both in bed, and at touches of the man in any other situation never be in earnest to an event too, with working mood. It always game - easy or light;mild, cheerful, constantly varying. If you will be the player and a part of game simultaneously if will manage easily to let to the man know, that want and on what are capable, he will not find in itself(himself) force to give up to you.

Show the husband, that he is pleasant to you, raises or excites, involves with the man's force. Let know or simply tell or say, that are ready to open to him how still never opened. And it is valid, believe what the today's intimal occurring will change your life. Only and live: every day, as last, each affinity, as before eternal separation.

And peer to you will not be.

11.05.2004, 14:30