Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, obsnite, please, it is competent and - scientific who such gemofrodity...

11.05.2004, 04:35
The doctor, obsnite, please, it is competent and - scientific who such gemofrodity and transvistity? Than such deviations or rejections are caused or called? Than they from each other differ also all of them taki what floor if so it is possible to tell or say, and they getero or gomoseksualny, that is they are engaged in sex with women or men, whether there is at them an erection? I Try to liquidate a blank in sex education.

Isaev D.D.
11.05.2004, 09:42
Hermaphrodites are born as a result of disturbance of a hormonal background. As the result - occurs or happens an incomplete masculanization or a feminization of genitals or genitalias. The floor in these cases is defined or determined by results of chromosomal research. Transvestites are people dressing clothes of an opposite floor. Among them is both gomoseksualy, and geteroseksualy. Transvestites do not have problems with an erection, and in case of a hermaphroditism all depends on the form and a degree vyrazhennostinarushenija structures of genitals.