Просмотр полной версии : Whether tell or say the use of easy or light;mild narcotics influences body height of a member? Thanks...

06.05.2004, 18:08
Whether tell or say the use of easy or light;mild narcotics influences body height of a member? Thanks

The anonym
07.05.2004, 09:47
The use easy or light;mild (and strong too) conducts to an impotency. Unless the size will matter in this case?

08.05.2004, 18:31

Smoking of marihuana and the use of other similar "easy or light;mild" narcotics can lead to a full impotency.
For a long time it is known, that many narcotics, such as heroin, quickly enough lead the victim to loss of interest to sex and an impotency. However long time was considered, that easy or light;mild narcotics and Cocainum operate or work absolutely on the contrary - that is is exciting and stimulirujushche. At unitary reception such action can really be shown, though, all very individually. But here at constant reception already approximately in a month serious changes begin.
At women sensitivity, and an orgasm all goes down is more difficultly reached or achieved. Result of constant reception is full frigidity.
At men the situation worsens that the angiosclerosis of genitals after a while begins, its or his consequences - an impotency and problems with organs of a small basin, much worse, than at women. The matter is that if at women similar processes obratimy, also are chance, that having stopped the use of narcotics, the woman can restore the lost functions for the man it will be much more problematic, and most likely, he and remains an impotent.

(The truth or not... Think...:) also stop to play about)

Isaev D.D.
10.05.2004, 05:44
To affect or influence body height of a penis it is possible only during the teenage period through influence on a hormonal background. So it is known, that at young men who on a regular basis smoke marihuana the level of Testosteron-Depotum decreases

10.05.2004, 08:40
Nonsense and nonsense. In many normal countries are going to to legalize marivanovnu