
Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! Inform, please, what is the time should pass or take place after...

07.05.2004, 13:10
The dear doctor! Inform, please, what is the time should pass or take place after the sexual certificate or act that it was possible to be surveyed in occasion of presence of venereal diseases in case there are suspicions on the bill partnershi?
With uvazheniemja, Anton.

09.05.2004, 00:26
For diagnostics sifilisa-about month, and a gonorrhea
In 2 7 days itself from the extremity or end will drip. And it will be better,
If run to the venereologist that at to not start
And others to not award. For similar excesses vse-
taki there are condoms, really a problem from them

Isaev D.D.
10.05.2004, 08:32
Dear Anton! It is necessary to not wait for favour by nature , and within two day after doubtful sexual contact opportunities of prophylaxis of infection (use miramistina) are saved. But it is better to do or make all right after the sexual certificate or act and to use a condom.
As the elementary rules of prophylaxis following references can be used: the emiction right after the sexual certificate or act allows to wash up the microorganisms which have got in a urethra, and ablution of genitals and mucosas miramistinom or 0, 005 % a solution hlorgeksidina (they are issued in special polymeric packings on 100 ml), can sharply lower probability of infection with diseases passed sexual by. For this purpose some drops of a disinfectant solution are squeezed out in mocheispuskatelnyj the channel, and 20 30 is ml used for ablution of an external surface of genitals.