Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstvuite, doktor, U menya takoi vopros: mi s moim drugom zanimaemsya p...

02.05.2004, 01:26
Zdravstvuite, doktor,
U menya takoi vopros: mi s moim drugom zanimaemsya pettingom. Vse bilo bi zamechatelno, no esli on vozbuzhdaet mne soski: rukami ili rtom, to posle etogo oni dolgoe vremya ostautsya vozmuzhdennimi i bolyat neskolko dnei posle etogo. On nezhen, ne o kakih ukusah rechi net. Mozhet li eto svidetelstvovat o bolezni? Esli vopros ne po adresu, podskazhite, pozhaluista, kogo sprosit.
I esche odin vopros: odin sosok u menya ochen tyazhelo vozbudit i on malo chuvstvitelen, ne mozhet li eto svidetelstvovat o tom, chto chto-to neladno?

Spasibo ogromnoe zaranee!

Isaev D.D.
03.05.2004, 08:57
Let's try understand that occurs or happens at stimulation of papillas: the strain, reduction of the muscles surrounding of dummies, a rush of blood to thoracal glands, also are possible or probable also reflex reactions in a genital zone. But us first two items or points interest. At once it is necessary to tell or say, that all people have a unequal sensitivity of papillas that finds reflection in preference lask the right or left breast is normally.
Further, you write about "exaltation" of papillas which is saved long time, i.e. emphasize, that in laskah breasts special, from your point of view, borrows or occupies reduction of muscles, change of a status of a breast. It is possible to assume, that muscular reductions okazyvaejusja too strong (spazmirujutsja) and in the subsequent you ispytyvaetet muscular pains (from accumulation in them of lactic acid) or, other variant, is observed stagnation of a blood in thoracal glands, their swelling or turgescence. What variant is correct it is possible to understand on character of sensations which disturb you.
Any special actions for prophylaxis of unpleasant sensations, except for circular weakening or relaxing massage of a breast, it is not required. The bases for alarm are not present!

Isaev D.D.
04.05.2004, 02:22
It is possible or probable the sponging down of a breast cold (cool) water, grinding by a soft towel can help or assist also. But is and more " a reliable way " - avoid direct stimulation of a breast any time, and train its or her alternating douche and massage.
Through any time sweep up or will notice, it is what is it trite to you on advantage or benefit!
Success and happiness!