Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shall be grateful to all for any advice or council...

01.05.2004, 18:23
Help or Assist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I shall be grateful to all for any advice or councils!!! Whether my guy hints as though for fun found out I want for it or him in marriage..... aja so always reacted... Say.... Yes you that from mind or wit have descended or gone..... And. t. d. t. e. Let know.... What for whom whom... And for it or him in marriage I am not going to.... (we are familiar only 4 months)...... And here has suddenly understood.... For what exactly it or him I also searched and for it or him I want in marriage... I want children from it or him........ Prompt.... How to make so that he to me has proposed.... As it or him to it or this to bring.... But that it was its or his idea, instead of mine!!!! Thanks in advance!!!

02.05.2004, 14:21
Vetochka... .ponimaesh... .ja I do not wish to push directly... It is necessary for me, that innitsiativa was completely it or him.... .hotja that so it seemed

02.05.2004, 19:52
To you will sing, that 4 _ and that the girl should not offer term. Well where it is written? Only it is not necessary to use cunning, take and tell or say all these words which have written on a site. And then it will be visible, all we are mistaken and without it or this the world simply is not interesting. So make that your Soul asks and demands now. Happiness, I hope it will turn out.