Просмотр полной версии : It or She had many men...

23.01.2004, 01:19
At me following "problem":
My present girl up to me had many men, and it seldom was the love (and as she said the love at all was not, only sympathy), i.e. she met them only for the sake of entertainment (including sex), and then threw them as bothered.
In general, me this " very or very much excruciates a question -VA " - in my opinion when at the girl many men, it is bad (it even is called a bad word, the truth, to my girl it cannot be applied, since she always did or made it only for the sake of herself and the pleasure, and in general it she always used men, instead of they to her). Probably, I so am excruciated and I can not reconcile to it or this since I like as still young (me 20 years), but on the other hand to the girl 19, and young men (sexual partners) at it or her was ~15-20 (it like 17 years as she said, i.e. for 2 years) - at me and that of girls was (simply I more constant) less.
In general, I never had anything against girls live happily also these public, moral and moral norms or rates me never excited, but in fact it is my GIRL whom I very much like...!!!!!!! Probably, I so critically concern to its or her such past, since I very-very jealous and awful proprietor.
In general, sense: I am am excited very much with that it or she had many sexual partners.

To put it briefly, I should be calmed (if I am not right).

In advance thanks.

23.01.2004, 10:47
If she at you too not the first, not zamorachivajsja on this subject. All us see you " that, unique " had any, other life. And in it or this is not present no trouble. And if it disturbs you, talk on this subject to the devushko, she can can explain to you the vital position and you will understand, that in it or this there is nothing bad.

24.01.2004, 14:52
Certainly she not the first......
One Chinese wise man has told or said: " the man is a teapot, the woman - a cup; the man spills tea on cups and from it or this nothing occurs or happens, in nothing varies, and here everyone pour into a cup and pour from different teapots, she all is filled and filled...... "

So : it I take enough literally, therefore I concern to girls, at a cat much more validly. Was less than sexual partners, than to who had many men........ In fact knowingly there is a man's proverb " with odnimy we walk, others we marry ".......... I at all conservative, I and most always liked girls with whom it was not necessary "to plant" longly and I considered or counted, but in "it or this" anything bad is not present: simply people receive mutual physical pleasure.....................
BUT! Then speech did not go about the girl whom I very much like.......

24.01.2004, 14:56
And its or her vital position up to me: to live happily, it is possible or probable egoistichno; to use men for any interests and t .p., sex for the sake of the pleasure..... In a word - stervochka!...................
Though when she series a word the stinker is the last that can occur to me since when she series she - the kindest, lovely, gentle, careful, liking and correct little man......

The blonde
30.01.2004, 18:53
" The man is a teapot, the woman - a cup; the man spills tea on cups and from it or this nothing occurs or happens, in nothing varies, and here everyone pour into a cup and pour from different teapots, she all is filled and filled...... "

" And in a teapot in the meantime all is diminished and diminished, while absolutely nothing remains... " Here and there are then with men any discomfiture. By the way, your philosopher too was the man. What could he write still?

04.02.2004, 02:17
Andrey! Same YOUR girl whom you like! And which, apparently, likes you! And anyway, but you - that the man to which she wishes to belong completely and without the rest to which wishes to give all itself! And that "big" quantity or amount of men which were at it or her, will help or assist her to understand, that you - the BEST! And anybody it is not necessary to her any more. She was developed already. As well as you, probably. Concern to it or this philosophically. It is not necessary to be jealous it or her of " phantoms of the past ". That was, has passed or has taken place. As it was UP TO YOU.

29.02.2004, 01:34
Similar, you not to phantoms of the past are jealous, and of that, what is it now can happen and with you. Your turn in fact too can approach or suit, correctly? It would not be desirable to be 21-st about which she will tell 22-nd? Here you are right - these fears for you are absolutely normal and quite justified. In general, a life the having purpose to give pleasure first of all to itself, can inspire (and inspires) some suspicions and fears. If she thinks only of the pleasure - that at what here you? Only at its or her pleasure. Will cease to deliver to her it or him and can (not necessarily, but chances are high) to become 21-st. Solve. A choice, as well as the responsibility for its or his consequences - on you.

16.03.2004, 01:25
Andrey, what for you go in cycles in nonsense which poisons zhpzn to you and your liked?! If you wish to know, you should be proud of that having sex experience and a choice, she nevertheless with you. I in the 19 have already officially married the person who for 4 years of our marriage or spoilage has never asked how much and whom at me was up to it or him. And men at me was not 10 and not 15 and time in 4 more. toko it is not necessary now is indignant to be bent and speak that I the prostitute. Never for years of a matrimony to me in a head has come to change to the husband just because I precisely know - is better it or him is not present also he is reputable also for love. He has proved it to me. You know the? And with that RESPECTED with me and wash feelings from first day of our occurring, the, that he my support and a leg, my wall - and in it or this its or his advantage. The silly jealousy of the past is caused or called in all men one reason - uncertainty in, phobia, that them will compare and in this comparison they will appear not at height. It is not necessary to be afraid of it or this, respect with itself and instead of asking bad questions buy or purchase liked flowers and tell or say to her that to you all that was up to you, the main thing that will be with you when you together. And she NEVER WILL betray YOU. Has understood?

24.03.2004, 20:47
Problem more likely that many ZPP (diseases passed sexual by) longly do not prove, but can affect or influence the future posterity... And in general, for the man such jealousy "is quite justified": the woman should sit at home and wait for prince...

28.03.2004, 17:11
And with Mari moglasen, and with the Paw............. Actually for couple of months-three of an introspection and self-suggestions with this problem I have consulted (besides as it was then found out she to me have to spite named such digit to tease (since during this moment was have strained in attitudes or relations), actually them 5-6)....
But at me and other problems with her suffice, but it already absolutely other history...........................................