Просмотр полной версии : VSD and diastolic pressure

12.08.2006, 11:23
As it is good that on your site the problem of this prokljatoj dystonias is activly lifted. To me of 35 years. This sore, under the name the o?-dystonia at me has begun with 20 years. What even because of this dystonia vynuzhena was to issue physical inability 3 gr (on new 1 st) on the general or common disease. And all has begun here with what. About 21 years strong headaches in a frontal part of a head, very much often with a nausea have begun. Diastolic pressure, when systolic in norm or rate also began to raise or increase. And so at me within 14 years pressure 120 on 100, 130 on 110 keeps, happens 140 on 120. Happens and 120 on 105, 140 on 115. Besides it or this strong thirst both a frequent and plentiful emiction excruciates, many times handed over a blood on Saccharum - Saccharum in norm or rate. And since the childhood at me the monthly cycle is broken or disturbed. Panic attacks and other displays of a dystonia about which everyone write - at me are not present. The consciousness always clear, is not present voices, hallucinations. Passed or Took place a heap of inspections - MRT heads - an arachnoiditis, an intracranial hypertensia, naruzhnjaja a hydrocephalus, REG heads - difficulty of venous outflow, MRT a cervical department - protrusions of disks and ostehondroz, US of ovaries - a polycystosis of ovaries, US shchitovidki - attributes tieroidita, the US of kidneys - in kidneys fine kameshki and sand, kidneys have the tuberous form from transferred or carried before an inflammation, in 21 year (when at me this not clear sore has begun) I had strong edemas and the bad analysis wet - fiber 0,168, leucocytes 60-70 in sight, erythrocytes - are individual. And treatments for an inflammation to me any it was not spent. In a blood the maintenance or contents of a calcium is always lowered - the osteoporosis has already begun. Heart in norm or rate. Any campaign to the doctor terminates in tears, I address to the neurologist, the endocrinologist, the urologist (even in occasion of kameshkov), to the gynecologist (with disturbance menstr. A cycle) - all of them amicably fling away me to the psychiatrist and the psychotherapist. It was treated in a hospital and at these doctors of the whole of 7 times, treated tranquilizers, antidepresantami and even tried or tasted neuroleptics from which at me at once there comes an extrapyramidal syndrome. From treatment of advantage or benefit any, the headache does not pass or take place, pressure does not go down, monthly are not normalized also thirst does not pass or take place, here and now having passed or having taken place already - they at me speak ten psychiatrists and psychotherapists go to other doctors and search for the true reason of the disease, your disease primarily, and the neurosis and a dystonia is consequence or investigation of your basic disease. Excuse for the long letter, very much I ask help or assist please, naishite pozhaljsta from what at me diastolic pressure can be raised or increased and hurts or is ill;is sick the head and that it is possible to undertake in this foolish situation.

23.08.2006, 19:53
The best, for the beginning - to take any urologist and prishibit publicly in an out-patient department, for ostrastki and that another not povadno was.
That the subject "prokljatoj" dystonias here is lifted, certainly, well, but, is similar to you this subject of the attitude or relation has no. You opisyvate many signs and deviations or rejections of various parameters, here only all of them have no attitude or relation to a dystonia. Even digits of your pressure. I do not wish to substitute for myself experts of other structure, but, using that knowledge that have remained with me from operating times on fast, I shall tell or say, that a high diastolic BP, moreover at low pulsovom (a difference between a systole and a diastole) specifies possible or probable edemas. At exception of cardiogenic edemas (i.e. if you do not have the heart diseases, the expressed circulatory unefficiency, etc.) There are kidneys. And kidneys, by your description, at you very much even suspicious. Stones and sand in a combination to depression of a level of a calcium in a blood up to an osteoporosis. Thus stones and sand, probably from a calcium, yes? MKB, usually, one does not go. The tuberous form, not treated inflammation in 21 year, " when has begun this sore "... At what here a dystonia?! It, more likely a glomerulonephritis (m.b. And a pyelonephritis) correspondence diagnostics - business not grateful. If one of these diseases really took place and has not been distinguished or recognized and cured, then, process could pass in the chronic form that can conduct to development HPN. By the way, here communication or connection with an inflammation of your thyroid gland and by others which probably still or even have been not revealed by endocrine disturbances (that does not exclude as I have already told or said, "separate" glomerulo (pyelo) a nephritis can be traced. It is necessary for you to find normal urologists (even one), the nephrologist too is necessary for you as well as the endocrinologist. And about people of my trade - forget, you do not have any sign of a dystonia. Neuroleptics and, osoblivo, contraceptive pills recommend to those "doctors" which to you recommend the psychiatrist - that were less made multiple copies.
If you live in Moscow, write on mail (since it has no attitude or relation to psychotherapeutic subjects), probably, that I can someone recommend to you. If is not present - will have to you to search for doctors most and as it will not be difficult, it should be made to save those rests of health which at you still are. Do not allow itself to ruin finally, and of "dystonia" get rid - you deceive!

P.S. By the way, try to describe the situation at a local forum on urology and endocrinology, m.b. Local spetsy can tell or say to you something cleverer and useful, than I.

P.P.S. Has looked or seen your reports at other forums and there was one more question: than and how you all it treat (especially me interests raised or increased by a BP) and what results (effects) from treatment?

23.08.2006, 20:49
Thanks you huge for the answer, I live in Snezhinsk is small goodok in the Chelyabinsk area - at us in city one urologist on all city - mudak dolbanenyj which to me did not begin to treat a kidney and have thrown out me with the bad analysis of urine as prokljatuju to the psychiatrist. And on its or his fault at me the daddy already as 2 years on a cemetery lay. He to him treated a prostatitis, and the daddy has died of a cancer of a prostate. Does not carry to me nak doctors and everything, one mongrels who put to me a dystonia come across and throw out as prokljatuju to the psychiatrist, yes at us anybody so does not kick cats!!!! But I do not put or fold an arm or a hand, searched, I search and I shall search further for worthy doctors who can help or assist me.

24.08.2006, 01:43
About! A class!:) and thought, that with a head at you the full order! och- proper response. All such reaction and such understanding - then such hm... urrologov as Zurabs with Onishchenko to public health services close would not admit!
Keep me posted. Can to soap or in Asku. You are expressed precisely and figuratively, but not absolutely in "forumnom" a format. Such charm - only for personal correspondence:)))
Nevertheless, if the administrator will not be against, I shall leave your report without censorship.
By the way, contact Aminazinkoj, it moder a psychotherapeutic forum on RusMedServere. Besides that she the good doctor (the truth, she the psychotherapist, i.e. not by your part), she still and the official of public health services also lives to you more close, than I (in a settlement Iridescent), can, she can prompt you as well as where to address, to what doctors or still than will help or assist.

24.08.2006, 21:39
The dear doctor, thanks big for the answer. But besides those problems with health about which I have described above at me there is still my problem. This problem consists in that that mum does not understand my serious problems with health. About 21 years at me have begun mykanja on doctors who did not wish to understand with me and threw out to the psychiatrist as I described above so mum seeing my tears after unsuccessful campaigns to doctors instead of me even to calm, time to help or assist than could not (is not present at us among friends and make related doctors to a great regret) she started to shout at me - " Times the doctor has not found at you anything and has sent you to the psychiatrist, means he is right (and unwillingness to understand with the patient is not counted) - there is at you nothing!!!!!!!! " Especially it concerns or touches my kidneys, the raised or increased diastolic pressure both an intracranial hypertensia. And these scandals at us with mother proceed and to this day. I any more do not know as her to prove that at me there is a disease, show her results of inspections, and she rejects all aside and speaks - it is not necessary to me. I speak her problems with health it is necessary as that to solve - and she to me - all leave my house. I live fortunately from mother separately. The Earnest entreaty - write please as to me now to communicate with mother who does not understand my problems with health. And still when I have left school, and school I have finished almost perfectly well, mum was categorically against that I received higher education, spoke, and the technical school will suffice the girl!!!!!! It during our that time!!!!! But I a little later to listen to mum did not become or begin, have entered the institute on a residence, have received higher education (the red diploma) and is very happy with it or this. Here only with health and with misunderstanding by mum of my problems does not carry to me. Very much I ask help or assist me please as me now to communicate with mum

28.08.2006, 18:53
Recently in a forum under name SKLISSA I have written about the problem with a headache, diastolic pressure and a dystonia. Here a fragment from my report at a forum.

As it is good that on your site the problem of this prokljatoj dystonias is activly lifted. To me of 35 years. This sore, under the name the o?-dystonia at me has begun with 20 years. What even because of this dystonia vynuzhena was to issue physical inability 3 gr (on new 1 st) on the general or common disease. And all has begun here with what. About 21 years strong headaches in a frontal part of a head, very much often with a nausea have begun. Diastolic pressure, when systolic in norm or rate also began to raise or increase. And so at me within 14 years pressure 120 on 100, 130 on 110 keeps, happens 140 on 120. Happens and 120 on 105, 140 on 115.

I to you wish podbrobno to describe a situation because of which I was ill also me as prokljatuju almost doctors throw out all to the psychiatrist. When I went to school, at me was it's OK, studied very well. Also it was absolutely healthy!!!!! But when I have entered the university in the regional center to Chelyabinsk - problems here have begun. I have lodged in a hostel - here and the hell has begun!!! Us in a room lived three, and constant visitors. To be engaged in lessons it is impossible - or, a laughter and hum up to 4 mornings every day. And exhausts it strongly. When I came home on target - I started to speak mum with the daddy, that I cannot live and study in such conditions - it is necessary to me to remove or take out separate habitation that I in a room a vein one or to be translated or transferred or even to act or arrive on new in institute in our city. But on it I heard each time - was not present!!! Any apartments, live in a hostel, in a hostel it is cheerful, there the companies, and that during it is necessary to hand over session is is not counted. So I from an intolerable laughter and hum in a hostel and from misunderstanding parents have got in psihonevrologichesuju hospital in unit of neurosises. And the university should be left. Parents after that to me have categorically forbidden to act somewhere to study when the psychiatrist to which I have got on the account were not against that I again entered the institute but only that I lived in human conditions. I worked as the cleaner and me zaedalo, that I more never can study. Any conversation with parents in occasion of that again to enter the institute even at itself in city came to an end with scandal and tears. And here in 21 year again with nervous failure I have got in this psihobolnitsu in unit of neurosises. Treated 2 months amitriptyline, sonapaksom, Relanium, aminazine and Neuleptilum (At us in Urals Mountains and in unit of neurosises very much even widely apply neuroleptics, what to speak about the serious "closed" units. From neuroleptics jolting and an extrapyramidal syndrome has begun. And then I before an extract have very strongly swelled and have recovered on 10 kg, but nobody paid attention to it. Has left without improvement. As I already earlier wrote - consciousness always pure or clean, voices and hallucinations are not present. After an extract from "durki" I had strong edemas both the head has sharply started to hurt or be ill;be sick and has raised or increased diastolichekoe pressure. It is 120 on 100, 130 on 110 and happens pulsovoe even less. During this moment has handed over urine - the analysis very bad, fiber 0,168, leucocytes - 60 - 70 in sight, erythrocytes are individual. As I earlier wrote - the urologist me with this analysis even to look did not become and the psychiatrist here has thrown out to the psychiatrist, but and and!!! Here after that moment at me not clear sore which doctors-potboilers name a -vascular dystonia also has begun. Edemas banish or have descended;have gone, but the head all the same strongly hurts also pressure diastolic keeps. In addition in a blood the level of a calcium has gone down, in kidneys have appeared fine kameshki, and from a calcium. Spent privately in some years after that nightmare obsledvanija - MRT heads, an arachnoiditis, an intracranial hypertensia, UZi kidneys - fine kameshki, kidneys of the tuberous form from the transferred or carried inflammation (only here it is not clear what), US shchitovidki - attributes of a thyroiditis, UZi ovaries - polikisto ovaries. When handed over urine on Zimnitskomu a specific gravity or relative density wet it is lowered. And still I have forgotten to tell or say at me after treatment in "durke" problems with a liver have begun - peche is increased, a cholecystitis and fine kameshki in zhel. A bubble. And how much I with it or this went on doctors and all of them pofig!!! To understand a reluctance, if only to push out me from a cabinet or study to the psychiatrist, diagnosed thus is VSD and on the basis of this diagnosis to throw out me to the psychiatrist. Whether very much I ask write please there could be such failure in an organism from psychotropic tablets, especially from neuroleptics and if yes that what is this failure, especially that at me has turned out with kidneys. And still I vseravno have received higher education, even with the red diploma, only I was not become necessary to anybody. For healthy people there is no job, and for invalids 3 gr (on new 1 st) especially. Very much I ask respond me please

29.08.2006, 01:02
Yes, it you is correct - with mum it to me:), is more correct to our brother, the psychotherapist.
Sovernshenno different problems, at the majority of the patients coming on reception to the psychotherapist, are more correct than the reason of occurrence of these problems, are connected with body height and education of the person in family, t.e it is problems which are framed owing to -nurseries to attitudes or relations. There are remarkable psychotherapists (for example, Drapkin) as which I consider or count, that these problems can already begin in a womb of mother, till a birth of the child. So if to look in a root, m.b. Your urologist and not too is not right, sending you to the psychiatrist... Here, only at me greater or big doubts that he did or made it from the big awareness in a psychotherapy, more likely - from small in urology:) And an infarct caused or called by the "mental" reasons (and infarcts practically ALWAYS psychogenic disease) a psychotherapy you will not cure. Late to be engaged in a psychotherapy, when on a myocardium cicatrixes. More correctly, not late, while the person is alive, never late and the psychotherapy presumes to prevent a repeated infarct, but here rassosat cicatrixes However, such strong psihoterapevtam as Kashpirovsky, and it, speak, it was possible:)

In general, problems with mum are problems for psychotherapeutic job, but now it for you problems not the first importance, correctly? First it is meaningful to find the normal urologist and to be surveyed. Open a subject at therapeutic forum RMS, there guys brisk, somebody to you will find.

And in occasion of attitudes or relations with mum, perhaps, will approach or suit while time or temporary "decision": be engaged in the business. "To do or make and "prove" are different business or affairs. Will choose now, that for you it is more important - to prove to mum, that you are indeed sick or to find an opportunity to recover. Concentration on two different processes simultaneously - extremely not an effective way (by the way, entering into "holder" of neurotic patterns). Represent? You can so to take a great interest, that ring out in psihushku with full "basis". And there, know, kidneys to you will not treat:)

By the way, the aspiration to "dokazatelnosti" at you, probably, extends not only on mum. If it so try when will catch itself on attempt something someone TO PROVE, instead of it or this something TO MAKE. Something to you useful. If will manage, sensations and result will like you.

29.08.2006, 01:49
Neuroleptics and antidepressants have set of by-effects, but inflammations and stones do not cause or cause, thanks God.
More simple situation is more probable: in bolnichke you proskvozilo, you have caught a cold and here to you pielo-(or glomerulo-) a nephritis with all following (edemas, rise of a BP, the bad analysis wet). Badly, and especially not treated nephritis tends to synchronization. It in turn, could promote and to development MKB though, in development MKB can play a role and a thyroiditis. Influence of both factors is quite probable. But business now not in it or this, and in how to not admit or allow razvite HPN and a granular kidney. If the nephritis continues to be is a possible or probable variant, and stones a situation only make heavier (by the way, stones in a liver, as well as stones in kidneys and the osteoporosis is not different diseases, and parts of one chain in which it is possible or probable the thyroiditis with a polycystosis) In general, at you a case strange is included or switched on also - doctors bring down in a dystonia, usually when cannot find the somatic reasons for complaints, and at you somatiki above a roof. I shall not understand, with what purpose it was required a dystonia pripletat? At you is (and SHOULD be) psychological problems, some easy or light;mild neurotic deformation, but, no more that is possible or probable also. Such is at the majority of people and the majority of people with it or this lives, does not die (though, everyone happens:)). To treat it is necessary to begin what more opasnov the given moment, for you is somatika, to me - after, clearly?
In general, give to "somatikam" on a forum - find there to itself the doctor, begin treatment, and then to me - with mum, education, with anybody uselessness and other "goods", have agreed?
If yes, to urologists press here
And to endocrinologists here
It will be easier, if you simply will copy history of our correspondence on these forums.
For convenience I shall unite both your subjects.

P.S. You have not written than are treated and as it helps or assists (I mean "somatiku", i.e. pressure and so forth).

29.08.2006, 20:00
Thanks for the answer. You are absolutely right, that it is necessary to treat somatiku, and then already psychological problems. But I cleanly intuitively feel, that I shall treat the somatiku and then problems of the psychological plan will disappear as superfluous and the help of the psychotherapist will be absolutely not necessary to me. And to mum to prove it is useless, she already began to get used that I have a true disease which should be treated not at psychiatrists. By the way I do not accept any psychotropic preparations within 12 years, they are not necessary to me. But the urologist in our city all the same extremely is not right, having thrown out me with an acute nephritis to the psychiatrist. But has come with this question to the psychiatrist - he has puzzly looked or seen at me and has told or said, and what for it you to me have sent!!! He (urologist) and with the problems and women with cystitises too to the psychiatrist sends muzhiks (strange type any). But I still had one more question at issue with which I cannot understand 15 years. As I already described, after treatment in psihbolnitse at me strong dryness and thirst has begun. In a blood in norm or rate and all endocrinologists me with it or this too send Saccharum to the psychiatrist. And psychiatrists in occasion of thirst amicably send all to doctors of other structure. I drink in day approximately 8-10 glasses of water in day, apples and lemons do not help or assist, all the same it would be desirable to drink. Peremogat I thirst cannot in any way, all the same I drink gradually. Here and I very much ask you help or assist to understand please with my thirst and that-too it is possible to undertake in this situation, from psychotropic preparations thirst does not decrease. Very much I ask respond please.

05.09.2006, 17:00
In occasion of thirst I have set a question to the therapist and all was reduced to treatment of mine in time uncured kidneys. Daja still I wish to write to you one case, that you posmejalis with all the heart, as me again perepihnuli to the psychiatrist. And business was so. When to me there were 19 years, I was hudenkoj, and now hudoshchovaja, at me the loin was ill. The familiar doctor-therapist, but in a kind of the of " very high qualification " he till now works on fast, has put me in therapeutic unit on inspection. The general or common analysis wet has shown nothing (for that moment of a pyelonephritis at thinking yet was not), apparatus Uzi in city was not, and the roentgen to do or make did not become. And on the basis of the unique general or common analyses of urine which was at me in norm or rate, me have thrown out with a back pain to the psychiatrist, at all not having suggested to descend or go to the neurologist for a radiculitis. I have come with it or this to the psychiatrist - at it or him an eye on a forehead, the loin hurts, and and here I. It not to me - go ka you to other doctors. Has soon gone on US in oblastenoj the center and there was at me a ptosis of a right kidney and sand in left. And so what at us in Urals Mountains " nice or famous and diligent " medicine if you are the close relative or the employee medsanchasti you will carefully survey and it is diligent to you to select necessary treatment. But and if you VA or Masha from street - that at all not having led a necessary minimum of inspections to one you are put the conclusion - VSD and treatment at the psychiatrist or the psychotherapist. It is a pity to me of doctors of psychiatrists and psychotherapists, that presently soon it is necessary to them sta doctors of the general or common practice!!!!

14.09.2006, 22:55
It not only at you not Urals Mountains. Across all Russia everywhere one both too and by the way, not only in medicine though in medicine it is shown was most acutely. Salvage rolling or drowning - a handwork rolling or drowning! What to do or make, this slogan remains our national feature and a key rule of behaviour.
In general - somatiku the treat, the reason of thirst is not in your head and to not do or make superfluous movements (to the psychiatrist and back) next time when what or "urologist" there will direct you, go or be referred at once to the head physician or in oblzdrav a department and set, it is desirable in written form, questions on the bases of your direction to the psychiatrist.
By the way, on your place, I tisnul the complaint in minzdrav with the detailed description of yours mytarstv and a mention First name, middle initial, last name, posts and places of job of your remarkable urologist. Can - to regard it feature of the Ural medicine psychiatry as of paramount importance any therapy, like as " All illnesses or diseases from nerves ", but even A.S.Ekzjuperi, the author of this statement, stipulated also exception of a rule, adding " Only a lues - from pleasure ".:)
In all there should be a measure, even in psychiatric "uklonizme" the Ural medical school. So, that for restoration of balance and harmony - write the complaint. To many or a lot of;much sense will not be (it is necessary to understand, to that complain;)), but, all is peer - nobody also to douche more, at the same time, will allocate or remove.