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13.01.2006, 15:11
I in poslednii half a year am constant razdrozhitelna, it still half-troubles, but I still and "wind" myself. For these or it polglda there was a rising pressure up to 140/100, but signs were only a headache. This time me already shaked and there was a panic and when to me have told or said, that also vessels polopatsja I hardly feelings not leshilas can, has checked up the cardiogram, have told or said, that speeded up sertsebienie so now I listen to heart, whether often byotsja. It is necessary to drink "Persen" or kakae- restful, like and you are forgotten. What to me to do or make? Advise, really to me pridetsja all life to live on restful tablets? Or there is other output or exit. HELP or ASSIST!!!! In advance spsibo

14.01.2006, 04:15
To you will not have all life to live on restful tablets. That occurs or happens to you and as it to treat, you can learn or find out, having read through a subject: http: // forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php? t=338450

16.01.2006, 14:46
I prochla a subject which you have advised me, to the psychotherapist I addressed, but she of anything efficient to me has not told or said. As to me has advised to drink tablets. I am Literally yesterday has felt, what burn cheeks-has measured pressure hardly is raised or increased, have drunk restfully (persen) descended or went in douche and at me that's all right How to learn to not wind myself? Help or assist, forces are not present more.

17.01.2006, 05:21
You have addressed to the bad psychotherapist. The good psychotherapist does not write out tablets and does not put diagnoses, he helps or assists you to solve your problems discussing them with you and clearing up for you their sense and possible or probable ways of the decision.
Find other psychotherapist, good. If it will not turn out and you do not have opportunity to visit or attend me personally we can work with you distantsionno, through Skype.

17.01.2006, 17:30
I with pleasure would use your services, only tell, please, as it through Skype.

17.01.2006, 23:51
Skype is a service the Internet-telephony. More in detail about this way it is possible to read through here: http: // www.psychetherapeia.ru/modules.php? op=modload*name=News*file=article*sid=3 in subitem " CONDITIONS of CARRYING out REMOVED (DISTANTNOJ) PSYCHOTHERAPIES "