Просмотр полной версии : Hypertonia after stress.

23.12.2005, 14:28
To me of 28,5 years
Signs of my illness or disease:
1 raising of arterial pressure, masimalnye which points reached or achieved 170 top and 110 bottom
2 numbness in extremities
3 sensation of a coming nearer loss of consciousness (the fact obmoka did not reach)
4 feeling of pavor before a loss of consciousness (more likely a logic explanation to itself(himself) why he arises)
5 pains in heart, a tachycardia up to 110
6 nausea
All this has appeared after a stressful situation

For last three weeks was such 5 attacks, one of which has ended with hospitalization in hospital, in cardiologic unit where the idiopathic hypertensia of 1 degree has been diagnosed me, NTSD and treatment in clinic of neurosises is recommended.

Question: whether it is possible to do without this measure - to be treated not within the limits of hospitalization.
Such displays of a pathology are how much serious and than they can threaten in the future.

For all that, that I opisyvalju, in a life more disturb nothing me both from physiology, and from psychology and mentality.

25.12.2005, 03:15
Yes, it is possible. As to clinic of neurosises, it at the best, a rest house with various physiotherapeutic procedures, and in the worst - psihbolnitsa with all following (rigid psychiatric trusteeship and treatment by medicines). Concrete conditions depend on that to that as will carry or who as will be arranged (whom as will arrange;)) In hospital there are 2 psychologists who read once a week san.prosvet to lecture to patients and are engaged in a psychodiagnosis. Rates of psychotherapists are not present at all, therefore the psychotherapy there is presented on behalf of especially advanced employees, as their private or individual initiative.
Situation for hospital, profilirujushchejsja on treatment of neurosises, to put it mildly, strange, but, considering development of a psychotherapy in Russia, unfortunately, usual.
I explain it, that you did not have vain expectations in occasion of hospitalization in clinic.
NTSD, it panic frustration (PR), is treated by employment or occupations by a psychotherapy with the psychotherapist. And a symptomatology described by you in a combination to absence of understanding of presence at you psychological problems - a situation, rather characteristic for a somatic neurosis (one more synonym PR and NTSD).
I can assume proceeding from that you write, presence at you a psychological problem, it is possible or probable not one and already enough long time. "Somatization" of a psychological problem occurs or happens slowly and in due course feeling of pavor, a numbness in extremities, sensations of a coming nearer loss of consciousness will decrease, and arterial pressure (together with signs of an arterial hypertensia - a nausea, pains in heart, a headache and a giddiness, etc.) will grow, i.e. gradually you will turn to the so-called hypertensive patient that is a pity, especially considering your age.
I would recommend to you to work a psychotherapy, yet late. A habitual hypertonia a psychotherapy any more you will not cure. If want, you can work about me then call to me and enter the name on reception. Do not want with me - find the psychotherapist suitable for you and work with it or him. Do not waste time on attempts of treatment by other methods - medicines, a homeopathy, massage, etc. In this case, anything good, except for, probably, time or temporary simplification and, as a result of loss of time, aggravation of illness or disease, these methods to you will not bring.
You can read through more in detail about NTSD (PR) in a subject: Panic frustration, the Dystonia. PR, PA, NTSD, VSD, etc. what to do or make and how to treat? http: // forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php? t=338450

25.12.2005, 15:15
Thanks for the answer.
Having read through written, I once again for myself have noted, that mutual relations between psychologists and psychiatrists can be considered or examined;surveyed as the communications between two conflicting camps, popravte me if I am not right.
Certainly, for me it is more preferable to go on psychotherapeutic sessions and to not resort to application of a pharmacotherapy, about its or her pitiable influence on a brain and the person of the patient it is written enough (so-called by-effects).
But there is such concept as development of serious endogenous or endogenic illness or disease, such, for example, as the schizophrenia, and application of medicamental agents is the unique method to stop illness or disease at an initial stage, and to tire out or drive it or her inside so that she in any way itself did not show and did not stir or prevent to the person.
That you can tell or say on this question.

29.12.2005, 17:52
You also are right and not right simultaneously. Psychologists are experts with the psychological education, engaged a psychodiagnosis, various kinds of psychological examination, etc. Psychiatrists are experts with the medical education, finished or stopped internship or intership on a speciality psychiatry and engaged treatment of patients with psychiatric diseases. Here, as you can see, no enmity is present, as professional functions of the above-named experts are not crossed.
With a psychotherapy it is a little bit more complex or difficult. The institute preparing psychotherapists in Russia does not exist. The first similar intsitut recently has opened in the Vein, and at us, in opinion of Ministry of Health in a psychotherapy the doctor who has ended or stopped courses of a training for a new profession on the basis of RMAPO on a speciality "psychotherapy" can be engaged only. The psychologist practising a psychotherapy, besides, in opinion minzdrava, should name that he does or makes by psychological consultation or psihokorrektsiej. Psihokorrektsija - entirely domestic, homebrew concept, result of struggle for "feeding trough", between psychologists and psychiatrists. This situation is not specific only for a psychotherapy. For example, for the right to be called as the sexopathologist borjatsja psychiatrists, urologists, gynecologists and endocrinologists. For the right to treat a hepatitis With (and only With! Treatment And and In hepatitises is not so commercially favourable, as treatment of a hepatitis) borjatsja infektsionisty and hepatologists, etc. Examples it is a lot of and the general or common in them that, what is it struggle for profit, no more and not less that. Naturally such situation worsens and without that not enviable position of patients (as consumers of services), but it is already global all-Russian phenomenon. Each person in Russia, being in a role of the consumer, it is unimportant that and for what sum, feels on itself as it is bad to be the consumer:) And the interesting fact: the main psychotherapist minzdrava Karvasarsky does not agree with a position minzdrava on this question and considers or counts such position by infringement of the professional rights of psychologists. The Russian psychotherapeutic league, on behalf of the principal prof. Makarova which member I have honour to be, holds the same opinion. Thus, absolutely not clearly, who forms this, unfair to psychologists, a position minzdrava.
Except for the above-stated here legally-legal aspect of "enmity" of psychological and psychiatric camp, it is considered me, that there is still a difference in the clinical approach of psychologists and psychiatrists to treatment of the patient (client) in a psychotherapy. It is usually accepted to hold that opinion, that psychologists in the psychotherapeutic practice are inclined to use so-called normotsentrichesky the approach and to consider or examine;survey problems sick (the patient, the client), as a deviation or rejection from the norm or rate, caused or called by the certain circumstances and situations. Psychiatrists use so-called nazotsentrichesky the approach, i.e. problems sick of it or him see as signs of any mental disease (nazologii) and treatment in this case is directed on treatment of the concrete, diagnosed mental disease.
Normotsentrichesky the approach m.b. A little bit more close to precept Pavlova " to treat not illness or disease, and the patient ", but it is easy to notice as that and other approach are in the pure state defective.
To treat, for example, sick of a schizophrenia, with a bouquet of a symptomatology accompanying this illness or disease bezmedikamentozno, considering or examining;surveying signs of illness or disease as usual deviations or rejections from norm or rate to not see behind trees of a wood - stupidly and dangerously. Too most it is possible to tell or say about treatment of a neurosis by a medicinal reduction of a neurotic symptomatology. In this case incorrectly used medicines transform the healthy person suffering by a neurosis in mentally sick., unfortunately, it is a lot of examples of it or this.
It is necessary to remember, that the diseases supervised by so-called "big" psychiatry and named mental are diseases or with the unstated reasons for today (napr. A schizophrenia, a is maniacal-depressive psychosis), or with the reasons about which for today there is nothing to consult (napr. A senile aphrenia,- Altsgejmera, etc.) Therefore, agents used in the big psychiatry are directed not on treatment, and exclusively on a cupping, a reduction of a morbid symptomatology. Antidepressants do not treat depression, neuroleptics do not eliminate or erase;remove the reason of hallucinoses, anksiolitiki do not act on the reason of alarm - all these agents are capable to influence only signs, displays of these statuses, but at all on the reason. Such approach takes place not from a good life, and more likely from powerlessness of a modern psychiatric science.
Absolutely an another matter with the problems considered or examined;surveyed by "small" psychiatry. The psychotherapist together with the patient (client) reveals or taps the reasons of a neurosis, depression, a phobia, etc. and by means of a psychotherapy eliminates or erases;removes the reasons of these statuses together with caused these reasons signs. Any psychotherapeutic job always should be 6 first of all on elimination of the reason of a morbid status and already then on the signs caused by these reasons.
Will agree, that there where such approach is possible or probable, its or his use is more perspective and is justified, than the approach directed on elimination of signs.
Moreover, use " simptomnogo the approach " there where it is possible to reveal and eliminate or erase;remove the reason of a morbid status, is wrongful, aggravating and aggravating for a status of the patient, down to a lethal outcome. Refusal of medicamental simplification of signs of the patient there where we now not in forces to find the reason of disease is not humane in relation to the patient and in consequence or investigation of weighting of a symptomatology, also, can lead to a lethal outcome.
Such here in the image business or affairs " between two conflicting camps " are:)
In summary only I shall tell or say, what is it the animosities exists only there where the nonprofessional approach (in consequence or investigation of absence of professionalism in greater takes place or less degrees), insufficient mental development of "expert" (any educational institution not in forces the diploma to compensate this disadvantage:)), a material interest of "expert" to the detriment of interest in treatment of the patient. All these reasons can operate or work in any combination and in any proportions.
And on the contrary, in peak to it or this there is the so-called "biopsychosocial" model describing ideal for the client (patient) of mutual relation of the doctor (psychiatrist), the psychologist and the social worker (sociologist).
I, for example, adhering to this model as the psychotherapist, I maintain close relations with known both very good psychiatrists and psychologists and can how to receive, as required, developed or unwrapped psihodiagnosticheskoe the conclusion on the client (at psychologists), and messages its or his pharmacotherapy or () to hospitalize in a profile hospital, for passage of hospitalization, for example, in the same clinic of neurosises (due to cooperation with psychiatrists). And I shall continue to conduct the patient and within the precincts of clinic, I shall simply do or make it together with the doctor of this clinic that guarantees the patient against various accidents, such, as for example, wrong treatment.
My position is those: for the patient, klinta it is always better, that each expert, the expert in the area, was engaged in the business, thus coordinating the job with experts in other areas and directing or referring this job on an end result - simplification of sufferings of the patient. At such position as you can judge any " enmity of camps " is not present.
In opposite a case, it should me, having simultaneously medical and psychological education to beat itself on a head, and in fact it would be not reasonable, how you consider or count?:)

02.01.2006, 10:20
The citation: " In opposite a case, it should me, having simultaneously medical and psychological education to beat itself on a head, and in fact it would be not reasonable, how you consider or count? "
Probably it is professional humour?!

I can fairly tell or say, after perusal of your essay the desire to descend or go to the psychotherapist or () to the psychiatrist became considerably less expressed)).

At me a question.
What methods of diagnostics exist directed by the diagnosis of the patient with psychopathologic signs which he can spend independently houses? (tests and tp)

05.01.2006, 18:31
Methods of self-diagnostics does not exist. Any diagnostics assumes presence of sufficient knowledge in diagnosed area. Psychological tests not exception, and acknowledgement or confirmation of this rule. For example MMPI (SMIL), considered validnym the test or dough of a psychodiagnosis, demands for the analysis of results given out by it or him, job rather and rather qualified psychologist. Too most and in even stronger degree it is possible to tell or say about job with others, less validnymi (both more complex or difficult and subjective in processing) results of other psychological tests.
In occasion of the citation resulted or brought by you is not professional humour, it is personally my humour. Meaning that it I so joke. It if want:) my personal feature. To a psychotherapy and furthermore to other psychotherapists and psychiatrists this feature of the direct attitude or relation has no. Therefore, if your desire to descend or go to the psychotherapist or (to the psychiatrist became considerably less expressed only in consequence or investigation of features of my humour - go safely. Formation of similar humour demands a combination of many specific conditions, therefore probability, that you will come across something similar, will aspire to zero. I assure you, all is far not such, as I. I am more likely exception of the general or common rule, than its or his acknowledgement or confirmation:) Therefore if my "essay" keeps you from desire to address for the help personally to me, address for the help to other experts, in clinic of neurosises, at last. Try or taste, compare, ask questions on it or this or (others sootovetstvujushchih:) Forums - operate or work. The best (and unique) the belief is own experience and own knowledge.
Understand me correctly, into my problem or task does not enter to persuade you to agree with that point of view, that you will be helped or assisted only by a psychotherapy, and a psychotherapy exclusively with my execution or performance:) It would be obvious, so - it is incorrect. You CAN come to conclusion, that employment or occupations by a psychotherapy is that can help or assist you and that would be desirable you. And can and not come to it or him;them. Or can not come to it or him;them NOW. But I am assured or confident, that you will manage to choose the best that you can choose at present in that situation in which you are. Therefore, I am quiet. And you?:)

06.01.2006, 07:49
Doctor Alekseev!
And to me your humour has seemed inappropriate, flat, even to nurseries, short of, that disrespectful and frivolous in the given situation!
Only give without insults for it is nonprofessionalism! Each psychologist should be neutral from psychological reactions to address of the patient or the interlocutor on a site, even as a moderator. Certainly, you can ignore me or even pobanit, but, in that case, I shall find or consider, that you simply have not coped with a problem. Yes, at me such character.

I can Fairly tell or say, after perusal of your essay desire to descend or go to the psychotherapist or (to the psychiatrist became considerably less expressed)).
Here I wrote at all about your personal humour, at all about you is concrete, and a situation in the market of psychotherapeutic, psychiatric and psychological services.
You repeat about unwillingness to persuade the patient too much, I have not thought of it or this at all, that you try to make it, same not marketing.
I try to understand, I collide or face with what social phenomenon (besides medical and other aspects of treatment) which is designated by me for itself as " treatment of mentality of the person in Russia . To me interestingly, first of all, for itself to define or determine a collective psychological portrait of the Russian Psychologist.

11.01.2006, 21:06
Listen, Inga!
So at once also have told or said, that be going to " to define or determine a collective psychological portrait of the Russian Psychologist. "
It is felt, that for you it something means - " the Russian Psychologist ". In your writing or spelling it any more the name, it already a rank!:)
Here only at what here I? I not the psychologist, I the psychotherapist and with what humour I about it or this would not write to you, with flat and children's, flashing and professional (an estimation m.b. Various) you could notice this fact in my reports. Nevertheless, not similar, that you have made it. Probably, you had to it or this reasons.
To me it is not clear, that to you gives the basis to think, that I shall listen or auscultate to your estimations of my humour and my professionalism, and also, to give you without insults.
" Each psychologist should be neutral from psychological reactions to address of the patient or the interlocutor on a site, even as a moderator. " Is you someone has deceived. If you consider or count a neutrality in relation to acts and behaviour of the patient as obligatory professional quality is YOUR opinion. If you think, that I SHOULD be guided on it or him is too, exclusively YOUR opinion. That at you "such" character does not do or make your acts under the attitude or relation to me insignificant and does not relieve you of responsibility for the behaviour.
You have addressed to me with concrete complaints to the health from what I have concluded, that my help for elimination of these problems is required to you. From subsequent your reports it becomes clear to me, that not only the help is not required to you, but you quite accept your status, moreover, you are happy or enough with it or him are follows from the statement " Yes, at me such character ". If your status would be for you a problem, you would be engaged in searches of ways of the decision of this problem, instead of creation of a collective psychological portrait of " the Russian Psychologist ". So, the problem any at you is not present, or, you do not want it or her now or () with me to solve. Therefore, the conclusion, has consulted or I have not consulted with a problem, to become business of taste and personal preferences. Moreover, as I wrote above, the psychotherapy is a cooperation and result depends on joint efforts, the psychotherapist and the patient. It is not meaningful to try to solve the problem, simply "having brought" its or her therapist. So, that to me seems to more correct a variant of the conclusion, that you did not have initially any real problem and you at a forum were engaged in prosecution of the latent purposes, for example, creation of a collective portrait of the Russian psychologist that can be and it is good, but to the purposes and problems or tasks of my job at this forum has no attitude or relation, or the problem at you is also to us TOGETHER it was not possible to find ways of its or her decision. Anything good in it or this for me is not present, and for you... Probably, that you are able to take pleasure, showing disrespect for people which try to help or assist you, spending their time in vain, bearing or taking out their behaviour the estimations, demanding, what they all it is neutral prinimalii and catching them on nonprofessionalism in your comprehension. Probably, probably... For at you, yes, such character. By the way, it is widespread enough character of an average of " the Russian psychologist ". Often the people who are not able and not knowing that dalat with the problems, start to supervise, estimate or appreciate and recommend another, feeling from it or this themselves above and more self-sufficiently. So, that from you would leave I shall not tell or say that quite good, but rather collective portrait of the Russian Psychologist. It to you additional features to a portrait, use for the research.
Unfortunately, I do not see the further sense during our dialogue, therefore I close the given subject and I ask you to not leave more the comments in subjects of other visitors is it is forbidden by rules of a forum and I shall delete them.