Просмотр полной версии : What to do or make?

29.08.2005, 13:27
Please, help or assist me. Below I result or bring data on, the status, and a problem.

To me of 19 full years. Was born in family of students. Two at a birth, a prematurity 1 items, a hypoxia, an asphyxia legk. Item, an encephalopathy the Father the engineer. On character benevolent, quiet, executive, soft, appeasable. Mother the teacher. On character timid, kind, soft. The kindergarten did not visit or attend, was brought up with the brother of the house, mum did not work while we have not gone or do not send to school. Did not like to walk, play with other children (except for the brother). To school has gone from 7 years. Studied well, but school did not like. The exact sciences and history liked. To read did not like. At school got tired, houses lessons did or made longly with frequent breaks. In mugs or circles was not engaged. Was unsociable, shy, timid, hypochondriac, morbid. Passed or missed much, but always caught up. Has left school with a silver medal. Has entered the university.

From the childhood was hypochondriac, disturbing or alarming, unsociable, timid, conscientious. In an elementary school could not look at some children, thought, that if I shall look or see, there will be something unpleasant, a day nursery the view casually encountered them, tried otmargatsja, as though "to push away" eyes that has seen. There were other "rituals". In high school about 6 classes there was such strangeness:
I had an inclination with sensation of a strain to touch with arms or hand and nokami various subjects, parts of a floor, on some times after that the strain decreased. In general always I feel an internal strain, not the opportunity will relax, easy to have a rest. Visiting of employment or occupations svjazanno at me with a strong strain both internal, and muscular. In general, except for as in school, and then in university, I where I do not leave if I leave only with parents. If I should appear outside of the house to one palms at me sweat, heart often fights, in a mouth dries up, to a throat drives komok, the head is turned. The same reaction appears, if I get under the general or common attention or I am in small groups or simply I meet friends. I avoid similar situations. I do not have friends (yes I and do not want, with someone gets acquainted). Concerning to other people I am afraid to offend, complicate someone, at dialogue I embarrass, my voice varies, becomes silent and illegible. The slightest criticism konfuzit me, I feel to myself guilty, sometimes even words of criticism ring at me in ears still longly.
I very irresolute, I am am excruciated constantly with the doubts arising in occasion of the most insignificant things (for example, sometimes I start to doubt, whether really I like any song or I have forced itself to grow fond of it or her).
I very hypochondriac, even not appreciable trifle can cause in me a chain of unpleasant associations, and impressionable, read through and whether the withdrawn unpleasant episode causes in me pavor, that same can, happens with me or my relatives.
Often I am in a status of alarm and a presentiment something not pleasant.
I sleep badly. Even the long dream does not give me feeling otdohuvshesti. Often it is removed or is taken off;dream nightmares. I wake up with feeling of alarm a presentiment prijatnostej.
I am not active, quickly I get tired, I do not feel in myself energy, vital forces.
BP practically always povyshenno (160/90) if I do not accept a medicine, pulse 90.
There are headaches in occipital area.
Mostly I am in the suppressed mood, I am betraid to every possible reflections. Something is difficult to amuse or please me.
In general, I the person who has been not adapted by a life and struggle for existence. I give in to difficulties, washing usual reaction to them this flight. I am am frightened even only with possible or probable troubles.
Entering in institute - the beginning of an adult life became for me impact, I have appeared is not adapted for her. My status has worsened. On employment or occupations I am hammered on last series, there is in a constant strain, even at lectures, and laboratory it simply nightmare. Eventually, on I 3-eat a course, I could not transfer or carry it or this began to pass or miss of employment or occupation. It was necessary to take the academic holiday. But on September, 1st he comes to an end, it is necessary to come back to study, besides in other group.

Please, tell that with me (if it is possible the diagnosis) and advise, as to me to be.

Thankful in advance.

02.09.2005, 00:24
Otvette pozhajlusta, hto-;)

04.09.2005, 10:23
Smile to itself! You the young guy, and so zatsiklen on the sores! You of anybody do not wish to get acquainted and be friends, but someone should be at the person. Even a dog. Seriously. My friend, having moved to other city was extremely lonely, well will not approach or suit in the street to the person and will not tell or say " allow to be friends ", has picked up somewhere the puppy and he, as she said, has given a start in life. With it or him it is necessary to walk, care, and then in fact "dog lovers" know all each other...
Probably, to the doctor, it would seem delirium, but I consider or count, that the friend is necessary, and is more devoted than the animal friend difficultly to find:)

04.09.2005, 21:52
Yes here something neohoto in general from the house to leave. And it is on the contrary hammered in a distant angle ohoto.

05.09.2005, 00:41
Means hammer into a distant angle, time this comfortable status for you, bad in it or this that is not present, and try to concentrate on itself, cast away all ideas, take in arms or hand of the book: namely I advise to begin with the Bible, from any another orthodox Christian litiratury and if will read at first difficultly and not clearly, you can alternately read "Louise L.Hej's" books, but necessarily come back to the church literature. Go to church, and in general be set by questions of belief and meaning of the life. Your problems are not new and solved, but I think only you. If you will go it or this by and you will plunge into it or him with a head, in half a year you will recollect this time (time of the decision of own problems) as the happiest time of your life. Psychotherapists if will carry and you will find horshego take much (from 400 r. For 1 hour), but navrjatli can solve a problem at a deep level and help or assist how probably momoch to itself.
Be engaged in self-development, spiritual body height, purification or ablution of mind or wit, ideas, and problems will leave by itself.
Problems were about similar.

08.09.2005, 19:17
Caneton, should warn you what to follow to advice or councils e-Y-Y-Y... Splinters-dignities (?:)) you cannot - could, so would not write here that you write, and quite follow to advice or council Dmitrija_A can, here only fallen into in arms or hand often a meeting type of the psychiatrist during a possible or probable aggravation of symptoms risk to get in a case history a sign with the sonorous name " a mystical intoxication ". However, here I shall not argue with the previous orator, dobyotes you all for smaller money - the Bible can be received it free of charge in any religious community, so, that potratitetes only on Louise Hej. She has written not a little, but, I think, the treatise about 7- beams for eyes will suffice you - and the sign will be, and money not greater or big. Probably by inexperience (and style of the letter of Dmitry, similar, is caused or called so-called " Fever of the neophyte "), and can for what reason he to you has forgotten to recommend some grades of fly-agarics, poganok and cactuses. If want rastatsja with the head once and for all your status + the Bible + Louise Hej + the pair fly-agarics is that is necessary for you. Cheaply and angry. Only brown do not eat.
All it, certainly the joke, which sense to be reduced to that you would understand, that on the future, to appeal at a psychotherapeutic forum: " respond WHO NIBUD " it is not necessary. From the most good promptings to you start to respond, and in fact not all here... Psychotherapists. If you understand hints pay attention are a hint!;)
If I do not respond, it simply means, that I do not have time - internal reception takes away it or him almost all. Simply wait a little and I shall respond. In fact if I had a lot of free time, means there would be few people whom I fly or treat, and it most likely could speak that as psihoterapet I am not strong. I would respond in this case more quickly, but hardly my answers to that nibud would help or assist. Such here pies with kittens...
Now in essence.
Your detailed narration, especially its or his beginning navejalo on me rather certain associations. As though I became younger than years on ten and I look through a case history in a psychiatric hospital. I should ask, and ask, so I can:) - whence at you this style? What for a syllable? Often "laid"? Or you my colleague? However, one another does not exclude, and frequently, on the contrary, it is fine combined:).
So, if you till now have managed to slip past nedryomannogo an eye of the Russian psychiatric paradigm to you I have largly carried also can count that you not otjagoshcheny a consequence of crossing of your ways in the form of long-term experience of reception of antidepressants and neuroleptics and your status is not direct result of their use. It will facilitate an opportunity of rendering to you the psychotherapeutic help. Certainly, not especially straining, it is possible to design to you the psychiatric diagnosis and nazanachit usual medicamental "treatment". With it or this any psychiatrist in regional PND will consult. If such way does not arrange you - try or taste a psychotherapy. In any case to speak about any forecasts it is meaningful only at an internal occurring.
So - look.

09.09.2005, 11:06
In a hospital I did not lay, and, unfortunately not your colleague. It is such character trait if I collide or face with any question I try to study or investigate it or him as it is possible more full and more in details. Tolka now do not think, that I nachitalsja books on psychiatry and have started to feign. What for I then addressed to you? All that I have written it the truth. While looked forward to hearing from you or to your reply, went (with parents certainly), to the psychotherapist, like to the best in our city. Through pair sessions he tried to appoint or nominate to me Phenazepamum, galoperedol, salts of a lithium. Effect was not, and he has advised, will address in PND. By the way on September, 1st I in institute have not gone. Parents in a shock. The psychotherapist has told or said that at me a neurosis of obsessional statuses, I setim do not agree, it does not describe completely my status. If it is possible, hotjaby presumably, napeshite kakkoj the diagnosis postaveli
Thankful in advance. Yours faithfully.

09.09.2005, 16:22
I cannot diagnose in absentia and moreover, to diagnose is a prerogative of the psychiatrist, and in any way the psychotherapist. The psychotherapist is engaged in TREATMENT, instead of diagnostics since treats, professing principle Pavlova that it is necessary to treat the patient, instead of illness or disease. It still is called normotsentricheskim as the approach. It is impossible to treat by means of a psychotherapy a neurosis of obsessional statuses, and here the patient, a neurosis suffering by thus form - it is possible. Personally the diagnosis, and a way of improvement of your status is necessary to you not. Correct for me if I am not right. And if I am right, the best therapist in your city means has appeared for you is insufficiently good. Such happens. Look for another - should be.

09.09.2005, 17:14
I know that there so at this psychotherapist, but he has given up to me has sent PND. There to me too were not delighted. That not menie many thanks for your answers. Yours faithfully.
P.S. If you consider or count, what to me the psychotherapist how to choose such that has helped or assisted can pomoch, through what time after the beginning of employment or occupations it is possible to expect improvements? Once again thanks.

Tanja S.
10.09.2005, 20:48
Greetings, caneton!
At your brother-twin the same problems?

10.09.2005, 22:03
Yes, almost same, only he is even more closed, whom does not start up in the private world. And it or he has more than problems with expression of feelings and emotsiy. Still he more obstinate also is more exacting to the order.

11.09.2005, 20:23
Dear Psyterror, as to Study or Investigate and understand itself the deviations or rejections I have re-read and pereiskal everything, that is possible on the Internet, prochel classical works and textbooks on psychiatry, but became easier from it or this to me not (everywhere write about a symptomatology, a statics, dynamics or changes, etiologies, etc., but there is no place as most with house conditions somehow to myself to help or assist) but only I nachitalsja have allowed an occasion to speak that to " any turbidity and itself has thought up to myself a problem. As to ask in Russian-speaking and English-speaking conferences , all answers are reduced to what to diagnose, and furthermore to give correspondence advice or councils it is impossible, come to us or address to other doctors. And as to doctors of a corresponding or meeting structure to find in not the big city (nearby 300 thousand), Not so it is simple. I was at several. The first has softly refused, the second has taken for pair sessions 1500. (it for me not a little) and has sent in city PND, the third has told or said, that basically at me all will be normal, if I shall not go in cycles in it or this. So to find the good doctor - a problem. As to PND to go I am not solved or do not dare, am afraid, that there the general or common approach, and it is necessary to swallow of psychotropic agents only.
P.S. Excuse for a question, yours nic - Psyterror, you that do not like psychiatrists?

11.09.2005, 21:45
Uv. Psiterror!
The psychotherapeutic forum is a place intended for the psychotherapeutic help. For all another there are other places. I ask you to consider it when you here write.
Reports not having the direct attitude or relation to psychotherapeutic consultation will leave.

15.09.2005, 13:02
Dear Wel:-D, I can not understand, whom it you so polivaeti, whether me? If not me then what for to do or make it in my subject?

16.09.2005, 13:09
Dear Caneton!
Besides what is it "your" subject, it still and my forum. A forum which I moderate. I moderate is means I am engaged in activity promoting continuation of normal functioning of a forum.
Therefore, if you closely or attentively esteem that I write, you will see, that I in your subject "water" nobody, and I am engaged moderatsiej a forum and in this case to you, not to otrytoj in you to a subject, this process has no attitude or relation. Certainly, if it not you were registered under anybody Psyterror. In general, a verb to water, on mine approaches or suits to the description of activity, for example, gardeners, yard keepers, etc., than to mine more. Agree with me?
Reports signed not yours anybody have been removed by me from your subject, and my answer (the answer on Psyterror:)) for it or him has remained (differently, as though he about itself has learned or has found out?:)) the circumstance is possible or probable, what is it and has made upon you impression, that I "water" you. If it so - that I am sorry and more time you I assure, that to you it has no attitude or relation.

That, as to your question, on how it is better to choose the psychotherapist and that and when to expect from a psychotherapy - about it or this has been much written in a subject the Psychotherapist: a psychological portrait. Pro and contra. (http: // forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php? s = and threadid=21165).

In order to prevent the further misunderstanding, I delete the previous report from your subject. To a subject it of the direct attitude or relation has no also the role has already executed.

17.09.2005, 15:51
On references of a moderator, the answer has left here
http: // forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php? s = and threadid=343641