Просмотр полной версии : I can not put in motion...

13.05.2005, 09:08
Never addressed to the psychologist... All tried to solve itself... And now I at deadlock...
In 21 year has met the guy, met as friends, but suddenly all pereroslo in something greater... Then we were separated by its or his parents...
Now at me a problem - I can not meet anybody another.... As soon as business reaches serious attitudes or relations - I at once "escape" from the new gentleman... Now already 25, and in marriage probably it is necessary to me... And all the same recently has given up to the next groom...
I very sociable and loneliness for me - torture...
But why that I do or make all... To remain one...
From it or this at me depression behind depression... From what to me is even worse...


14.05.2005, 09:07
Hello, Lena!
Unfortunately, I can it is not necessary solve in absentia to you in marriage or not is not much not by my part, but it is assured or confident, that with it or this you will understand.:)
Now as a matter of fact. That you were separated by parents of your guy is, certainly, there was a stress for you, but at me vonikajut some doubts in occasion of what he has generated those problems with which you now collide or face. Probably, that the present or true reason not in it or this or not only in it or this.
How at you with opportunities to pass or take place an internal psychotherapy for the decision of your problem?

Dr. Preobrazhens
25.05.2005, 18:30
I support or maintain the colleague and I advise to address to it or him;them for the help. He seems to me correctly has noticed that you, probably, hide in the subconscious mind.

04.06.2005, 15:36
I understand that to difficultly me to help or assist virtualnjam in the way...
But to a regret at me is not present while an opportunity to get
On internal consultation.
I live in small city (the Udmurt republic) - and the qualified experts here are not present...
Whether probably to you to communicate through isq (227659602) or by e-mail: pr-mail.ru ?

While it at me last chance to understand with that that is created...

Dr. Preobrazhens
06.06.2005, 13:53
Doctor Wel:-D conducts virtual consultations, address to it or him;them through its or his personal mail box.

15.06.2005, 02:12
You will be valid for helping or assisting difficultly in the virtual way, nevertheless - let's try or taste. Is better to do or make it through a forum, that from study of your problem could benefit and other visitors of a forum. If you are confused with similar "publicity" - can write to me the letter on an e-mail address or through Asku. In the latter case do not wait, when I shall be in he-. Almost always I stay in a regimen of "invisibility", therefore - send inquiry about authorization, look forward to hearing, and having waited - begin dialogue. If I shall be at this time in a network - I shall respond, if is not present - I shall respond, when I shall be.
Have agreed?