Просмотр полной версии : Change

16.03.2005, 21:50
This word too severe, painfully, terribly, is insulting, tears, grief, the melancholy, not come true dream, nonsense....

And as a result?


What for?

05.05.2005, 12:02
the Initial report _

This word too severe, painfully, terribly, is insulting, tears, grief, the melancholy, not come true dream, nonsense....

And as a result?


What for?

Nikogd ane I shall agree, that Change, it is similar to mors... It is simply next delicacy of the person, and as though nebylo it is difficultly necessary to put always itself above it or this, to understand that that who has changed or has betraid simply naprosto it is unworthy yours nimanija, nust will feel that loses... But it protso high words... As which I consider or count it is necessary staratsja priderzhivatsja... But a result always one, a pain, insult, tears... What for neznaju... It simply delicacy... And we imem on it or her the right...

25.05.2005, 07:57
the Initial report _

This word too severe, painfully, terribly, is insulting, tears, grief, the melancholy, not come true dream, nonsense....

And as a result?


What for?

Change. Often prihodtsja to hear this word. But, let's specify about what at us there is a speech, what you name treachery? Change of the close person? And can be, he by the moment of change already and was not to you so is close, you have already psychologically kept away from each other?

Therefore for it or him this change can be the insignificant fact, and for you wreck of plans and hopes.

Therefore, analyzing the status, trying to understand it or him, vykarrabkatsja and to adjust the life it is necessary to understand, that you so are adhered to this person, by whom he for and who you for it or him.

Read through a material about change in our forum, I already wrote about what happens change why and that for her costs or stands: http: // www.forum.nedug.ru/forums/forum_65560/795004/