Просмотр полной версии : Whether the method is dangerous.

22.04.2005, 10:15
Dear Veld!
My young man suffers a tonic stammering. Very much wishes from it or him to get rid and here has found a new method.
A certain Igor Smirnov.
Here the citation from its or his site (in what treatment approximately consists):
" Treatment consists in bombardment sublimirovannymi signals-messages which can be perceived only at a level unconscious. They "are issued" by a computer attached to the patient by means of headphones, the sensor controls, special glasses or spots. Treatment consists of two phases. The first consists in revealing "soul" of the patient, its or his reaction to a series of the "questions" perceived only at a level of a subconscious mind on most prominent aspects of its or his life: family, job, money, sex, politics, tastes, personal predilections, pavors. Thus is diagnosed "illness or disease", and there is a transition in the second phase in which given out commands consist of the equipments-advice or equipments-councils;installations-advice, "orders", with a view of psihokorrektsii the individual. At a level of consciousness the patient does not feel and does not understand anything. But its or his subconscious mind absorbs commands, fixes them and there is "miracle": The careless student, for example, studies all day long, the toper stops to drink, the thief any more does not steal, the neurotic becomes quiet, etc. "
Something can you heard, know... Whether it is dangerous and is how much effective.

26.04.2005, 15:18
Listen, Bars, you it is far not the first day on we wash a forum and at you a certain knowledge base in the field of a psychotherapy and psychologies already should be generated:) the Base sufficient what to not come across on any pseudoscientific rubbish you the clever girl!:) good, and on the old woman happens... (I not about your age:)).
In general your question unfortunately is enough seryozen also is important. Unfortunately, therefore as not you set one it, to me letters with questions on this method began to act, it is obvious at I.Smirnova the advertising company has begun. I you do not call to believe or to not believe in a method, and I want, what you and were interested or interested people have understood a question. We shall begin with the analysis of the description of "method". Than as a matter of fact it is? It is the offer of a certain product, the goods. What under the form this offer? Far off this offer pseudoscientific is visible that under the form. And not scientific, namely pseudoscientific. We be asked now by a question " What for such, pseudoscientific form is necessary? " What to answer this question, let's estimate or appreciate that impression which scientism of this offer causes in soznaniii the potential buyer of the given goods. Have estimated or appreciated? I shall try to guess. " Bombardment sublimirovannymi signals-messages "," a level unconscious "," are issued " by a computer attached to the patient by means of headphones, the sensor controls, special glasses or spots. "..., etc. under the text. However, impresses? What calm, and? For completion of a picture, can come into a drugstore and ask the instruction, say, to preparation "proproten" for "treatment" of alcoholic dependence and pohmelnogo a syndrome. Pay in her attention to terms like " mozgospetsificheskie bodies ". Than not " sublimirovannye impulses ", and? Also, I recommend you to listen relamu everyone BADrjani which continuously twist on TVTS. Besides, just at a forum there was an incident - "attack" to mountain-psychologists of "doctor" Saakjana, "experts" on "treatment" " energoinformatsionnymi technologies " an author's method of "hologram". A subject http: // forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php? s = and threadid=341136
The situation is those, that using disorder of branch of public health services and that that people thus to hurt or be ill;be sick have not ceased also what not all patients have medical education (the last normally, badly that Minister of Health has no it or him) making profit thus on human mountain and problems and offering or suggesting in exchange ahineju vermins of all colours simply do or make everyone of money.
Let's not slobber and grow dull from K.Sobchak's -show, and we shall recollect, that the person by nature nagrazhdyon reason and we again and shall try to use it or him again. I am assured or confident, what is it will bring positive takes;)
In this case simply look or see at advertised or promoted results of this "method"
" The careless student, studies all day long " - perfectly! To hell reform of education, teachers and private or individual tutors!
" The toper stops to drink " - well here even to tell or say there is nothing, considering statistics of treatment of dependences, something nearby 5- %, it at least nobelevka to the inventor and happiness of 30 % of the Russian families together with the light future.
" The thief any more does not steal " - to hell all system penitentsiarnyh establishments, judicial supervision and militia!
" The neurotic becomes quiet " - e... Similar it is time to me on rest? What for tiresomely, uneasily and longly to be engaged in a psychotherapy, when here such privalilo? podvergnul the brain " to bombardment sublimirovannymi signals-messages " from komptera and forward! That so is a lot of people on the Internet sits, probably, brains to itself and at the same time and another bombardirut... Whether interestingly, qualitatively they and how much or as far as percent or interests spend " sublimation of signals-messages and advice-equipments or advice-installations;councils-equipments "? If to you not laziness, ask this question And Smirnovu: " How he sublimates the signals of the message, how much or as far as it is qualitative sublimation, whether are lost during shrinkage important for podsosznatelnogo a level mozgospetsificheskie the bodies demanded for psihokorrektsii of the individual by the equipments-advice or equipments-councils;installations-advice in the form of an order? " Directly so it or him also ask. In general, at a schizophrenia original frustration of consciousness when the patient speaks a mere verbiage connected among themselves, for example, is observed, but thus of absolutely deprived sense. But I for the first time see, that on it or this it is possible to do or make money. Though... We Shall recollect the majority of advertising pearls and advertising -shows... Alas! " About times, about customs! ":)

26.04.2005, 15:35
If the subject of a stammering and its or his treatment will be interesting to visitors of a forum, I can agree immediately with the experts recognized in this area with the purpose of consultation at a forum.
Basically, I and itself stammer:), but before me this question not that at all would not disturb, and is simple somehow arms or hand did not reach...

27.04.2005, 09:59
I already ask I.Smirnovu a question I can not, as he pochil in boze in November, 2004. To you I have set a question that the young man who stammers, have read through YOUR answer. As to him it was important. My exclamations in occasion of pupils of students and bredovo- fields have seemed to him, probably... I do not know than have seemed, but he to me has not believed (you, the girl, talk, we know, who is cleverer, yes, Sergey Anatolevich? - Not that is cleverer, at whom an egg.) though the person formed, the principal of a legal department, clause or article, scientific jobs...
Here this DESIRE to believe everyone who whence undertakes, promises treatment. Especially if the Member something there is written, the Russian Academy of Science, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Science and "psiho"? I thought, what is it only pensioners are conducted on tableti for an enlightenment and a girdle from sobachatiny. He has tried everyones babok (in good sense of a word), psychics, the Center of the Pathology of speech, has gone even on "BrizMejker" (as which I too consider or count as nonsense), etc., etc. all over again I was full entuzizma - " that-string we shall think up ", but now at me arms or hand fall. " I badly spoke ", " People have thought, that I brake ". And there and then the mood spoils - does not wish to talk, nothing wants. Wishes to lay the face in a pillow, can even begin to cry.
Yesterday this pier. chel., certainly, after your answer was porot. But... This idea in itself sits. (has not beaten out:)
If at a forum someone could consult on problems of a stammering is would be excellent or different.
And in general I adore stammerers (Veld...)

27.04.2005, 10:25
It would be very healthy, if at a forum it would be possible to talk to the logopedist. This question excites very much many!

06.05.2005, 08:22
I shall try.:) the subject is in development.
Thanks yours a pier. chel., that who has cleared me a situation whom to that at you it is necessary:)
One of these days I plan visit to Shklovsky's center, I shall try to understand itself. The technique described by your km/h is a technique logopedic and standard enough, and "game" - in general bosh and most likely harmful. I about the center had more good opinion.
In general - I shall understand.