Просмотр полной версии : Esche odin vopros...

18.12.2004, 16:59
Whether there are any ways that will get rid from razdrazhitelnosti? I recently all react to criticism more painfully, I can flare up without the reason, shout at the husband. He very silent, quiet person, and I similar absolutely have sat down to him on a neck-hardly what not on mine-th I start to be irritated. Though very much I like it or him and then it or him it becomes a pity to me. In what the reason of such my irritability and how with her to struggle? Yours faithfully, Julia.

23.12.2004, 18:52
Hello, Julia!
Unfortunately my answer to you cannot flash originality. Alas! I Am consoled only in that he but will be absolutely exact. A guarantee!:)
So, to solve your problems to you the psychotherapy will help or assist. I hope, you did not expect from me, what I shall advise you what or medicines?
You are irritated on the husband obviously because for you it at present the most safe direction a boring. Or someone irritates you something, something not so, but all negative arising at you, you "merge" on the husband. Obviously, for you it is easier and easier, than to react immediately to that object which is the reason of your emotional response.
It is good already, that you understand, that this mechanism (readdressing of object of the answer) has a lot of essential disadvantages, the basic (but not unique!) a disadvantage - you that frame ground for occurrence of problems with your husband.
In general if live in Moscow - enter the name to me if is not present - find the good therapist there where live and start to solve your problem.

P.S. A beautiful picture! How much or As far as she is similar to you?:)

15.01.2005, 17:46
Spasibo za sovet, no ja poka ne mogu obratitsja k psihoterapevtu, t.k.ploho ewe znaju jazyk etoj strany, v kotoroj jivu.po-etomu pridetsja borotsja so svoim harakterom samoj.
Moe foto vy uje videli (tema-na chujbine, ja sprashivala Vas kak zavesti druzej v Norvegii, i Vy mne posovetovali snachala vyuchit v sovershenstve jazyk) .I ewe ja zametila-moja razdrajitelnost uletuchivaetsja, kogda mne muj chto-to pokupaet, naprimer on kupil mne trenajer-ja uje 4 dnja hoju v horoshem nastroenii. No ja nikogda ne schitala sebja merkantilnoj, naoborot mne vsegda bylo naplevat ne dengi. Mojet mne vse taki dorogo ego vnimanie, i po-etomu ja ne razdrajajus, kogda on vokrug menja prygaet?

18.01.2005, 09:22
Now I have learned or have found out you!:)
I am sorry, that has not guessed at once, under the image which you have attached in this subject:)
I agree with you that is possible or probable to you there is no attention. In while an alien environment for you, you can require a little bit greater display of attentiveness of the husband to yourselves. That it would not look or appear so mercantily, try to offer your husband other forms of display of its or his attention to you which would arrange you.
Figuratively speaking, find for it or him an opportunity to jump around of you, but without a simulator:)))

18.01.2005, 21:35
I was never imposed itself to men, probably I have got used, that always polzovalas success and have been surrounded by attention. And now I as-as if peterjala the former charm, the husband certainly very much like me, and he very good person, whether but suffices me passion that, or we with it or him simply too different. In sex we do not have problems, but he all the same does not understand some my desires. He very much konservetiven. Probably that we such different, I though and very much I like it or him, sometimes nevertheless feel lonely, especially in the another's country. I hope it soon will pass or take place, thanks for support!!!:)

25.01.2005, 02:36
Try to explain it to him. It is assured or confident, that at you he will turn out also with pleasure will go to you on an occurring:)