Просмотр полной версии : At me here to All of you correct voprosik has arisen... Though a subject such, what...

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20.08.2004, 09:00
At me here to All of you correct voprosik has arisen... Though a subject such, that I am afraid all of us we shall squabble. But for one remarkable person it important also would be desirable him to help or assist. Why you consider or count, on what basis, what at us, at women though in what that is more the than rights to the child, than at men??? They in general deprived of civil rights in these questions, for example cannot plan the child, I have in view of married men, as a rule it is more from the wife depends, rozhat-to not give birth or not travail, even it is possible and to not tell or say... And a return situation when are yet married...! Well what choice at them? Two condoms and more bandage just in case? There Are certainly still injections what that, only they in man's circles have not got accustomed and not only in Russia. I do not deny the mutual responsibility, speech not about it or this, is simple opportunities to solve or decide such things, at us, it is more than women. And it is given by the peahen to dispose of lives? I shall want... You will see, I shall not want... You will not approach or suit? Similar zamahivanie on a level of the GOD as that diko and strange sounds. Before to write about such things though it is necessary to think that similar behaviour not for the good of the child a little, and simply revenge, for itself offended and oskarblennuju! That is it, what your ego and vanity above all? Well and if... He such vile, unusable, not worthy, etc., and t. Item where earlier eye sights or eyes were? Lived, liked, gave birth or travailled? And then have suddenly taken and have taken offence..., only children here at all at what. At me to you to all the earnest entreaty to not write about the personal insults, but only in essence. Than can damage or injure;hurt to the child presence own DADDIES? (if the daddy not pjan, not the narcomaniac and not the patient) and in what you see the advantages?

22.08.2004, 04:09
It would be desirable on a personal example, but you have asked to not write about it or this:) Then I shall tell or say, how chuvstvuju-At divorce the child remains with mother. What feelings of the father? (not all, certainly, in the world of fathers I analyze, but their greater or big part) the Father, naturally, will miss, experience, but is fast enough uspokoetsja, a life will enter in new kolleju, new acquaintances, job, intimacies. .a that at the woman? Yes all too most, but at one NO-She cannot live without the the child. On mine, here all is clear. Papochki krichat-I Shall select! With the rights I shall deprive! I shall condemn! And in practice? Ridiculously. .a the woman does not shout, does not threaten, she is simple, silently without the child cannot live. It is thought up not by me, and not you, it so the nature has disposed. Not without reason she has put in pawn a maternal instinct in the girl since a birth (the same game in dolls, dochki-mothers), and the man when the father to feel itself begins or starts? All on a miscellaneous, but units " go pregnant women " together with the wife. Would be overflown psihushki if so it would be easily possible to take away from mother of the baby. And then, the stepmother is worse, than the stepfather. Normal mother in insult of the child will not give, and the father? Specially, certainly, will not give, but he, as a rule, at job by the whole days, and at the stepmother the to be born, khan then to that child that has been seized with foam at a mouth. Not gift or for nothing govorjat-the Father is not present, walls of the house burn, mother is not present, all house glows.

24.08.2004, 08:36
Let's only a stick not bend. That person about which now speech, in any courts does not want, and in general to operate or work as that already boitsja, molochko in fact can be gone! Speech not giving, tearing apart children, and just about, that it or him it was better even if to develop in due course at parents other life, will be and machihi, and stepfathers, only razve will be worse to the child if also native the folder is? Let not every day, let a fairy tale every evening does not read, the life here so has developed, but he is, and a difficult minute is to itself to come running, and not only in difficult. We have the rights to deprive this child? We have the rights so to revenge the man? On what basis? We like more? Not always and not the fact, it is simple at men love another, but the God for what that and has created us different, and we DIFFERENT both are necessary to children!

26.08.2004, 11:35
Certainly, Nika, you are completely right that are necessary to the child both mother and the father. It is true which does not demand proofs. I can in an extreme measure and have hit, only I tried to generalize, instead of to speak about Volode particularly. And its or his situation already discussed, well it is possible and more, certainly. Here a little bit other situation, and another that very much he than the wife has offended that, time she on such has gone. Simply so, for the sake of the pleasure, the woman in the mind or wit of such actions does not make. And the child, is just born, and, probably, so there were circumstances, that she has solved, that he only it or her and nmi whose more. I shall repeat, but without the reasons it does not happen. Only the patience, love will help or assist Volode to correct a situation. And by the way, kindly to see, that good fathers still were not translated or transferred:)

Emotion Nike
27.08.2004, 17:57
The answer unequivocal - has mother MORE than the rights! I shall explain why. The first conclusive reason it that the woman bears nine months of the child, is excruciated by toxicoses, any restrictions, korchitsja from a pain at offensive or approach of fights... Gives birth or travails at last, then experiences not less difficult postnatal period. What does the man do or make at this time? At the best supports or maintains it or her in every possible way - in the worst (majority) goes on * djam. Who throws the children more often? FATHERS!!! You will not have time to blink also an eye as at it or him already other family or other child (and even another's on education). Besides I speak about the majority. You will tell or say women too throw - yes, but it is very rare - it is necessary to be either alkogolichkoj or narkomankoj or at all there should be a maternal instinct. We go further. Who sits at krovatki the kid when that is ill or sick? Who does not fill up at the nights? Who to be worn with the kid on hospitals? MOTHER!!! At us it is right more as we do or make for children more than men. At Volodi very original atypical case. In general has correctly noticed Klarissa - daddies only swing arms or hand, and mums do or make. And then, Nika, what is this the request at you - do not write on personal experience. On mine each person is based on the experience and experience of people which it or him surround in a life. When I at the first breaks shouted - and I shall take away the child from you, I shall see how much how much I shall want, etc. and t. Item to me it was ridiculous! And what you when we lived together did not run home to malyshke to talk to her, pobyt together to take a walk? What, a doll? How did not become series so has noticed? Instead of to a daughter to happen more often, had a seat on the machine or car with friends in a drunk intoxication, ga-ga-gi-gi - leaved for night. As to a situation with Volodej, he too shouted to the wife that that did or made abortion! As though you felt yourself after such words? Moreover also offended about difficult pregnant days. And when all serious remains behind, the baby has arisen, here he at once was drew and has grown fond. I in general, to tell the truth, have not understood your question! Oh, poor men deprived of civil rights! Whether and mother really solves and will solve it is necessary to the father to see the child as she and forces in the kid puts all soul. So was always and it is thought up not by us! Nika! And if you want, that did not go too far, then ask a question particularly on a situation with Volodej and not the general or common, type: in what you all) of mother see the advantages and why all) fathers so are deprived of civil rights? So we speak in general about all fathers and mothers or about the concrete person? Here it is possible to tell stuff about unworthy fathers, but to Volode it, for example, concerns will not be. And the majority of fathers and many with me soglasjatsja - really present or true vermins! And then any sane woman will not deprive with the child of the good father whom pomogaeti as you speak, is in presence and will come running a difficult minute. Simply so mothers do not discharge fathers, means there was a weighty reason. How much or As far as I know, many women so that at the child were the native father, on the contrary, suffer or bear very much much in family: pjanki, changes and even poboi!

The humming-bird
31.08.2004, 11:40
It agree With Klarissoj completely!!!! Mother sacred, she always thinks first of all of the child so the woman is arranged. Men others, I do not speak, that they bad, simply others. Mother and the child a single whole, with fathers on another. Even love to the child at them not such as at mother. Badly without the father, but with the bad father is even worse. I bring up one two children one, I the widow, but my children bathe in love, I see series of the girlfriends at which not all is smooth in home life, and it is a pity to me of their children who at alive fathers practically and do not see fatherly love. That we have we do not store or we keep, having lost we cry. Eh, daddies....

The anonym
01.09.2004, 03:26
And when mother pjan, rvan and full razratnitsa? What tell or say, dear or expensive? When the man brings up the child, and mother and in a head does not come to congratulate it or him even happy birthday. It is not necessary to confuse, eat different fathers and same different mothers as the leeches eating and zhivujushchie due to others, and on the child to spit wanted: (

04.09.2004, 22:46
The anonym! Here asked, on moemu-the STICK TO NOT BEND! Let's recollect Ivan Groznom killing the son still! I to you shall tell or say, that mat-pjan, the rubbish, razvratnitsa-Is the SCANDALOUS case, and here otets-pjan, rubbish and babbling or idle, it through everyone some families!: ((((

The anonym
07.09.2004, 12:24
Claras, I have told about myself:)

The humming-bird
10.09.2004, 17:44
Umnichka Klarissa! Whether it is a lot of among your familiar mothers who have thrown the children? And fathers? It seems to me the answer it is obvious. Praise to that father which gives the child more than mother, but their units.

14.09.2004, 02:46
When my husband diko has gone on a spree, to the child there was a year, I sat in the decree and it or him not vonovalo, that its or his son while he weeks drooped with girl-friends eats. When I have submitted on divorce, he had the nerve zajavit-I Shall deprive with the maternal rights and I shall select the son! On friends I shall go, he will write, as narkomanka, and babbling or idle. I at it or him a vein, all friends, neighbours, were ego-friends. Also what as a result? Has passed or has taken place 13 years. Well and where he? Time comes to a floor of year the receipt on 120 roubles. And such cases MILLIONS (unfortunately), the return too happen, but about them films remove or take out, t. To. It as already was skazano-a scandalous case.

14.09.2004, 18:05
The dear Anonym! Very much you it is a pity to me, I shall tell or say bolshe-I Remove or I Take out before you a hat. Here only, it is single instances, and the woman any can tell such history. If not about itself, that is the sister, mother, the girlfriend...

The anonym
17.09.2004, 14:04
It is not necessary prichesyvatvseh under one crest, vshej to not deduce or remove: (

The anonym
21.09.2004, 10:37
Claras, it is better lifchik...

Emotion to the anonym
24.09.2004, 23:01
Such cases as at you it is not a lot of (with fathers vermins - many times more!). Basically mothers like the children and go with them together on a life not looking on any difficulties. And when mother renounces from own the child for the sake of binge, debauch is simply brutally. It not the woman! And especially NOT MOTHER!

26.09.2004, 12:48
I already read it in dialogue with Lerchikom:) Simply is such ordinary vyrazhenie-As a token of respect, remove or take out a hat:)

The humming-bird-a?yi??N
27.09.2004, 13:42
Your case Albina unfortunately is absolutely normal. Among my people familiar many or a lot of;much with a similar situation. As though from you wrote, it becomes opposite, what is it becomes norm or rate.

The humming-bird-a?yi??N
28.09.2004, 03:27
Your case Albina unfortunately is absolutely normal. Among my people familiar many or a lot of;much with a similar situation. As though from you wrote, it becomes opposite, what is it becomes norm or rate.

28.09.2004, 14:39
Here imenno-NORM or RATE! On the business most that this case is not normal, but became norm or rate. Here and it turns out, any woman ask, to her is what to tell...: (((

29.09.2004, 07:03
You, Nika, write about the "remarkable" person who should be helped or assisted. It is interesting to me, what will be with this person through god-two where its or his all fuse will get to? Cases such - prud-prudi. It is normal man's reaction to hurt pride and no more that!!! It is necessary, have not given him to what he there something has put or applied the ! Yes he has lost the rights to this kid already when on abortion sent the wife, when offended its or her pregnant woman, and together with her and not born child. Fatherly feelings have woken up? Anything, will pass or take place time and he about it or this will recollect only as a vital case, will find to itself that, that will suffer or bear the similar attitude or relation and will be forgotten with her. Unequivocally, the woman of the rights to the child has more. It is proved, that the maternal love is unconditional - mother of the child will like any, sick, healthy, clever or silly. But fatherly love - CONDITIONAL, her child should win, correspond or meet to certain conditions, esteem psychologists: And our and foreign. These are thin matters, but I hope you will understand, about what I. And so to the father, iz-for this reserves too it is necessary to correspond or meet koe-to that, and to understand, that you do or make and you speak, if want rights any to possess. And that as leaves: you would go the darling on abortion, and that nah the child is necessary to me! And when the child was born, he lives without it or him cannot! Recollect, native as the child on mors sent, and then and think, who without whom that can and cannot!

29.09.2004, 22:27
Perhaps, my reasonings will seem cynical, but too it is necessary to tell or say about it or this: the woman, giving birth or travailling to the child, RISKS the life and health, the man does not risk anything, therefore and women on the child have more than rights. And there is she on it meaningly, for the sake of the child. And the RESPONSIBILITY during this period lays on her: to give birth to the healthy kid to her it is necessary and to eat not as she would like, and as it is necessary for the kid, and infinite honey. Surveys to pass, change or take place, change all regimen, the schedule of a life, much to refuse, that is pleasant and to what has got used, often to finish career, job. As you can see, victims in the name of the child she brings much more, than the father of its or her child. And consequences of sorts or labors happen quite often much more serious, than the spoiled figure, crumbled a teeth and the thinned head of hear. I any more do not speak about a psychological load, more correctly, an overload, and its or her consequences, about the postnatal period. Pregnancy is not a natural status of an organism of the woman, it is JOB which wears out an organism. The doctor from a maternity home has told or said to me, that it is better than the following child (for an organism of the woman) to give birth or travail through 4 5 years, minimum through 3 years, earlier healthy organism will not be restored. By the experience I shall tell or say, that I have come to a maternity home the blossoming woman, and have left the gray-haired old woman with the undermined health and mentality (at sorts or labors to me have brought an infection, then hid it, treated barbarous methods, I and my child from antibiotics nearly have not lost hearing, I have almost gone blind, the truth then vision was partially restored, doctors, trying to suppress morally that I have stopped to find out me on whose fault of all this has occured or happened, were threatened to take away the child and to send me in psihushku, etc.) . And who after that has more rights to the child? It is necessary to give due my husband, he very much supported or maintained me at this time. And now everyone happens, but I, recollecting it or him during this period, very much much I can forgive or excuse to him. I simply physically then felt its or his support, love, care.

The humming-bird-NaONO??N
02.10.2004, 03:13
Similar on a hymn to the present or true woman. Study men as it is necessary to overcome difficulties. Near to the wife. And to cry then, that to him do not allow to see in the child

03.10.2004, 12:44
Nika, - to mine in vain you zatejala all this conversation. Believe, not all people with ease can separate from the personal experience (as was to be shown), anyhow everyone has splashed out the insults, let even in the general or common words. To argue, who is more important for rebenka-the father or mat-it all the same what to try to find out, what arm or hand vazhnee-right or left. And a life both give the child of the parent, and it is not necessary to men to stick, that here supposedly you do not give birth or travail. Eventually at everyone in a life the reserving. I understand, that my words will change nothing also everyone remains at the opinion, here only all the same it is big greh-to deprive with the child of dialogue with parents intentionally. I in Odessa have one familiar semja-aunt Lida and its or her grand daughter Allochka. When Allochkiny parents dispatch or deliver;have missed (her there were 5 years), razborok iz-for the child nobody arranged, of it or him have simply got rid to the grandmother and everyone has begun to arrange the private life. At those rare or infrequent moments when they recollected, that they have a daughter and navedyvalis on a visit, aunt Lida always accepted them, released or let off to take a walk with the girl and never with what has not reproached. From grandmother Allochka never heard any thin word about the parents though they were worthy the latest slov-at alive parents rebenok-the orphan. Allochka already for a long time has grown, has married, and they live happily all family together with the grandmother who has grown up it or her. And father Allochki has died several years ago of a cancer of a throat, mother is alive, but spilas is final. And I have recollected this history to that repeatedly advised aunt Lide that she on a threshold did not start up parents of the grand daughter, the girl very much liked them and very much experienced, when they left. Here also there is a question: it would be really better, if aunt Lida has followed to such advice or councils?

05.10.2004, 20:06
Da-a-and, Volodja, certainly me has disappointed: (I Like the child, I can not live... And that he also did not want the child, now is clear that the foggy phrase " means the wife offended ", I too have left also the child never would give. And then, how to be mothers when it is possible to tell or say, she already considers or counts herself as "single mother", to her to live further is necessary, she still can meet the person who becomes the worthy husband and the father, and here appears was or former and speaks - has given birth? Has brought up? Well so give I now too I shall nurse. About personal experience - at me the girl-friend in such situation - I ask it or her - where your father, and she I do not know, while money gave well, and shchas at it or him money is not present also he to me is not necessary... Here and all love.

05.10.2004, 22:55
I shall explain the situation in occasion of abortion. Yes I sent the wife on abortion on 5 month of pregnancy. Also I shall explain it to that when I have told or said: have gone or send to the REGISTRY OFFICE, we shall undersign, that the child on me has been issued and that you were the OFFICIAL WIFE. The wife has waved away and has told or said: I with a stomach or belly in the REGISTRY OFFICE shall not go and forget about the child, he not yours! I have told or said, if mine then neither you nor me - go DO or MAKE ABORTION!!! All! She has compelled or forced to tell or say insults in its or her address. I still time shall repeat, well damn me, but I do not concern to such type of men as " sunul-vynul-and have gone ". I when have learned or have found out about pregnancy, in me have played any feeling indescribable, that nakonets-that I shall become the father, I shall make all for the child that he did not require what. And when to me threaten with all punishments and deprivation fatherly prav-then I would not advise IN GENERAL to me TO THREATEN. Even if as the wife has admitted to me does not like of me and it is not necessary! At us is docha and I more wives like it or her (fairly I admit).