Просмотр полной версии : My situation, probably is old, as this world!! I already wrote to conference pr...

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16.08.2004, 21:44
My situation, probably is old, as this world!! I already wrote to conference about uneasy attitudes or relations with my groom We there were 3 years, are familiar 4 were going to to live together, to get married But when I started talking about wedding, he spoke, that now not time, that he likes me and we shall get married later At me was the reasons to believe him, he always was series, in all helped or assisted to Me was very good with it or him, is comfortable And one month ago I has told or said, give or allow shall get married in this autumn, me 27, I for a long time dreamed of the child and thought, that all over again is necessary to marry, and then already and to give birth or travail that then have begun!!! First, he has told or said, that it is necessary for its or his mum to tell or say, that we are going to to marry, and then the application or statement we shall submit . (it was one month ago), but he has not talked to her and speaks give in a trace to year we shall get married, so will be is better, I certainly was upset almost month we did not see and did not communicate, I thought, he needs to consider time all!!! Has passed or Has taken place month, we have met (has told or said, that missed and that likes me) then I have told or said, good give we shall get married in a trace to year, but the child we shall get or start in the near future and we shall live together he has agreed, I even was glad, if is fair But when on sledushchy day we began to speak on this subject, I has understood, that he wants or wishes that I lived separately from it or him!!!!!! On my reasons, that I wish to live with it or him, he has told or said, that one wishes to live!!! I have asked, as he represents, that I shall rent the apartment one, to give birth or travail to the child, and in general as I one shall live, he has told or said: And than I can help or assist you??!! I have been simply shocked!!! To live 3 years with the person and to hear from it or him such words!!! I even could not present, what he so will tell or say, in fact he always spoke, what I to it or him;them shall move, and he wants it or this, as well as to marry me, differently he with me so much years did not meet I naturally it or him has said goodbye for ever, and he has asked, in what he is guilty and what such insulting to me has made??!!! In fact has not thrown in a wedding dress in a registry office??!!!! Still tongue has turned to tell or say, what to leave does not want with me and does not throw me!!! Now to me so it is bad, I recollect about itself and tears navorachivajutsja . Really the love does not happen??!!! What for he so?!! I do not know, as to do or make further, till now it or him I like, and he probably does not like, if so all turns out ..: (((Excuse for troubling...

17.08.2004, 15:41
And how old is he?

21.08.2004, 10:25
To him too 27.

25.08.2004, 05:29
Situation insulting - chtotut you will tell or say. Evli to him 27 and he thinks, how to mum to inform, what marries that with whom there are 3 years?!!!! (and as kstate she kvam concerns.) Strange - at least. Most likely he the person simply irresolute. If you really like each other - try to save attitudes or relations. Find out and try to understand the reasons by which he is guided in the behaviour. Frank conversation will help or assist to reveal YOUR JOINT PLANS for a life. In any case it is better, than at once to act rushly. Do not hurry up to sever relations, you it will be in time. To you already 27. It is a youth, but pozdnovato for the first child. Find out, whether road you to him as he to you, or you have simply got used for 4 years of acquaintance. I had a similar situation, but we were then is younger than you, and to get married nebylo opportunities. Then I HAVE suggested to get married and simply to live together. We and now are not painted, but while children are not present is suffers or bears, and there - all utresetsja. Try to begin with small. Do not press. Men always on this bill brake. " It is necessary to THEM TO HELP or ASSIST neupustit the (and yours) happiness ". But it only in that case if both of you are assured of your attitudes or relations. I wish your of good luck.

27.08.2004, 07:58
As the man I declare. This slobberer, maminkin the sonny will spoil all your life. Think seriously. The love will pass or take place, wounds will begin to live. Will find still another, and to give birth or travail and in 30 it is possible, if health is.

29.08.2004, 21:17
Its or His mum considers or counts what to marry it is necessary in 30 years, therefore I do not like its or his mum, she considers or counts, that I am old for it or him (certainly if in 30 to marry!!) though I look or appear a maximum for 22 years!! He does not wish to go to me towards.... After very long conversations and attempts to come to the general or common opinion, I have told or said, if wish to be with me - be, allow to live together for the beginning!!! But he now does not want anything, ANYTHING. Speaks, as we shall live together if we have quarrelled!!! Children's babble what that!! In fact have quarrelled just iz-for it or this!! And he spoke, give all over again we shall reconcile, and then I shall move to it or him;them (read in a trace to year) But the question on joint residing already has arisen one year ago!!!! My God, what I a silly woman...: (((simply he took me for a ride, and I waited, waited... .vot also has waited... How it is possible so to betray the liked person? After its or his such behaviour I of what it is not assured!

01.09.2004, 05:51
Means perechirknite-live the mind or wit. There is nothing to hope for favour of its or his mum. What for to you to live under such pressure and to be all life grateful?. He schsastlivuju a life thus not postroet. So what for to you it then. The main thing if you are assured - be firm. Now it is certainly difficult to argue soberly to you, but right now it is necessary for you to behave in arms or hand. Convince itself what is it your decision - it becomes easier. If he likes you, before the family he should be on your party or side if it not so - HE is not necessary to you, instead of you to him. So it means its or his problem, let he and solves it or her. And you search for the happiness. Look back. There can be it absolutely series.

05.09.2004, 03:22
Interestingly, its or his mum for 30 years or summer in marriage left? Try to begin the life without it or him if likes, it will stimulate it or him, and if is not present, if to him all the same what for this all is necessary? What for further away to spend a life on it or this mamenkinogo the loser?

09.09.2004, 02:28
You, the main thing, try very or very much to not experience strongly. Here, always to the friends, girlfriends, simply women spoke, if the man does not marry in a year - he never marries (anyway, chances come to naught). To me "has carried", the person married me in 30 years which up to me had 5 years or summer civil marriage which has ended with wedding of its or his civil wife with other young man. Before he lived in common with several women with whom year with whom two, but there he finished attitudes or relations. Last civil marriage so has probably shaken or amazed by its or his outcome, that in attitudes or relations with me about wedding itself began to speak practically at once. Certainly, to press it is not necessary, and more likely it even is useless, BUT to sound that you do not plan to spend too much time for easy or light;mild attitudes or relations, the family and children is necessary to you, it is necessary. As I understand now it or him arrange your attitudes or relations and he does not wish anything to change, at the same time, fine understands, that they do not suit you, he would like that you have conceded to him and have reconciled, he to concede is not measured or going. Here only your decision can finish in attitudes or relations. Can and happen so, that when he will understand, that simply you will lose, he will suggest you to undersign. Can and not happen, and that then already iz-for it or this to not experience, to be adjusted or be set up on the second outcome at once better. That that you will spend awfully many forces and nerves on continuation is precisely. Therefore it is better to estimate or appreciate the opportunities at once. Why he so acts with you do not puzzle at all, the heap of problems here can different be perfect or absolute, children's pavors, etc. Or he with them to consult, or anybody. The road to him mum - let lives with mum. You will not remain one, precisely absolutely when at you to appear the new young man you will sigh with simplification. Cannot break off the attitude or relation sharply (too painfully, etc.) and it is not necessary, simply on the sly distract from it or him, look round on the parties or sides. Happiness and success!

11.09.2004, 08:27
Natasha, Nika... I understand, that further so to live it is impossible.... But I do not understand its or his behaviour. If has stopped loving, all is clear, but speaks, that likes!!! Then why itself so conducts? That tries to prove to me?

14.09.2004, 09:14
Yes he does not prove anything, it is convenient to him and all! Rediska is shorter.

15.09.2004, 09:04
D, you have answered my questions before I have set them! But HE spoke it, that we shall necessarily get married, that at us SERIOUS ATTITUDES or RELATIONS, and played for time, speaking, that good job is necessary to him, with mum of the attitude or relation will be adjusted.... Its or his liked phrase: " you like me or a die? ", it appears, if I like it or him, no dies are necessary!!! But I not from children's home, and at me too am parents whom my destiny is not indifferent!!! Really to marry the beloved so it is difficult???!!! 3 years turn out, that these or it, that we were together for it or him mean nothing!!! e., if there is no die, means me as though and was not in its or his life so it turns out??!!! Why, when he has bought or purchased the machine or car has written in documents, what she belongs to him?! I the person, turn out, having refused to marry, he refuses our attitudes or relations?!!! From me?!!! For what?

17.09.2004, 05:33
Who to that than is obliged, g-zha Heart? You know, that to heart to order it is impossible.

18.09.2004, 23:43
To speak, that likes also nothing to do or make for they be mere words. People often too thoughtlessly concern to such words. For you to hear they be to amuse itself hope that he is guilty not and mum, the neigbour. Other woman and so forth obstajatelstva. For it or him - some kind of - protective reaction from your uncooperative altitude and condemnation from associates. You hear that - that wish to hear. It arranges it or him. Do not allow him to these or it;this to use. The adult person in 27 years is capable to solve that is necessary for him. Be assured, HE HAS solved. All of you time enabled him - to rise on legs or foots. All to consider, solve. Broste it or him to sponsor. Give chance to ITSELF to get or start normal human attitudes or relations. Who will grow fond of you if you do not like yourselves. Plunte on it or him, nosik up and forward. Smile. Let while through force, Further - it is easier.

Heart for Koko
22.09.2004, 18:13
Yes also it is not necessary to me already from it or him ANYTHING!!! Simply I can not understand, what for all this was necessary to him?! He in fact perfectly knew, that the family, children is necessary to me!!! What for deceived, what marries?! What for?! For this purpose?! That predatelski to push away me? Or to ask: " Than he can help or assist me? " Unless it is fair? With the beloved so to act? I know that, if would not lift this question we and further happily lived still very longly!!! Now I understand, that the result would be same and in 3 years! Only I would remain one in 30 years and without children.... Of what he thought? Really to him so to spit for my life, what it is time to me to get or start family and children??!!! Why has not told or said, what the family is not necessary to him, what for convinced of the return?! The traitor. I hate it or him.

23.09.2004, 20:26
Do not excruciate itself - why, yes why. You will not find the unequivocal answer. You at yourselves one to begin anew never late. Simply try. That to you for business, that he thinks. To badly him or it is good. You would not be happy with it or him - now there is an opportunity it to correct - sosredotochtes on it or this.

26.09.2004, 17:19
Many thanks, Natasha, I read your reports and it becomes easier! You are right in all!! I feel, that correctly I act, though also heart is broken off or lacerated... I know, that to him is even worse, than me, but to me it is not easier from it or this...: ((probably he I destiny. I shall search for the the man.
To wish and nothing to do or make nothing also awfully and fatally how to bear it malice and to do or make it or him.
To you too I wish good luck.

30.09.2004, 08:34
Here and umnichka. Be happy.

01.10.2004, 18:11
SUCH MAMENKIN the SONNY CAN not LIKE!!! Unless, as second mum. There will be no with 30 years or summer degenerate at you a happiness!

03.10.2004, 12:16
It seems to me you act correctly if likes also you to him are necessary, he will find you and will offer uzokonit attitudes or relations.

05.10.2004, 14:58
On what it is necessary to pay attention, that leaving, you owe it precisely for yourselves accept. To not check at all its or his feeling thus, you can painfully make only to yourselves. And as to that he spoke you about SERIOUS ATTITUDES or RELATIONS, know better not koketnichat, the thing can name any names, thus their short does not vary. Three years to meet and speak, what at all of us it is serious and in the future we shall get married - same ridiculously, and why not now? What will change tomorrow, the day after tomorrow? Still know, once I was on business trip with one guy, he was in my group, I its or his principal. And here kak-that behind tea in the evening, at all group he starts to tell, say lives in Moscow with the girl, in its or her apartment, that she infinitely excruciates it or him demands to marry, and there lives longly enough year an one and a half. We collective basically female, in group had some more women, we on it or him have pulled hard, that supposedly really do not marry. He responds: " Rather early! " To me the answer of one colleague was remembered, " And can to you and girls in general to meet rather early! ". Then I began to look narrowly at it or him;them more closely or attentively as works, and know, that have noticed, disgusting was in all. All would like before to leave, all tried to help or assist each other, to perform job more quickly, and he will make the and sits books reads. It is necessary to carry the equipment, like the man, he has faded, we with ladies on ourselves dragged all, with the airport to any woman has not helped or assisted even a bag on balances to put. Such men it is visible, only look narrowly also all more closely or attentively. Success!

07.10.2004, 18:36
And where you find such losers? You nakonets-have begun to see clearly that. Better late than never. At least, now you do not feed illusions and can understand that you waits also for that you want actually. By the way, about love... I think, the question here is inappropriate, considering what the copy has got to you:).

The bitter truth
09.10.2004, 14:27
Typical example, advantages of marriage or spoilage above cohabitation. Read girls and do or make conclusions.
Such tacit consent to live together outside of marriage or spoilage you receive not respect, as from the person with whom lived, and from all that not laziness it or him to show, observing your attitudes or relations, namely it or him to you. Fetuses of fieriness and not patience are always sad, not gift or for nothing the proverb says: seven times measure, but very few people will measure, more likely in a whirlpool with a head.
I advise in this situation, to not conceal insult and rage, and to act or arrive wisely, not artfully, namely it is wise.
It is not necessary to build of itself the person offended by that to her have used, you have initially agreed for this role. The another matter, that has not sufficed mind or wit to count or reckon prospect.
I think what to leave silly. It is better to continue attitudes or relations and to allow all to calm down a little, for the nearest 2 3 months all of you peerly will not grow old for 3 years, and here already count or reckon the guy can completely, analyse yours the attitude or relation closely or attentively from different directions that all has emerged, as to a head could not come earlier.
It is very favourable variant if he will appear really g m having left, will precisely regret there is nothing. If rasstaneshsja now, you will suffer and blame itself then, to doubt, etc. And so there is an opportunity to finish or stop all easy, smoothly and painlessly. While soglasis to leave all as is, and start to analyze everything, down to words that speaks, its or his mother, the father, etc. Suddenly, someone will appear and on your party or side. Reduce it or him for this time to the parents, it is necessary that also they have talked to it or him.
It is very necessary, first of all that the nobility under what words (any) he is capable to subscribe and then in case of them not acknowledgement or confirmations by witnesses in its or his putridity there will be any more you one. Let you with it or this will be helped or assisted by those who is not bad to you concerns, friends or relatives. Also know on the future how hardly to return the reputation. It is never better to lose it or him. The truth?

13.10.2004, 06:57
Dear heart! And in fact gde-that waits for you yours polovinka and can be fast, you will be very grateful to "wretch" that he has not made for all life you unfortunate. So dare! Success!

13.10.2004, 12:49
To muzhiks of it or this to not understand. He in 60 marries on 25 years or summer and all at it or him will be. To him well, conveniently...
It to you are necessary deni, and to him is not present. While. The nearest years thirty:-) you Like it or him is live with it or him SO. You like the future children - search for the daddy, instead of synochka.
All is simple. And ljubov-carrots... It not about muzhiks.