Просмотр полной версии : I do not know what to do or make

01.11.2004, 19:05
At me such problem. In 2000. At me the first time has happened PA. Thought, that all will manage, will pass or take place, tried to conduct a normal way of life, but every day everyone became worse and worse. There was a mess in a head, unpleasant ideas, feeling of unreality and a strain, could not leave independently the house because of strong pavors. After two weeks of struggle with itself all the same has decided to tell all to parents then has addressed to the neuropathologist who has appointed or nominated to me Ammetreptilin with Sonopaksom. About 2 months I accepted these preparations and like all would began to be adjusted. But when I have come behind the new prescription, it has appeared, that my attending physician has left, and somebody except for it or him to me could not, is simple so to take and write out these medicines.
Within several days my status has sharply worsened. There were strong headaches, I should sleep @ eat, did not understand, that to me occurs or happens, have sharply dumped or reset in weight (nearby 15.)
Later what that time all the same has found the new doctor who to me has appointed or nominated Iglonil. After the first reception at once it became much better, thought, that all already behind. Couple of days felt excellently. But something has gone not so. For the third day I have suddenly felt terrible delicacy. Has consulted with the doctor. He has told or said, what is it side effects in it or this are not present no trouble and all will pass or take place. But became worse. After long conversations and arrangements me have somehow put in a dispensary (since for that moment to me there were 14 years, and put only from 18 years). There to me have tried everything, that only at them was (ksonaks, fluoksetin, Eglonylum, etoperazin, pikamelon, Phenazepamum, mezepam, Azaleptinum, aminazine, galloperedol and Triphtazinum with Cyclodolum, Tisercinum, Bellataminalum, etc.), But the more medicines I accepted, the became worse to me. In 3 months I from there have left, having received what improvement. Addressed to other experts, but all unanimously approved or confirmed, that such does not happen and it is not necessary to stop treatment. Tried to accept through force medicines, but new unpleasant sensations, such as uncertainty, absent-mindedness, confusion have started to be shown, red maculae on the face have started to appear, longer reception of preparations caused restlessness, giddinesses, a nausea, depression, pains in heart, a strong sweating, bezsonnitsu, eventually, hallucinations. Tried to accept even in insignificant dosages, but through longer time interval all repeated.
Can you to me can, something to advise, happened in your practice similar a case. And whether it is possible for something to make with it or this.

03.11.2004, 02:06
Yes, happened. Moreover, I can tell or say to you, that similar development of a situation for distonikov (old definition, now "PA", "PR"), unfortunately, most typical. Your fault in it or this is not present, here it is possible unless to exclaim just - alas, my medicine, I it cry or pay together with you! But, it's no use to cry over spilt milk, own experience of struggle against an illness even if it is negative experience (as in your case) is better to make use. Experience at you rich enough, all is usual the patient with PA can brag only of experience of application 2-3 psihotropov, you have tested much more. From the experience you can conclude, that further use of psychotropic preparations will not lead you desirable result, what is it a deadlock way. I.e., I think, you do not need to be agitated for a psychotherapy. Actually the variant only one - to you is required to pass or take place a course of a psychotherapy because other ways of treatment of this frustration simply do not exist. Imagine, for example, that you cost or stand in the bus and someone has come or stepped to you on a leg or foot and to you is sick. You can be given a drink tablets up to that degree, that you for some time will cease to pay to this attention. You it is possible iskolot needles and isprizhigat cauterizations up to that degree, what is it will block your morbid sensations proceeding from your pressed down leg or foot. You can be treated flower pollen, konskim manure, drops from water on water, smells, drawing vilami on water, an electricity or to powder to you brains with one thousand other ways up to that degree, that you will forget on what complained. It is possible to do or make this all. The minus of all of it or this in that, what is it at all will not change a situation unpleasant for you (that someone (or you)) costs or stands on your leg or foot. And so, the help will be time or temporary and when nibud your leg or foot will swell up and will ache already vseryoz and then will already have to treat already a leg or foot, instead of you. Can even cut.
To show you, in what position there is your leg or foot and to tell as to make, what the psychotherapist who will be engaged with you in a psychotherapy can correct this position only. Search for such therapist.
How not oshibitsja in a choice, you can read through in a -subject " the Psychotherapist - a psychological portrait ".