Просмотр полной версии : Mine muzh-the vermin! It was found out, that he took money from the grandmother and gave...

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22.08.2004, 16:10
Mine muzh-the vermin! It was found out, that he took money from the grandmother and gave me, speaking thus, that worked. To the grandmother spoke, what takes money for the daughter?! Told to me fairy tales that worked in service late, and itself with the chief (in fact have appeared money!!!), spent time in bars, billiard, in discos and with girls. I - in a shock, and on the other hand am glad, that it or him have got off. It is difficult to feel itself as the single, many adults goorili, that it was necessary to suffer or bear, perebesilsja. And - to mine is worse, when there is no mistrust and you constantly deceive, and I in fact gde-that believed him, let and not up to the extremity or end...

The anonym
26.08.2004, 09:15
Well and type! Spoke you, that he a full zero

The anonym
28.08.2004, 13:25
The grandmother so is rich? Do not wag a tail and think up chto-a string pojanteresnej.

The anonym
30.08.2004, 09:32
To me such granny.

The anonym
03.09.2004, 06:08
And me such appeasable lamb the wife.

The anonym
06.09.2004, 09:13
Emotion, well has not bothered you to invent any snowstorm? Work, be engaged in a daughter, have a good time eventually! Live more cheerfully!

06.09.2004, 22:51
The grandmother it is a pity, he now it or her it will be constant "doit". As to this overage grandson it is not a shame to beg the elderly person of money, in fact and so, probably, pension at it or her small.

08.09.2004, 01:28
Emotion, it is good, that you have left the husband - with such dishonourable person of a good life cannot be. To the grandmother of money, certainly, to give it is necessary. But you can try to talk to the husband and to demand, that he has repaid you and if will refuse... Spit and try to not think of it or this.

The anonym
08.09.2004, 04:24
Little girls, it's nothing are eternally conducted on its or her fable? So it was good, when she did not appear. And now again here will begin..

11.09.2004, 04:21
Yes, good, absolutely real history, a normal goat. And you, Emo when will be married next time, supervise not only where the muzhik spends, but also whence takes.

11.09.2004, 18:26
Emo, Natalia of the right. BUT! You still are dependent on it or him))) Differently you would be not not excited any more with that was. There will be an opportunity, indulge the grandmother, not another's in fact the person, and grand daughters useless. Only indulge not money (he and will exhaust them), and than that more interesting, on a visit priglasi on tea even. And ideas about itself eradicate on a root! Success.

15.09.2004, 01:34
At babuli pension decent or considerable - about 80 dollars (it is more, than one and a half million). He took from it or her not always, but very much often, she speaks me - and I thought he all family to you... .i earns too all in family carries... Rubbish, more shortly..

The anonym
17.09.2004, 04:55
It where family can be lived on 80 dollars? And to go on baram-to discos? Little girls, it is all a joke or you it is serious? What is this chudo-the country? At us in normal restaurant to descend or go well in any way it is less than 30 dollars on a nose and without alcohol!

18.09.2004, 10:54
And without some disgusting anonyms, would be absolutely horosho-(((

The anonym
19.09.2004, 15:33
And what sense to write nik if all of us are peerly unfamiliar? Well what sense to me to be called mashej-tanej-kolej? To me the truth interestingly, you as though from other planet, at me the salary net 2000, but I ele-hardly make ends meet..

20.09.2004, 19:05
The anonym, names are necessary to know even, to that what komment prenadlezhit. At you m.. ZP and 10 tys euro, but in Russia pensions while leave much to be desired, therefore our grandmothers (and mine too in Russia) try to survive from all forces, kitchen gardens, preparations. At them such training (!) give the God kazhdomu-)

20.09.2004, 21:24
Well, Nika, obzavus Masha. I in Moscow live, the pension at my mum of 150 dollars, but on them to live it is impossible. Emotion speaks, that at the grandmother pension 80 on which she lives also and the grandson with family of veins and to this grandson on leisure sufficed. I have simply asked where do you live and all! And not you, and Emotion.

23.09.2004, 05:29
Simply so from your life nobody izcheznet, especially the father of your child, time is necessary, it treats all. Once you will wake up and will understand, that more you do not think of this person and if you think, at the same level ka of a refrigeration cabinet, to a washing machine or bad weather, but here weather disturbs more! Success.

25.09.2004, 06:09
Girls! I unless have told or said, what we live on 80 dollars? I receive 200 $, the husband works and well earns, but spends the incomes for parties. And when I demand from it or him money, he runs to the grandmother and asks, ostensibly for the daughter that me an eye to cover... The too sometimes gives, but at babki-that what for to ask? For long-distance phone has paid a greater or big sum - has told or said itself has earned, it has appeared, at babki has taken!

The anonym
28.09.2004, 11:03
masha, she in Central Asia lives, I was time for 20 dollars survived, and then 200 was normal, 500 is small, well and a piece in a month in Central Asia - in general anything, under incomes and charges

01.10.2004, 14:18
Here 200 dollars are considered above an average level, I am simple for private or individual sadik the child I cry or pay much. When received here 500 shikovala. And on one thousand in general it is possible to buy each two months the new machine or car. A life here and the truth cheap. And at babuli pension the highest, as she even at earthquake a vein. Business not in it or this. He deceives its or her each time. Here at it or her month two small fire was, so she has asked repair to make the grandson and has given money (not a little) on building materials. Why to him to not tell or say, babulja, yes it is not necessary anything, I at own expense shall make all... So this money also were gone, and to her says lies, that building materials are already bought or purchased and lay in service as will be by the machine or car - will bring... (and by the machine or car he every day!)

The anonym
04.10.2004, 17:04
200 and in Russia the average salary

08.10.2004, 05:48
I shall agree with the anonym (Masha). It as vse-taki is possible on babkinu pension yes on restaurants, yes with girls? Let even a life at you there cheap, but pension in fact she and in Africa pension. I shall assume, that at Emo emotions (pun), and he walked with telkami for the, is simple babulkinymi copecks did not disdain.

11.10.2004, 23:46
So he also walked on the : "... The husband works and well earns, but spends the incomes for parties... "

Koshkin the house
14.10.2004, 15:54
Opanki, maidens, prompt where it for zemletrusy pension add? Can to send my granny there also?