Просмотр полной версии : Sounds strange, but I am jealous the young man of its or his MOTHER!!! Business...

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13.08.2004, 20:26
Sounds strange, but I am jealous the young man of its or his MOTHER!!! The matter is that he, as seems to me, idealizes it or her, considers or counts as perfection, and to me from it or this is insulting. Kak-that time we were on a party at friends and came back home little bit drunk. And so, he to me has told or said such thing, which povergla me in a shock: " You excuse, but I you shall never like how mother! " I simply was taken aback. It wanted to me to push away it or him and to tell or say: " Can, you and to sleep with her are going to?! " But I have restrained. It was about one year back, but I cannot forget it or this. Next day he spoke, that nothing remembers and very much was surprised, when I have repeated to him its or his words. He has told or said, that actually it not so, but I do not believe it or this (as they say, that at sober on mind or wit.....) as you think, whether it is necessary to be jealous in this occasion or necessary to pay to this attention less? In advance thanks.

16.08.2004, 06:52
Do not pay attention. Often such occurs or happens in attitudes or relations of mums and sons. Let likes it or her (in fact he likes it or her as mum), pretend as you like this woman as mother of the guy. And pokazhiet to him it. Be interested at it or him, how at mum of business or affairs? How health? And by the way, how its or his mum concerns to you??? And if you with her are not familiar, show desire to meet.

16.08.2004, 10:43
I know its or his mum, and he speaks, that I like her. But the matter is that I in itself the jealous person, and this situation oppress me even more. Even it is terrible to me to think, that except for me he likes someone or someone else, yes especially, more strongly, than me. I respect with this woman, but for myself speak also simple human feelings: it is pleasant to what girl, if its or her beloved will like mother, instead of it or her???

The anonym
19.08.2004, 12:29
Tasha the rights. Actually I on the party or side of the guy, shall explain: vo-the first that he likes it or her most and including you is NATURALLY! Any person (And you too) most of all in a life likes mum (there are no yet children!) you cannot tell or say that like it or him more strongly than mum?? Especially you are even not married!. it is possible or probable when you will have a family he can the most important woman in its or his life but while it is mum will speak that you! And it is normal! It does not mean that you to him are not dear or expensive, is simple vy-it you, and mum is MUM)) and vo-the second, psychologists speak that as the boy concerns to mother so in the future he will be concerns to the wife! It for you again + because if he cares of her, is gentle with her communicates and respects with it or her, all this means at you will be in family! I advise you to find common language with the mother-in-law! She can to you too it is pleasant!

The anonym
22.08.2004, 18:00
I too had such period, believe as a result of mum leave on the second plan! Do not confuse love of the child to mother and love between the woman and the man!! These are different things!!! You like the daddy?? Than whom it is more? The Daddy or the the guy?? Here it too most!

The anonym
24.08.2004, 09:06
I too had such period, believe as a result of mum leave on the second plan! Do not confuse love of the child to mother and love between the woman and the man!! These are different things!!! You like the daddy?? Than whom it is more? The Daddy or the the guy?? Here it too most!

27.08.2004, 03:14
I too think, that it is not necessary to compare. Same different love! I too sometimes am jealous mine of its or his mum - he every day by phone communicates with her. But I try to understand, what is it mum, and in general, it is healthy, that at them itakie attitudes or relations, I with wash with mum I get on or I climb is worse. And more I can tell or say, that the daddy, for example, I too very much like and I consider or count, that any my friend the man even half not so is good, as my daddy. More shortly, my daddy - perfection! And my liked about it or this knows, but not ratraivaetsja. I like it or him! I with it or him, and this main thing! So it is not necessary to turn on it vnimani until its or his love to mum not a pathology.

2 Jeanne
27.08.2004, 14:05
The horror, to me will seems to him very hardly with you. The proprietary attitude or relation is so brightly expressed. Change views, differently will lose liked. Imagine, there are women who easy concern to that the son likes mum more, instead of it or her. Mum is mum, it not other woman. Try to understand.

The anonym
30.08.2004, 08:30
I think she will understand all this when it or she will have own SON!)))

31.08.2004, 08:41
Jeanne, not uzhele you would want that he liked you as mum. You prochtite slowly and up to you will reach only I like, but also mum. Yes it was necessary and to tell or say, yes like to itself on health....

The anonym
03.09.2004, 22:56
What all here correct and unjealous...:) And in my opinion, there is a big occasion to begin to worry. Perhaps, Edipov a complex. The man cannot be unduly adhered to mother, it can strongly affect its or his home life, this wrong education. As a rule, mums of such sons usilenno hold them at themselves till an old age. All is good, but moderately and up to the certain age. And at what here what he single officially? Not the fact, what is it will change. Even in the Bible it is told or said: come unstuck from mum and the daddy, stick to the wife, but not always it occurs or happens, unfortunately. The husband of my friend has told or said to the wife in five years of home life, that mum to him is closer, than the wife, and than more close - could not express. As a result they have left - not iz-for this silly conversation, and there were corresponding or meeting reasons and the complexities connected just by that he namertvo has been adhered to mother and constantly it or her idealized, and all girls, and then and the wife seem to him not such good, he eternally found a heap of disadvantages in them. And other my friend has been similarly adhered to the daddy to which eternally compared the husband - certainly, not in the best for the husband the party or side, constantly finding in itself defects though also the daddy was not so sacred and not ideal. She could do or make nothing with herself. Business nearly has not ended with divorce. Because the husband would like, that it or him liked such what he is, instead of compared continually to a certain idealized figure.

Birch Anonimke
06.09.2004, 13:02
You do not confuse, constant comparison in all of the elects and parents and love to them. These are different things. Constant comparison, not only with mother, kills, certainly. But here it or this is not present. As to your examples why you in all situations do not suppose fault for dissonance of the wife or the husband, all dump on excessive privjashchzannost to parents. The bible which you quote, calls for tolerance, wisdom, reverence of parents and minority of the ego. For any person the best and native people - parents. Naturally if they are. And it is necessary to concern to it or this easy.

08.09.2004, 00:41
Jeanne, you are very wrong. At you still at all family, but you already try to impose a firm paw on the best sincere qualities of the friend. Incorrectly begin!

08.09.2004, 17:19
Once again I shall repeat, up to you he liked one woman - mother, and with it or this there's nothing to be done.

11.09.2004, 18:10
" The child not yours sobstvennost-is gift or for nothing of the Universe! "

13.09.2004, 17:23
And I here too am jealous the civil husband and not only of mum, and in general to its or his family because they cannot understand in any way, that at the son (the brother, the grandson) already the family. All time fill up with its or his problems. As a result at us quarrel because often ours with it or him common causes are postponed for the second plan, and parent first of all.

15.09.2004, 07:08
At me a similar situation, but we are already married. There is a daughter. But mum all the same likes more. Longly to describe, but she has spoiled the son. He is adhered to her forever. It is a pity, that I have not seen their attitudes or relations earlier, before wedding (they lived far from me). All conflicts at us iz-for it or this...

The anonym
16.09.2004, 13:50
I congratulate your guy pridurok, that for idotizm to compare mother to the wife or the girlfriend, all the same what to declare, I like the daughter more, than the wife, ely paly, yes there is no communication or connection between love to relatives and to spouses, would not began to worry in occasion of such words if there is a desire to live with
p r and d at r to an ohm

The anonym
18.09.2004, 00:07
The birch in general mother tereza, broadcasts suffer or bear, suffer or bear, suffer or bear, yes if the guy does not have not enough brains in such banal things, represent what pearls he gives out every second

The anonym
19.09.2004, 23:39
Love to mother and love to the woman very different kinds chuvst. Take your time to do or make conclusions! When the man gently cherishs mother, well concerns to her and shows synovju ljubov-it already speaks about much...

23.09.2004, 21:56
Ox, znakoma sityazia! Iz za etogo brosila svoego genixa, nichego ne polychilosi, tam mother komandovala... KOSHMAR!

25.09.2004, 14:33
Devyshka, spasaitesi poka ne pozdno, on vedi vsu gizeni vam isportit so svoei mamoi!!!! I ne podstraivaitesi pod nego - ne pomoget!

28.09.2004, 19:46
Thanks all for responses. But I here cannot understand: as it is possible to tell or say "suffer or bear" and t. Item??? It in fact and the truth different feelings should be: to the wife (well, let, to the bride) and to mother. I cannot understand, how it is possible to compare different types of love. I, for example, cannot tell or say, whom I like more - my groom or the daddy because I in advance like their different love. And that who likes to release or let off any curses to address of my groom and me, I can tell or say only one: if you here send or have come to advise, so advise, instead of water all with a mud. Yes, my groom not a gift, but this my private affair. Here I have asked a question on a concrete situation to understand, whether there are similar situations and as people with them consult instead of that to me have told mucks. I wish to tell or say to the person (the anonym, on March, 12th, 16 : 56 : 35) many thanks for COMPREHENSION of my problem. And that me all already rjadjat in mad, an owner name. Simply when people collide or face about something similar, they start to look at a problem under other angle.

The anonym
30.09.2004, 07:54
Not prozrevaaetsja here " edipov kompeleks " already in any way.

Shimanskij O.I.
03.10.2004, 21:09
Dear Jeanne! You have not described a concrete situation in which your young man has told or said to you these words. Probably, in your behaviour the "maternal" line which has affected or influenced such attitude or relation was traced? You cannot be the unique person in its or his life, and like " not how mother " can mean not more strongly, and is simple - to another. What for to you to compete to its or his mother? Its or her problem or task was to bring up the son, to give him parent love - and, probably, it was possible to her, time he stores or keeps to her tender feelings. The role spouses or sputnitsy other - to help or assist him with an independent life where he makes of the decision.