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11.05.2004, 21:43
There is a problem! In Love with the wife I am engaged only then when she will want!!!! 2 3 times a month! To me of only 26 years and me and my organism trebuetsja much more! Tried to talk to the wife in this occasion, thought that there was someone on the party or side but she speaks that likes only me and there is nobody at it or her is not present! I am inclined to trust the wife, to change I do not want!! pridyotsja to suffer or bear! But how to consult with the desire and an organism?? Tried to load itself loads but on all without rezultatno against the nature you "not will trample"! Prompt what medical preparations it is possible to weaken or easy an inclination?

13.05.2004, 20:31
2 3 times a month, in Vashem-that age? It should be at the best every day, in the morning and in the evening. What medical preparations? Absolutely itself ruin or an impotent from them will become! Talk still time to the wife! Many wives would like to have such husband as you, in other families all on the contrary. And here what to change do not want and like - big to you respekt!

17.05.2004, 18:27
Yes spoke already!!! Also is not present either what efekta!!! Nor ideas actions! Also was zajchikom and the macho well it is not necessary to her there is nothing though rasshibis!!

18.05.2004, 01:59
Pancake, and here unas in family all on the contrary. I untwist the husband. Literally yesterday was distressed silently in this occasion. And he still wants children... Whether from immaculate conception chto-?

To Shurik Irina
21.05.2004, 10:03
And how you act in this situation? Wait? Ask? Take? (forgive or excuse if has told or said raspingly)

22.05.2004, 10:34
And how she explains, what she does not wish to be engaged in sex? And before wedding as business was? Too as it is rare? At the woman sex in a head. If at it or her a problem or if problems in your attitudes or relations, her it can and not be wanted. Your problem or task to find the reason. Ask as she in general concerns to sex. Still can be, that it or her since the childhood accustomed, that sex is a mud or that sex is not necessary to women. Or it or she had a bad first sex experience. In both cases it is necessary to the sexopathologist.

23.05.2004, 19:51
Probably your sex needs or requirements far do not coincide. Scientific teriminami I can not express. poprobute erotic massage, very much helps or assists.

The anonym
24.05.2004, 10:37
SHurik, at my friend the same problem with the wife. Nothing pomagaet, che only did not think out. .ona to him clauses or articles to read gives type " to him it is necessary is more often than her " from Kosmo. As I understand you. Seems nothing to me here already will make..

26.05.2004, 09:10
And what attitudes or relations at you with the mother-in-law? With its or her grandmother? Whether there Is at it or her who that very close of women? It is possible to try to talk through them, not the best way, but effective. All similar questions, on good, are brought up in family, any wife should understand, that sex few times in a month, results or brings early, or late in changes. I quote the wise grandmother " It would be desirable, it would not be desirable... And it is necessary... " And she deprives with herself much, that hardly will understand, such rates.

SHurik Tuse
29.05.2004, 10:28
We are married 5 years. Before wedding and after (until recently) with sex there was all OK! Constantly and on a regular basis! And explains the refusal that gets tired. I have practically removed or have practically taken off from it or her house duties, thought it will help or assist! But on proprocession of time there was a new refusal DO NOT WANT! I waited and was excruciated, after that pogovaril with her and have explained situatsyju, she has understood (or has told or said that has understood) But has passed or has taken place couple of days and again PROBLEMS AT JOB!!! Well I cannot work for it or her!! Here I also have come to such opinion that is necessary to me kakoe-nibut an agent from desire

SHurik Nike
30.05.2004, 03:24
The mother-in-law I see very seldom tak-as she was against our wedding. And if I see so heart zhimaet, looks, ulybaetsja, and in opinion of feeling that is ready a throat peregryst

02.06.2004, 21:46
Citizens dear or expensive well tell or say to me at last what to accept for depression of a sex inclination????
In my situation ostayotsja only to wait t. To. Words and conversations at me have run low!!!

06.06.2004, 11:10
Try or Taste ice douche.

08.06.2004, 18:36
Holiday can will help or assist? With normal needs or requirements it is difficult to argue, a sound mind in a sound body! And in general that, it is possible to be engaged for example obzherstvom, dulls or blunts, the truth hardly it is good.

SHurik Martini
09.06.2004, 17:47
Douche certainly well! But how much for a night it is possible to wash? Like has cooled down, has laid down, and series the beautiful naked or exposed body. Again to run in dush? So not nabegaeshsja

13.06.2004, 00:32
And and the truth, tear in holiday. What without everyones there household problems and all such. Many in holiday have a honeymoon after many joint years of a life.

16.06.2004, 20:26
In holiday in a month! We shall go with the child, and with it or him especially not zaboluesh! The Adult he already understands much!!!
But even a month!!!!!!!!!
I am afraid I shall be broken!!!!!!!!

18.06.2004, 03:17
For the sake of conservation of family of the child it is possible and to not take with itself. Arrange to itself the present or true holiday together. Or ezzhajte together even on nedelku, and then with the child.

SHurik Martini
21.06.2004, 06:50
The son we would carry what to treat its or his health, instead of for entertainment!

23.06.2004, 02:51
And you did not reflect what can it or her do not satisfy? What that do or make not so? Can give at all what would be desirable her? Here she also has cooled down to you as to the man, only frank conversation with the wife and not on the raised or increased tones here will help or assist.

27.06.2004, 02:50
For short holiday health you will not treat, on the sea with this purpose it is necessary to go not less than for 2 months.

28.06.2004, 14:28
Martini! Where such holidays to take? We some years did not afford such luxury, as rest the whole month, week on a health resort, already rest. SHurik, to the bad dancer... .meshajut))) to the adult child how much years that? Zamatali it or him for a day, he in 21 00 was chopped off by a deep children's dream. Moreover and it is possible to arrange silent hour in the afternoon. The main thing that there is no vanity house, cares on job. Do not miss the chance.

29.06.2004, 18:40
Nika, yes I that at others forget holidays short, at me that on service gosudarevoj holiday of 40 days, here only to spend it or him on nachto unfortunately.

30.06.2004, 07:01
Well, you do not take offence, but can you it or her not so satisfy? In fact in due course predilections of the woman vary, if earlier aggressive, rough sex now, can was necessary to her are necessary polutorachasovye caress, and in a dream? Success. And by the way, it can be bolez, to me the doctor has told or said, that iz-for infections the desire, and actually we can be weakened or easied, women, too we want seka!

SHurik Martini
03.07.2004, 01:55
I shall not do or make of myself super mena! In postele the nobility and to be able all it is impossible! But in due time we had a conversation that if want chego-nibut tell or say!
But she is silent, speaks that all arranges it or her!