Просмотр полной версии : Your mythical animal

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22.09.2004, 18:11
Me here very much interests, and with what animal: mythical or

relnym you of assotsiiruete, if at all assotsiiruete.....

And why?

In mine predstavlenni, I a dragon... Proud and lonely, wise and soaring in a palate...

And no dragons are present more...... Only I one....... And around snow tops......

I know, that where that the others are......... But I can not find..........

CHeshirskaja the Cat
22.09.2004, 19:02
Me very much intersuet your answer, to this question.

23.09.2004, 19:14
I ossotsiiruju itself with the centaur (can from that I strelets) or a sad nymph...

23.09.2004, 19:36
Partially a cat, partially a dog, partially volchitsa.

From a cat - all that it is possible to name cleanly female. koketstvo, desire to create a cosiness, sexuality...

From a dog - fidelity and straightforwardness

From volchitsy - playfulness, care, distrustfulness. Somehow so

23.09.2004, 19:54
I assotsiiruju itself with a siren. I can not explain at all why.

23.09.2004, 20:24
Though a siren not an animal, then with a bird the Phoenix.

23.09.2004, 20:46
I of with a -winged horse assotsiiruju.. I simply those feel myself))

23.09.2004, 20:47
__ it is good that though with a -winged horse assotsiiruesh itself, instead of with a draft jade.......


And since what time or then all of you became assotsiirovat yourselves with such or other animal?

23.09.2004, 20:47
If to think of an animal my associations will come to unicorns, navenoe... Why unicorns??? For me they light, liking essences and as I stay in the raised status of love to the perfect person on segodnjashchny day it is ready to give light and love to all for that it is necessary... Still slightly and I ejforija will reach or achieve 100 % of happiness... Then I shall be assotsiirovat myself with white Japanese dragons (at them transparent white wings and them almost nelja to see) For me all depends on emotional fullness of soul and heart...

23.09.2004, 20:48
I an antelope Bend

23.09.2004, 20:48
And I... I garpija (well who does not know: the ugly malicious woman with a body of a bird)

23.09.2004, 20:49
Tady I shall be Zmeem Gorynychem. Especially in attacks of anger.

23.09.2004, 20:49
arokh I think (probably I and I am mistaken) you are too self-critical to yourself.......

" garpija (well who does not know: the ugly malicious woman with a body of a bird) "

23.09.2004, 20:49
Semargl. A dog with wings.

23.09.2004, 20:49
In many legends garpii - beautiful, almost heavenly beauty of the woman with bodies of birds... Their wings are poured by bronze patches of light on morning soltsne.... Claws on paws at them from gold... They enticed men the beauty, and then tormented with these claws.... Them did not like because they killed lewd ugly creatures...

23.09.2004, 20:49
Initial report Gelgilet: In many legends garpii - beautiful, almost heavenly beauty of the woman with bodies of birds... Their wings are poured by bronze patches of light on morning soltsne.... Claws on paws at them from gold... They enticed men the beauty, and then tormented with these claws.... Them did not like because they killed lewd ugly creatures...

Good, we shall kill lewd ugly creatures... As tell or say...

LI 3.9.25

23.09.2004, 20:49
Well and it is correct........

23.09.2004, 20:49
I a cat, neprnemenno! Because in itself, because to myself on mind or wit because I happen.. Such stinker... It by and large....

And sometimes a tiger, too from cat's in fact, it at me since the childhood.. Only mine..

23.09.2004, 20:49
netopyr I, hungry and malicious.

23.09.2004, 20:49
The Cat. Sometimes house, but more often - wild. The panther, for example...

23.09.2004, 20:49
Still I can be the troll =)

23.09.2004, 20:49
The Druid. A wood I like. Not people, not animals, but only a wood.

Zajtseva Natalia
23.09.2004, 20:49
And I... Not an animal, I simply small vedmochka!

red sen
23.09.2004, 20:49
The Wolf... Betraid or devoted, free... Is in obshchestvee, but at any moment ready to leave it or him... Owing to a society....

" " Film about wolves Looked... There was a flight.... To her have tried prisoedinitsa the wolf and volchitsa from another (probably rasspavshejsja flights)... The wolf in new have accepted.... And here volchitsu is not present... Has passed or has taken place the some people time.... volchitsja it was dragged behind flight... But it or her and have not accepted... Which that wolf there have taken... It was broken off or was lacerated between flight and volchitsej... (at it or him an eye such grusnye =)... For what pereodicheski to him got from flight...... That was not characteristic for behaviour of the wolf - so this that that finally he has returned to volchitse.... And they have left or abandoned borders of possession of flight....

Q Elena
23.09.2004, 20:49
I Like elfov!

Elfov I like