Просмотр полной версии : At me a problem a little material character. The matter is that mine it is young...

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20.08.2004, 11:30
At me a problem a little material character. The matter is that my young man (we simply meet, together we do not live) earned very little earlier, and often there were situations when I (or gave him money and he paid) paid for something. It at all did not strain me, I understood all, in general, any problem did not see. But couple of months back he has found really well paid job. And the situation does not vary yet. It already starts to bother me, because now I do not see the reasons for such behaviour.
I know, that earlier he gave the salary to mum and she gave out to him the fine sums " on entertainments ". I think, and now occurs or happens too most.
As though it to change, and? Can, someone was in a similar situation? To leave it or him I do not want, except for the problem described by me (which me excites not so long ago) at all of us fine.

20.08.2004, 20:11
And when you kuda-that go, who whom invites? If he vas-that, as though is meant that charges on itself. Voobshche-that they always should be on nem-but let though so for the beginning. Let he you will invite kuda-that and as business up to rasplaty-tell or say that have not taken money, " in fact you invited ". .a will cease priglashat-blame, that absolutely you has thrown and anywhere does not call. .mozhet, will help or assist)

22.08.2004, 07:22
Thanks for advice or council, but he invites, as a rule. I simply try to understand, in what the reason of similar behaviour. And then, this way, probably, will not help or assist, because it or he really often does not have to themselves money.

22.08.2004, 18:02
Liza if try or taste a way. Is not present at it or him with itself deneg-will sit in cafe and pyzhitsja-is more correct, he will be puffed up, when to him will bring the bill. And you represent unpleasant zameshatelstvo-not a situation, and it or him. And he conducts so most likely because he the irresponsible person, without special concepts about education. I do not think, that from self-interest)

23.08.2004, 19:06
I had such friend. I about such behaviour vsezhe have talked to it or him, t. To. I can not longly be silent. He has responded me, that so at it or him it turns out on simplicity sincere. Well and I have quietly thrown it or him, such simple.

25.08.2004, 04:20
And you try or taste next time when he kuda-nibud will invite you, to tell or say to him that have spent money, poizderzhalis and now cannot go with it or him or something in this sort that it or him to not touch, but also at the same time to let know, that you are not obliged to pay for it or him the bill in cafe.

25.08.2004, 21:46
Your guy lives first of all in the family with mum and carries there a liability for well-being. And the big earnings will start to affect after a while. In my family, for example, decent earnings within a year left only on good footwear for all (I from this beginning). To you I advise to not frame from this a problem, look for entertainments on its or his agents to not crush its or his feeling. You do not agree to go to cafe zaschet the got wet legs or foots of its or his brother in the autumn. And more, it seems to me, that if to begin vrednichat and "to represent", it is possible to come across dissonance in attitudes or relations, t. To. It is not known as he will react to insincerity, all seems to me on it or her sharply react.

27.08.2004, 00:15
Actually, if the young man all taki invites you in cafe, knowing that it or he does not have money for it and counting on yours are very bad attribute. In my opinion, it is too serious to manage certain diplomatic dodges. I in this situation am soft, but have frankly talked to it or him on this subject. My such opinion.

28.08.2004, 16:02
Dear Liza,
I think, that from this situation, unfortunately, only one output or exit: or to accept your friend such what he is, or easier or simply to refuse it or him. At a well-being seeming to you in your attitudes or relations, you to some extent such behaviour already has started "to irritate and disturb; you have ceased, being the sensible person to find to it or this the justification (horoshooplachivaemaja job is found, it is time to mature). That will be further, it is difficult to tell or say, but many deposits or inclinations (as men and women) are given to us by parents, their education. Or you should be ready to the subsequent struggle against its or his mother, proving, that its or her son, first of all - the man, instead of the boy to which allow to spend from its or his earned money only certain part, t. To. Similar, that he not in forces itself to solve this problem. I have no anything against material aid native and close - but all should have a measure.
All kind.

For the Field
30.08.2004, 05:12
You inattentively read the report.
It is a question of that the person himself invites and offers entertainments, knowing that it or he does not have on it money and counting another's.

31.08.2004, 00:38
I, really, have not truncated it or this. Then all the same I suggest to lower a level of entertainments, whether it will help or assist to understand he uses you or does not know as - to another. Instead of a campaign in cafe, speak, it is what is it dear or expensive (necessarily naming a problem) and that it is possible to sit on travke in park with sandwiches. I very longly harness, while I shall be solved on the open conversation on delicate questions, therefore and advice or councils at me such.

01.09.2004, 02:45
I, really, have not truncated it or this. Then all the same I suggest to lower a level of entertainments, whether it will help or assist to understand he uses you or does not know as - to another. Instead of a campaign in cafe, speak, it is what is it dear or expensive (necessarily naming a problem) and that it is possible to sit on travke in park with sandwiches. I very longly harness, while I shall be solved on the open conversation on delicate questions, therefore and advice or councils at me such.

01.09.2004, 13:25
At my friends, mum comes to the house to the son and recalculates money, conducts the account. If, more necessary potrachenno, vyesnjaet where the certain sum has got to.

02.09.2004, 02:04
At my friends, mum comes to the house to the son and nevestke, recalculates money, conducts the account. If, more necessary potrachenno, vyesnjaet where the certain sum has got to.

03.09.2004, 09:35
And on the counter then them puts?:))

The mouse
04.09.2004, 15:43
Liza, tell or say please how much to your friend to years?

05.09.2004, 01:10
When he next time "will invite" you porazvlechsja at your expense, simply ask, who will pay charges. Tell or say, that at you other plans for your money.

05.09.2004, 06:10
Yes, I too with it or this collided or faced... Actually, all diplomatic dodges and fine financial disassemblies before each campaign will not help or assist - here a question basic. It is necessary or is valid with it or him seriously to talk - but be ready to a sharp negative from its or his party or side: even if he with a lovely smile will pretend to be a hose all the same next day to all friends the mercenary snake, " as will tell, what you all of the woman ", and the main thing, itself will so think, forgetting who usually paid.
I can tell or say by experience - men share on the "present or true" men and those who has got used zabkoj to be hidden, being covered with high matters of type " glavnoe-love ". Do not misunderstand me - here a question not self-interest personally mine and all women as a whole. And so 1) the first category of men even if they are poor, they will manage to arrange vtrechi with the girl so, that she will feel love, care and generosity of the elect - to shower cheap buketikami, to invite to romantic walks under the moon, instead of in dear or expensive club. Such men fine understand, that sometimes the girl would like and in dear or expensive place, and they find an opportunity sometimes to make to her pleasant (it is possible to borrow or occupy money, it is possible to earn additionally once a month casual translation or transfer or superfluous watch at job). 2) the Second category, even at presence of good job and greater or big mat. Opportunities will give a smart bouquet, but yearly per day rozhdenja, to persuade all the evening long to spend houses as the house meal is more tasty or delicious, and on the TV films are cheaper, than at cinema. But thus with friends on beer Green Mama spends more for an evening, than for you for a month, and a shower gel at us, certainly, Bulgari, instead of. And all your campaigns will be paid by you because he "spares" the family budget, or buys someone boots, or mum has not resolved, etc., etc.
In yours, Liza, a case, here vo-the first, the habit plays the role - he knows, that you presume to pay for a two, not against it or this (time earlier paid) so what for something to change. To explain, that so it is wrong, to him it will be complex or difficult - he will tell or say, and that you then spoke nothing to me earlier... And vo-the second - mum is all excuses or helps. Believe, when the muzhik starts to earn ITSELF much, he will forget about mum and about all - as synovego will be long to give any sum, and no mum will take away more what he mamenkim the sonny would not be, and how much hungry mouthes there were not. It actually so - he will start to buy to itself(himself) in terrible quantities or amounts adult toys of more likely that was inaccessible - a mobile phone, dear or expensive perfums, the machine or car, etc. earlier And you should uhitritsja build in you its or his plans. I shall tell or say fairly - I never had patience.

05.09.2004, 14:14
Yes, I too with it or this collided or faced... Actually, all diplomatic dodges and fine financial disassemblies before each campaign will not help or assist - here a question basic. It is necessary or is valid with it or him seriously to talk - but be ready to a sharp negative from its or his party or side: even if he with a lovely smile will pretend to be a hose all the same next day to all friends the mercenary snake, " as will tell, what you all of the woman ", and the main thing, itself will so think, forgetting who usually paid.
I can tell or say by experience - men share on the "present or true" men and those who has got used zabkoj to be hidden, being covered with high matters of type " glavnoe-love ". Do not misunderstand me - here a question not self-interest personally mine and all women as a whole. And so 1) the first category of men even if they are poor, they will manage to arrange vtrechi with the girl so, that she will feel love, care and generosity of the elect - to shower cheap buketikami, to invite to romantic walks under the moon, instead of in dear or expensive club. Such men fine understand, that sometimes the girl would like and in dear or expensive place, and they find an opportunity sometimes to make to her pleasant (it is possible to borrow or occupy money, it is possible to earn additionally once a month casual translation or transfer or superfluous watch at job). 2) the Second category, even at presence of good job and greater or big mat. Opportunities will give a smart bouquet, but yearly per day rozhdenja, to persuade all the evening long to spend houses as the house meal is more tasty or delicious, and on the TV films are cheaper, than at cinema. But thus with friends on beer Green Mama spends more for an evening, than for you for a month, and a shower gel at us, certainly, Bulgari, instead of. And all your campaigns will be paid by you because he "spares" the family budget, or buys someone boots, or mum has not resolved, etc., etc.
In yours, Liza, a case, here vo-the first, the habit plays the role - he knows, that you presume to pay for a two, not against it or this (time earlier paid) so what for something to change. To explain, that so it is wrong, to him it will be complex or difficult - he will tell or say, and that you then spoke nothing to me earlier... And vo-the second - mum is all excuses or helps. Believe, when the muzhik starts to earn ITSELF much, he will forget about mum and about all - as synovego will be long to give any sum, and no mum will take away more what he mamenkim the sonny would not be, and how much hungry mouthes there were not. It actually so - he will start to buy to itself(himself) in terrible quantities or amounts adult toys of more likely that was inaccessible - a mobile phone, dear or expensive perfums, the machine or car, etc. earlier And you should uhitritsja build in you its or his plans. I shall tell or say fairly - I never had patience.

07.09.2004, 04:03
Or he brakes and has not thought yet... Or - run, it is not treated!!!!

07.09.2004, 22:58
Olka, you have best told or said on items or points 1) and 2), is correct about a habit, but about an excuse or a help - do not agree. I met men who money carry ALL in the family which the dear or expensive toys do not interest while there is no footwear at its or his children, and at mum abroad in Ukraine the cataract, etc. One of such - my husband is not operated. However, at me with it or him and such problems as at Lizy was never. e. I believe in nobleness of men, therefore is inclined to believe in innocence Lizinogo of the guy. Yes is still familiar which with ease can buy or purchase to itself an apartment if will come unstuck from mum and from its or her claims on its or his earnings, but he from it or her does not leave and will not leave never. But it is other party or side can already be the same problem.

The mouse
08.09.2004, 19:23
I completely agree with Olka, I can add only, that if he absolutely very young, we shall tell or say till 22 years it is treated if is more senior - the diagnosis.

09.09.2004, 21:30
All thanks!!! And how it or him to alter, if to him just 22? And its or his all family - mum having, by the way, abrupt bojfrenda? Can, to him it is simple nudzhno time to get used to normalnj to the salary and while us the house to sit?

10.09.2004, 01:15
And here if mum there has abrupt boj-the friend, that, believe, she never will take away at synochka last money for the next lipstick. On the contrary, also to him will give - " and that the poor child goes the unemployed, there is nothing to have dinner ". Mums basically take money from young sons really live not so. That is. Hungry mouthes in the house vse-taki are not present.
Niva, at you - the remarkable husband. Such too happen, but it seems to me, to many it comes with the years when already is not only family, but also COMPREHENSION of family and own importance. I very much respect with such people, especially, if they have understood the main vital values in a youth.

10.09.2004, 06:35
And why the woman of affairs in this situation should excite, whether wet legs or foots will be at its or his brother in the autumn? As it can be mercantily sounds, the woman likes, that it or her won, in that chisle-on it or her were spent. It or she too has a vanity! And its or her vanity to her is closer, than legs or foots of its or his brother. Though, if vanity net-as at one my girlfriend (longly to tell) - that there all is accepted in raschet-both legs or foots of brothers, and arms or hand of sisters...)))))