Просмотр полной версии : Hello. I can not understand in any way that incorrectly I do or make in the life, p...

28.08.2004, 13:48
Hello. I can not understand in any way that incorrectly I do or make in the life why men so quickly throw me. On the nature I am rather impulsive. When I understand, that the man is pleasant to me very much - I do not see sense to keep it or him on distance, in fact I want it or him and I want entirely. But my the first liked probably therefore has considered or has counted;has read out me almost as the prostitute and kak-that has quickly ceased to communicate with me, only slept, and then and it has quickly stopped. Approximately the same history has repeated and with the second the man - he referred that is very borrowed or occupied when I asked about an occurring, wished kuda-nibud to descend or go together, easier or simply to sit to talk, and we saw only in bed. And it has ended with charge me in callousness and absence of heat. The third it is simple after the first joint night quietly, almost that has on all fours gone underground without any explanations. Half a year back I have met in a network the man and we very much for this time have discussed much. It was very interesting to us to speak about all - all. So it has turned out, that we discussed with it or him and this my situation, he is sincere (like) convinced me, that all has put that I quickly agree, and difficult victories are necessary for the man - then he appreciates the woman more. Anyway - we spoke about very much and gradually this dialogue became something absolutely necessary. And here he has decided to arrive to meet - and he lives in other city. Has arrived, we have spent wonderful day together, and in the evening at restaurant he has told or said, that wants me. I seriously was frightened, prosla it or him to not hurry, in fact sex each time in my life spoilt all attitudes or relations. But he has told or said, that we snim have not enough time, in fact tomorrow he will leave and... There was no even a tenderness in the morning when we have woken up in its or his eyes. He has not embraced, has not kissed, has simply left in a bath. And I quickly was going to and have escaped and he has not left douche. The third day I am excruciated by doubts and tears in all possible or probable occasions. Please, help or assist to understand - really the matter is that I so quickly "surrender" or here something or something else?

30.08.2004, 05:50
No, he has left and in any way has not proved more

31.08.2004, 17:58
You have as well as possible defined as the behaviour: QUICKLY you SURRENDER! Whether yes there is not enough coma where to leave and what in pervj day of an occurring to be filled up in bed? If has grown fond, at all would not offer, being afraid to offend, insult. I think, it is necessary to work above myself, to men nuzhnv such girls, but not for serious attitudes or relations. Lift the rod and be henceforth more circumspectly. All will turn out, only do not despair!

02.09.2004, 04:37
The story big, a reality a little. How much years to you, how much to the muzhik. Well also that in that such, that have borrowed or occupied in sex. If you will describe more in detail, to a plumb and I shall prompt as myself messages. It is possible to return all

03.09.2004, 20:22
The story big, a reality a little. How much years to you, how much to the muzhik. Well also that in that such, that have borrowed or occupied in sex. If you will describe more in detail, I shall respond and I shall prompt as myself messages. It is possible to return all

04.09.2004, 11:38
And here " quickly you surrender "? I with the husband too have overslept in the first day of acquaintance and we live 13 years. Kitty, it is simple to you there was no yet a man which will estimate or appreciate your impulsiveness.

The anonym
05.09.2004, 07:43
Poor nata, all dreams of the muzhik, and ego-that and netutiiiii. Do not study unaty-she katsapkaja wrong

05.09.2004, 23:04
It seems to me, that you simply have not met that only thing. Yes, can to men and difficult victories, but over a life all are necessary happens. He also can achieve you, and then throw. By the way, I with the already the husband too have overslept in the first day of our acquaintance at what he was not absolutely in a sober status, and I have a little drunk, simply we have met at the bottom a birth of its or his cousin. Simply I not for long before have left other guy and it wanted to me to relax, I did not count seryoznye on the attitude or relation. We prvstrechalis nearby 1, 5 years and here 2 months as the husband and the wife. So be by itself, natural. And hardly there is less than trust to men in the first occurring! Success!!!

07.09.2004, 02:28
If the man has seriously become interested, it will not push away it or him (if in that bed all has arranged it or him)... Sometimes even, on the contrary. So search for a problem in something the friend.

07.09.2004, 08:51
And you would marry and the guy who from first time with you in bed jumps? I from such would run away. Here and your men as argue - if to her of one occurring enough for " close continuation " what here can be fidelity? And muzhiks as is known proprietors, want that the woman belonged only to them.

08.09.2004, 13:17
You know, it is insulting, when for men you do or make everything, pytashsja it or him to please, make as luchshi - they do not appreciate it or this. And when you conduct as last rubbish and the stinker - you wear on arms or hand.
Oversleep with the muzhik, and for the morning or after the sexual certificate or act behave indifferently, take for granted, instead of as a certain great gift or for nothing.

10.09.2004, 00:59
And I here think - and can, you in bed not so do or make something? I weakly represent myself the man which would run away from the woman (even if she was gave him to the first day) if to him it was very good also this woman too is very good. If the case was individual, it would be possible to suspect, that business was in the man. As it repeats, that business ideas come to you. Think, maybe, these are any features of your behaviour in beds, or any physiological nuances (a smell, for example, or paramentry bodies)... The In itself fact " sex in the first day " cannot play a negative role. And here the fact " not so good sex in the first day " a fatal role can play without ceremony.

11.09.2004, 02:32
tata, never it is necessary to muzhiks to please, try to be better. You cannot wear all life "mask". It is necessary to be oneself simply. And never to hide the emotions. From it or this there are neurosises. Sooner or later there will be a person who searched for all life YOU. And it or he will be not not confused even with that in first time you have overslept. KittyCat, all at you ahead. Can, it is simple you kak-that behave "incorrectly" - too freely, or in bed too skilful? Zakompleksovannyh it frightens men - they are afraid to mismatch. To you it is necessary the man which will estimate or appreciate and will grow fond of you and SUCH - passionate and impulsive. Wait for it or him.

11.09.2004, 21:47
Thanks all big for your words. Always easier when is to that to look or see from. On a question on that what I... To me of 26 years, higher education, the apartment and the impudent almost red cat managing in her greater time. The man - for three years is more senior, works in small firm on repair of computers, lives with parents. About wrong behaviour in bed: I do not think that there it is correct or not, there is that suits partners or does not arrange. A smell speak? - I watch or keep up hygiene, special losonami the truth for intimal places I do not use. Parameters of a body? - very small breast is a serious disadvantage, yes? I heard that nevertheless is not defining or determining criterion.:-) in general I - former do not have answer to the question. But certainly I shall wait and hope. Thanks once again all.

12.09.2004, 06:34
Can, you too purposefully search serious attitudes or relations? Men of it or this are afraid. And parameters, etc. is all nonsense. Concern to muzhiks easier - just as they to you: has resulted or brought, used and it is free. Can even conduct the bill. When you will start itself to respect, men to you will be pulled, and necessarily there will be the most native and close. Success!

12.09.2004, 18:31
Business not in it or this seems to me, that, can be partly. Actually, as nepriskorbno, but this all because people were not those.
I at most had a similar situation when passions was much, before sex, and then where that all has got to because I trebova much, it seemed to me, that I give much and that I do not receive in replacements, but alas...
Suddenly it seemed, that then all has disappeared.
Passion, tenderness, even love.
But the person who likes will not throw iz-that the girl was gave him. On the contrary.
But also it is not necessary to forget, certainly, that one sex will not be alive, if you want from chelovveka than that that is more. If you so think, try "to suffer", it is not necessary for him raskazyvat about failures iz-for sex, learn or find out it or him, its or his ideals, views, be simply more interestingly. When is raspingly speaking you abstain, passions it is splashed out more, it is more than sensations. But also after that the life does not come to an end, try to not humour the man its or his whims to not be arranged under it or him, aprosto frankly to like gently. That to which it is necessary will not pass by.
Voobshchem, the idea which torments you, it or she needs to be dismissed, and simply to think, that " here they fools have missed me which can like as who another ". Do not regret about takih-it simply samtsy. Forgive or excuse if too zagruzhenno. Success!

13.09.2004, 06:33
I did not mean, that at you any wrong behaviour in global sense, and wrong primenimo to concrete to the man. Can, you for it or him are too good also he complexs. One fact, that at you the apartment, and he lives with parents, can play a negative role. About a small breast - besides, in the global plan it not a disadvantage, t. To. Very much many men like a small breast. But who knows, whether particularly this belongs the man to this group. Can, its or his ideal - Pamela the Anderson. The same and about a smell. It is natural, that I did not mean an extreme measure when the woman washes once a month. Simply each person has a specific smell (normal, physiological). Komu-he is pleasant to Someone, and someone is not present. At me, for example, kogda-that was the man which to me liked absolutely to all... Externally and internally, while business did not reach close physical contact. Could not get used to its or his smell - not bad, but specific and any for me NOT NATIVE. Met almost year, and then I have understood, that so never and I shall not accept it or him AS the - iz-for this nuance. But later has met the young man, we were familiar short enough time (about one month), he has started to show the initiative by way of sex, I during that moment have refused, t. To. Considered or counted, that we are familiar insufficiently. But till now well I remember the sensations: he stood series - I spoke "was not present", and thus literally " could not inhale " - I would like to throw the arms round to his a neck and kuda-that is deep in it or him to bury. Though any love at me then yet was not, it was generated later. In the same way I till now like a smell of mum is something deeply from the childhood, likely, at all so. And here with it or this the man was the same sensation. Result - we 11 years together, from them 9 - are married. So pokovyrjajtes in itself, poanalizirujte, can, write still any details, because it is not enough of them to give advice or councils. Can, you simply choose not the type of men?

13.09.2004, 21:08
Yes, I search serious attitudes or relations both I do not hide it or this. Also I do not wish to use men. As in a song " I wish to like and be liked " (that is liked). By the way, we with It or him here vse-taki have communicated.. All is strange. He is wounded by my leaving or care. We spoke a little. But probably something we do not understand both. Thanks all - I above very much shall think.

15.09.2004, 10:29
And vam-that sex with it or him has liked, and that you you about sex as about event in which the main thing only, that it was

15.09.2004, 21:18
And can and has escaped from shame? Or it is not so inherent in you?