Просмотр полной версии : To our family 17, have gone through much. When zhenilsja-has been assured or confident, the right arm or hand...

28.08.2004, 23:32
To our family 17, have gone through much. When zhenilsja-has been assured or confident, the right arm or hand any more is not required to me. Was mistaken. Now cunningly that the wife speaks - me to finish most better, than with toboj-" You do not satisfy me ". It is necessary to look on a regular basis (in the single) pornuhu to use prostitutes though risk to pick up something it is very great. They are very surprised - " You do not satisfy??? " With me it is pleasant to all (it not falsh-at me there is an experience to distinguish). I had a confidence - to the wife sex of times in a month is necessary, to me hotjaby once a week. If I do not stick to her, I am engaged in sex with prostitutes, at us quarrels are not present, it is necessary to me to try to achieve sex from the wife (if fairly I like it or her and I I want) after refusal me all simply enrages, I rent the apartment for next day and I use girls. I can not the rights, but little girls really you can live months without the man and really there are so strong characters, that the first Never
Will not ask about affinity? The Sex life "was stabilized", but on mine not that by. Though recently I think, can for me and it is better zanimitsja sex with young little girls, but same it is wrong! What to me deljat?

29.08.2004, 21:12
So can it is valid the wife you do not satisfy? She probably would like tender words, tenderness, even can it is simple that all over again has embraced, about something has asked intimal, instead of it is simple " sunul-has taken out ". What do you equal the wife and the prostitute? The prostitute too the woman, but she WORKS and he will tell or say to everyone that super-puper. And the wife really wants pleasure, besides the present. And not women can "be paraded all, let even before the husband. CHto-you have missed something in a youth, or any your retort has offended. Here when last time simply so gave the wife something? Well even flowers. Or have made for it or her kakoj-a string a surprise? To remove or take off the girl much easier, without problems "to be facilitated". And you think the wife of it or this does not see?! Yes here therefore and "otshivaet" looking on such, excuse, itself guess whom.

30.08.2004, 22:35
For 17 years of a joint life much already began to seem ordinary and habitual, sex including. Has passed or has taken place time of rough passions and violent love, the calmness has come. The woman absolutely easy can not want frequent sex, especially, after stolkih years of marriage or spoilage. You as I have understood, like the wife and want. So why will not make so that she to you was pulled, how in a youth? It is the most easier to remove or take off maids for money, to make " the sexual certificate or act ", than to be engaged in "love" with own wife. Ivanka the rights, it is necessary already - for another to approach or suit to the wife, to show more step and comprehension, love. Believe, itself was in such situation, thought, that already everything, it is possible to give up as a bad job my intimal life. Only the close or attentive attitude or relation of the husband, its or his certain reorganization in dialogue during "these" moments have made a miracle: I "have suddenly woken up", and itself did not expect from myself similar speed in bed. And so all life was any sleeping, it was difficult to reach me while the husband himself has not understood, that we gradually lose each other. You try to change also your intimate relations, but not cries and rigid requests with scandals, and caress, love, trustfulness. In fact you like the wife!!!

01.09.2004, 18:44
If like the wife - give her of more attention. It is very important for the woman! If do not like - leave to young. With young you still very longly will remain young! The Youth gives a lot of energy and forces! Think and of itself!

03.09.2004, 15:06
Yes he and just about itself(himself) also thinks

06.09.2004, 21:10
As on me have thrown! Probably really I am very wrong. Directly already it became a shame. If it is fair, I gave flowers simply so (not for holidays) enough often, and attitudes or relations all the same spoiled. You are absolutely right (Ivanka and Irina), that I should change, but in me why that lives confidence, that all this is vain - both flowers and gifts and surprises can help or assist to avoid quarrels in the afternoon, and in the evening all becomes on a habitual place. And then to me it becomes insulting up to mors.
Though certainly it is necessary to be reconstructed and try or taste.
I shall begin directly tomorrow - I promise. I shall open its or her machine or car the second keys while it or her will not be, I shall put a bouquet of colors or flowers, I shall close and I shall leave. A surprise?

07.09.2004, 05:34
Michael, can, not in gifts business? I, certainly, do not know in detail your attitudes or relations, but, clearly, there is a problem. We shall admit or allow, I open the machine or car, there flowers. It will be pleasant to me? Certainly. I come home, the certain intensity of last days is saved, at the husband I look mistrustfully, yet I do not know, how with it or him of a message. And the husband? Probably, he has solved, what has presented me flowers and I at its or his legs or foots? In no event!!! Intensity in attitudes or relations should be removed or taken out attention, immediate contacts. The wife on divanchik after job will sit down, embrace it or her, nestle, tell or say any lovely nonsense. I here too sometimes am angry, that the husband gives me of attention a little. He simply DOES NOT UNDERSTAND, that does not suffice me! Also argues: well, what is necessary? Flowers has presented, into shop has come, has bought or purchased that is necessary, utensils has washed, well, than you are dissatisfied? And I am dissatisfied with that we sit next, we watch TV, and he even will not guess to sit down more close, to take for the handle, to caress, easier or simply to sit in obnimku. Here in fact what's the matter. And then, and what for flowers - in the machine or car? Whether is better most them to present and tell or say, how you like it or her? And advice or council about young mistresses is doubtful. Now, certainly, it not the problem, full wishing to take hold taken place of the man, only in fact it will be calculation, and then you will throw out, as the used thing. If yet all is lost, restore attitudes or relations with the wife. Though and to talk on this subject not lishne, really it or she accepts your campaigns on the left? Whether is not present here kriminala from its or her party or side?

08.09.2004, 09:15
Irina, in first thanks that my problems are interesting to you. In general all is very similar, she rugaet-" really for 17 you have not understood me that is necessary for me? ". Sometimes hochetsja to embrace, but you know that she will push away and kill in itself this desire. To take for ruku-at once you represent a phrase - " at you arms or hand cold " either "sweaty" or "wet".
Flowers have worked, is not sworn, has allowed to embrace and kiss. But the further yet pridviditsja, yes I also do not try. And about molodyh-I not for that married to get divorced, for me it is a step for all life (at least now I so think).
On the left she does not know about my campaigns and God forbid learns or finds out, then all. I think will not forgive or excuse. Though I would not be engaged in it or this if at all of us would be normal. So I justify myself. At the muzhik through nedelju-two desire arises also a pain and the woman to not manage. And not having received satisfaction from the wife I all the same shall go to such days on the left.
While all. To me it will be pleasant if tomorrow I again shall receive what nibud advice or council from Irina

11.09.2004, 21:09
Michael, I respond. Your problem is familiar to me, only on the other hand. My husband constrained enough in displays of feelings the person. How much I with it or him "was excruciated" in this occasion: took offence, angry, swore, cried, asked... Koe-that has changed, but all the same the person will not alter. Thus I am assured of its or his excellent or different attitude or relation to me that was shown not time in difficult and even the critical moments of a joint life (illness or disease). And vse-, vse-, vse-... Well there is no me that attention which is necessary for any woman. Here your wife speaks: " Really you have not understood, what it is necessary for me? " So ask it or her about it or this! I here too sat and pouted, waited, when the husband will think, that I wish from it or him to receive, and he and did not guess my thoughts. And what I want? For example, I cost or stand in kitchen or cuisine, for something I prepare, the husband comes there. I think: here would take and has embraced or has simply spent the handle on a backrest or on shejke. And let to itself goes, where went. He, certainly, does not guess it or this, easy helps or assists me to set the table, then helps or assists to clean or remove utensils, and does not understand, why I am angry, myslej-that he does not know mine. And I cannot tell or say, it is not accepted kak-that at us the ideas in this occasion to state. The vicious circle turns out. Two persons like each other, but cannot show it or this by virtue of various emotional perception. And I began to speak, that I want! I shall not tell or say, that at once all has changed, but koe-that has moved from a "dead" point. I very much would like, that the husband named me different tender words, and he does not name. When I "have too pressed" or covered" it or him, have admitted, that else in the beginning of marriage or spoilage (we live 20 years) I posmejalas above any gentle words told or said by it or him in my address. It has offended it or him, he and has ceased so to me to address. Whether there is no and here something similar in your life? In fact words about "cold", "wet" arms or hand, for certain, has appeared not casually, try to recollect. And more... Such phrases you the spouse can hide the feelings of awkwardness, constraint; can, tries to seem rude to not open completely sebja-not because does not like you that is why, that is not able and hesitates to tell or say, that likes. Can such be? Undoubtedly. Its or her coldness in intimate relations too can be connected by that the woman receives less in the emotional plan. Here all individually, but I can precisely tell or say: If the wife sees passion of the husband, its or his desire to deliver to her pleasure, she simply should respond to these feelings and if simply ordinary, on duty sex - it becomes obligatory to shirk under any pretexts. Dalshe-you write, that look "pornuhu" in loneliness. Why in loneliness? And why pornuhu? In fact there are perfect films of the erotic maintenance or contents which it is possible and it is necessary to look together. And if also a situation corresponding or meeting to create... Dare, in fact same your liked wife, spend forces for it or her, instead of on maids not clearly what. You ask, whether the woman can want affinity months? Yes without ceremony. And the first to make a step towards? Not everyone is ready to it or this, my-girls proud, we shall die in the last ditch up to the last. Here and I was same proud and unapproachable while the husband nearly has not lost. Itself has taken the first step (it is necessary to consider still and age of the husband, vse-taki 20 years in marriage or spoilage, already it is time to vary places in activity) and at all I do not regret about it or this. Completely not necessarily the man should be the active party or side, but also the wife too, and, in it or this is special charm. But also for awakening these motives too it is necessary to work (in general, I have understood, that the life in marriage or spoilage is a work in the name of family and love in her, and, work persistent, everyday). We shall admit or allow, there passes or there takes place your wife by you or you have breakfast, have dinner, have supper together, etc. - you speak her: " What wonderful on you halatik (brjuchki, kostjumchik, pizhamka and t. Item). You it saw hundreds times, well, to you that, it is difficult to say and kiss it the wife or easier or simply to press to yourself? Or - to take its or her arm or hand in the, to stroke palchiki, to tell or say: " what soft wonderful skin, silk, as in a youth. Has passed or has taken place so much years, and she..., etc. " Really to you will not respond the same? Recollect "Bat" and an episode on ball when the hero tempts own wife. Classics! CHto-I have much written something. I warn, I not the psychologist, not the doctor, everything, that write - my experience. I shall tell or say one, my coldness as at your wife, nearly did not become the reason of break with the husband, I has drawn conclusions, but when he accused me, has emphasized, that the reason of my coldness was a disadvantage of attention from its or his party or side, emotional attention. He has recognized also the mistakes or errors. We get out together. Here, Michael, my ideas. If something you still interesuet-ask, with pleasure I shall share experience. Success!

14.09.2004, 22:36
Thanks for the detailed letter. I would not like to parade further my history everything, and to communicate it would be desirable. Therefore if there is a desire, write to me
rm1965@mail. ru, and I shall respond. I shall be very glad, in advance thanks