Просмотр полной версии : Yesterday documents from the doctor for veneering on physical inability took away, :...

25.08.2004, 18:00
Yesterday documents from the doctor for veneering on physical inability took away, I ask: and how much or as far as these documents, and dock to me: for seven years. I and why on 7, and she, and what for to you on more? I speak: first time to me term have appointed or nominated, and that all kak-that hesitate, and she speaks: here and well. Surrenders to me, she with nanavutom has talked namedne, well here, admit, how much has paid?

Well here
27.08.2004, 08:23
Et that, you seven more years to suffer or bear here? Not moget such to be, I think more couple of months not propyhtish... Therefore also have given so on many, that znaet-your extremity or end, sad you our show is close...)))

28.08.2004, 10:08
chyo temnit, tell or say simply - was greedy, if otvalil wholly there would be 3 6 months, well, well, was greedy. You will suffer or bear. For all to pay it is necessary anyhow.

29.08.2004, 22:49
Nuvot, you the fool (

For well here
30.08.2004, 03:29
As old women speak - from your dirty mouth, yes on your head!!! Ha ha ha

Well here
30.08.2004, 17:52
Any even doubts about quality of mind or wit do not arise. I am not going to zamorachivatsja nobody's problems, I do not wish to read in konfe "psychologist" about physical inabilities, is all the same, that the beggar to expose the jazvy-submit hrista-for the sake of, and tut-regret hrista-for the sake of. Vystavilsja-receive komment. It is normal.

01.09.2004, 02:03
Jim, you that the invalid! Has not understood. On a head or on an extremity?

01.09.2004, 12:18
Huchila, I the invalid of the first group. In fight from one Vietnamese jungle I have lost two legs or foots and the left arm or hand, on the right arm or hand have remained index and a little finger which to this day feeds me and entertains. So, has told only in this world.

02.09.2004, 21:43
Well so... Business or affairs, in a life has not thought *. Would go there where has lost, mozh you will find in slums. And that what be narrow-eyed bl... Uses this left arm or hand!

03.09.2004, 16:51
You joke? The American developers have developed the prosthesis of new generation operated or controlled by an idea of the invalid. Practically not otlechimyj from the present or true arm or hand, only in a leather glove. Is which, what defects, the version can DEMO, I do not know. Not as it is impossible to give mentally the command about puttings off or taking out of the machine or car with ruchnika.

04.09.2004, 17:22
Your mentality can is broken or disturbed, what problems with management? Listen, and that your developers on arms or hand only zatsyklilis?

05.09.2004, 19:24
oshn, to you that, 90???????

07.09.2004, 02:28
Nuvot, well you absolutely rassvirepstvovalsja. I shall not remind you what you the doctor, but you the person or where? You have agreed with the destiny, and you have guarantees, what you will not be in the worst position (God forbid, certainly)? Knowledge knowledge, up to in. pu if souls or douches in the person are not present them. And in you is not present! And intelekt-it not is yet reason.

The anonym
07.09.2004, 08:58
Ooo... Good morning, we psihorodapsus has woken up)

08.09.2004, 20:09
And in you souls or douches are not present!)))))))))))))))) (for the company).

Well here
09.09.2004, 11:31
It has been told or said not time already that did not climb, and you, m du other are perfect in a course. Lezet-receives that deserves. The herring, is time to you to understand already a difference between a church church porch and library for example, or a cinema hall. Here do not submit. Also there is nothing to be exposed here physical and physiological problemami-it is not interesting to anybody. At all it is not pleasant to me, as you conduct polemiku--babski on greater honour. Any malo-malski worthy argument in the answer, what for in general then to make comments on me? There is at you no objectivity. On sostradanie-it also nothing to write off or copy not in it or this consists. If he pajats-that should be ridiculous, instead of crutches to shake, and if normal chelovek-that nothing to yelp on all successively. Spiteful cockroaches have won dzhimnika and poison to him a brain))))))))))))))))).

The anonym
10.09.2004, 20:09
Well here. You have gone beyond all limits or passed all bounds. Who has told or said, chtgo here do not submit? Who here dictates conditions. What you are right have to establish or install orders? You want, that you from here have thrown out? To write the letter to the administrator? Let esteems, as you throw on people. You in general discredit a rank of the doctor. Such to drive to a back it is necessary with psihkonf. Yes in general from a trade. Arrogance, cynicism and hamstvo-here a set of your qualities. It is So much mud as you, anybody on anybody does not pour out. And what on 8 arguments are necessary to you? You except for yourself do not hear anybody.

11.09.2004, 07:30
Nuvot... You in general. .transtsendentalen. " It is not pleasant to Me as you you conduct discussion ". Ah, also that you speak! Well put me the two.) " - babski ". .nu so I also am the woman. And what I should, on muzhski its or her messages? " We shall go we shall leave "? To You not privedi-you them will not see what arguments, because... Because you it you. What arguments it is necessary to you? I to you govorju-am more sincere kak-that it would be desirable. What raznitsa-library, a disco or konfa? If the person takoj-that he such, irrespective of time and a place. You have suddenly solved it to yourself, that kto-to-in data sluchae-Dzhim-should be ridiculous. YOU it or him so perceive it. But it does not mean, that as it or he is perceived by me. YOU, besides, have solved it, that on everyone "chih" it is necessary to you arguments. And there are things which do not require arguments, you in a course? They or are given or not given.

Well here
12.09.2004, 12:45
If you would not apply for objectivity and opinion, and yelped and would bite, as group local anonimov-I at all would not pay attention that you write. And as is so on the arguments I would like to hear worthy in the answer. It or this does not occur or happen, though you fine see and understand, about what I. Znachit-d. A cancer you drag and you distort, as well as in underlaying kommente. Any menacing intonations in my report was not after the attitude or relation to you, and you have overwound so. It is uninteresting. Otnoshenie-the attitude or relation, anybody for any does not apply, and konferentsija-conference. Here other reasons, other attitudes or relations, other norms or rates of morals. By the way, a difference between library and a disco greater or big. To you probably it is known.