Просмотр полной версии : It is scarlet! Whether there Is who on communication or connection? At me such question not in a subject. To that nibud izves...

23.08.2004, 08:04
It is scarlet! Whether there Is who on communication or connection? At me such question not in a subject. To that nibud knows that or about such new " the Great Teacher " as Tea Find fault or what with that similar? The matter is that at my daughter the teacher on pianos (houses) such "addicting". pytalaetsja and my daughter from apart to begin to sing songs about a vegetarianism, bog-it is music and td. I am familiar only with the cores relig. Currents. And with what eat it? Also it is how much widespread in Russia?

26.08.2004, 08:36
About such teacher of anything never heard. Vidat new lohotron fans or amateurs get or start to collect bank notes and respectable lohov as flock. At strengthened vospevanii similar songs of yours muzuchilkoj I advise to replace last, on chto-a string less vegetarian and more loyal in religion. What for to risk - know how much podrstkov was are successfully involved in any sects with the most awful following consequences (and
Age at your daughter, notice gentle, transitive, brains can be ground quickly in necessary to everyones prohindejam a direction)

26.08.2004, 14:21
On the bill of Russia I do not know, in Latvia tfu-fie still is not present, we with old supersacred and great teachers have not understood. Novooe the generation - stirs up water, Brahma kumarovtsy kumarjat all brains, krishnoity from a skin climb to feed strazhdushchih with vegetarian shish kebabs from cabbage, witnesses iegovy it is polite tochut a cerebral material
The inhabitant. But about great Sun-Nos-V-CHaj-Vyn-Su-Him we yet have not heard.

27.08.2004, 18:46
Promise to write if that you will hear. While I am insolent or am ushki on a vertex. As the teacher she, certainly, class + russkogovorjashchy. I would like to talk to her but I do not know a short of business or affairs

29.08.2004, 08:41
If I shall hear - I shall write. But I think what is it can be and dangerous experiment. And what the daughter does not know Finnish? He goes to local school.

01.09.2004, 07:56
With tongue it's OK. Nadomnyh teachers to not find, more likely to me, certainly convenience. But she strongly "does not run", very much intellegentno. With a daughter that I take or spend conversations on a subject " go ways ancient ". t. e about Orthodoxy. prosmotrivala on an Internet on it or this a subject, but has not found. voobshchem also in the cognitive plan it is interesting to me. Where the human idea can get or start. Simply to the divine or miracle you are sometimes given to abilities of the some people which possessing simply primitive intelligence can get or start thousand crowds of people on stadiums or it is silent in a taiga kuda-nibud. Interesting shtuka-a life...

02.09.2004, 00:45
N-yes, the life, an interesting piece and opasanaja, but also takes away a lot of time from the person.

02.09.2004, 09:54
And you pay to her for lessons of music, or "dushespasitelnye" conversations? Also it is not necessary to underestimate influences of sects. This your private affair, but. .ja tea would not let the person trying to climb on a threshold - a question the tenth in brains to my child, with what there * m.

06.09.2004, 02:00
That what to talk to such teacher it is necessary, it is unequivocal. Especially, ljusja, you live in more legislative country, than Russia, I do not think, that the teacher will trample taranom-(

08.09.2004, 11:12
Yes here in tom-continually, that she does not spend conversations. Beautiful and romantic hints, well know. Voobshchem-that she the woman vovseh senses good, too the lost the way lamb. Would like to talk certainly all over again to her and as I have told or said I do not own a subject. She goes to us 4 year, therefore already - svojski, not so " tovar-money ".

09.09.2004, 00:19
Simply tell or say, that with your views (or if want, with your religion), it is not compatible.

10.09.2004, 11:53
I most likely and shall make. Thanks all!