Просмотр полной версии : Having met with svoei podrugoi and not thinking, that all this is serious, we rassk...

SHokoladnyi a hare
08.08.2004, 05:10
Having met with svoei podrugoi and not thinking, that all this is serious, we have told each other about svoei proshloi lives all and in all details. Now all this strongly poisons our life, there are even ideas on impossibility of continuation the attitude or relation. K now to live further???

11.08.2004, 18:11
It will be hung up! If people like to poison or persecute each other a life, you will help or assist nothing. Even the saying is in Russian folklere-Let bygones be bygones!

13.08.2004, 12:54
It is possible to make still a libotomy, too helps or assists:) Excuse, dear zajchik, for sarcasm, but really, you read also the divine you are given: when it is necessary to explain in love, there and then the paralysis suffices all but how to list was or former sexual partnerov-then a loose tongue. I advise you with your girlfriend to calm myself that each person has a past and as to change this past you any more in forces, it is necessary to accept each other such what you are. By the way, you very much approach or suit the friend drugu-unduly curious and too talkative. Perhaps, it is necessary to continue attitudes or relations. I can prompt a way how to live further: ask each other a pardon for that pain, that you have involuntarily caused, and forgive or excuse each other, only all this should be very sincere, - to the present then will help or assist. However, it very much tjazhelo-to forgive or excuse the person not simply in words, and in soul or douche.

15.08.2004, 19:33
Lerchik, and for what a pardon that to ask? I and have not understood. On mine, normal people about the past do not think at all so seriously. And here to you still myslishka-if at you at both was so much, and you have chosen each other, it can and there is a destiny?! And live the PRESENT! Success.

16.08.2004, 00:32
In this case I spoke not about asking a pardon for the past, and that people had imprudence to tell a lot of superfluous, by that having forced each other now to be excruciated from the excessive frankness. All correctly you have told or said: to live it is necessary in the afternoon, instead of to dig in the past.

19.08.2004, 04:36
Hare, you probably for the short period of acquaintance have told about each other very much much and consequently that secret (mysteriousness) which is at just enamoured at you has simply disappeared! That's all! Do not recollect the past, live and be happy!

20.08.2004, 13:33
It completely agree with Nikoj. What for to speak about the past??? Really other subjects was not. I consider or count, that the men need to be spoken nothing about the former partners is better... Then - at sorre all is obligatory to be recollected it and will leave against you. A hare - accept all as is understanding, that the past is at all.. Try to not mention or touch;affect any more this subject.. On the future - do not brag of the victories - poverte respect from the girl will be more..

21.08.2004, 13:56
And I for example, always ask liked about the past. And after their stories I find mistakes or errors of girls and I do not do or I make as they. As it would be desirable to be not similar on their was or former. It only helps or assists me. And about the past if I tell, only under the request. In it or this there is nothing bad. In fact this past. And now above time, time the present

23.08.2004, 22:57
To the doctor!! Urgently!!

24.08.2004, 07:37
You have already made the greatest mistake or error, having told each other about the past. Before to go on such, it is necessary absojutno to be assured or confident that to a sign it for itself and it will not affect or influence in any way your attitudes or relations then. Here it is necessary or to accept simply it, or rastatsja. Negative opyt-too experience!

TASHA - neznakomke (tsu)
27.08.2004, 15:19
Not nevertheless such as you. You probably simply did not try or taste so

Valentine Tashe
29.08.2004, 11:15
I tried or tasted (till a marriage).. Much told, much was told by me. But, when I vsretila the husband - here the word of honour - the past am simple kuda-that have disappeared kak-as if did not exist never. There was such mad love - and what conversations on the past when for me sushchestveut only unique the man is he can be and if to speak, about the future..

Valentine Tashe
01.09.2004, 15:48
But to the doctor, certainly, it is not necessary for you..

The anonym
02.09.2004, 07:36

Shimanskij O.I.
06.09.2004, 04:06
Dear SHokoladnyi a hare! In your situation it is necessary to do or make the main thing - to live by the present and future, instead of past!

06.09.2004, 16:30
You know a hare, I too as well as you why that always recollect the past. My guy always reproaches me that I live past.. But I cannot. In fact the past it is also I. He too does not like to speak about the past.. Holes there's nothing to be done, such all of us different. But sovtuju to choose one, you like, do not throw, most it will be difficult. Talk properly.

10.09.2004, 08:17
I, when have met the guy so he to me too - told about the former LADIES. And not only about those with whom met, and and about those with whom only for one night. He worked earlier in mentovke (went checked objects under protection) and much that told (and as it is direct on a workplace removed or took out maidens (in the machine or car)... .eto was in the first months of our acquaintance, but during one moment it has bothered me to listen and I to him has told or said, that if he will not shut up now I shall leave and that more I NEVER heard about its or his LADIES.
He to me is more than anything about the LADIES does not speak, but from time to time me the jealousy and more starts to excruciate any feeling, yes I do not know, how it or him to characterize..... So it is better to tell nothing second half. Unlike it or him, he knows only that is possible for him the nobility... Though I too am good up to it or him have taken a walk..
I wish your of good luck!