Просмотр полной версии : Misters reasonable! Help or assist to understand - the view from ochchen is required...

31.08.2004, 14:36
Misters reasonable! Help or assist to understand - the view from ochchen is required. strechajus I with the man. Likes - caresss, embraces, flowers gives, tries everywhere vstrechat/to see off, on the house helps or assists and t. Item But... There Was some "misunderstanding" iz-for money. I wanted bicycles. Now May - is a high time for buying. He was not against but when time has approached or suited behind purchase to go - " time or temporary difficulties with money, will not borrow or occupy? ". Has borrowed or occupied, certainly - are great I very much wanted (t. e. I to myself have bought or purchased the and on it or him have borrowed or occupied). Has given money, he has brought bicycles. I am pleased immensely, and he here and speaks: " izveni, dear or expensive, I too used delivery - before holidays advance payment has given out to the workers, they cannot remain absolutely without money "... I in a shock. Directly govorb, that to its or his job of the attitude or relation to have I do not wish and to sponsor its or his workers it is not measured or going (the word of honour - has been told or said politely). He has there and then taken offence - " thought, that time we together live always borrow or occupy from me he can and before such problems at it or him never was " and t. Item Allowing to be going to - to remove or take off money from a card!!! It appears money were (but insufficiently on all charges), but it - NZ, and I have persuaded it or him to begin or start though of something to postpone for rainy day. More shortly - have sworn terribly, he accused me of greed and t. The item have not left Nearly. And now and a question to you: what to do or make? JA-that I understand, that he is not right. But earlier (I we live 4 months together) anything such was not and like as on the contrary he looked or appeared dzhentelmenom moderately the financial opportunities. But this sitatsija frightens me.... Now I earn more, he - is engaged in private or individual business, but is not too successful yet, that will be further - who knows... And frightens of that already now I have reduced the inquiries in comparison with when one vein, and here still such turns...

31.08.2004, 22:02
The miser. Very characteristic. And unfortunately incorrigible. If uphill will go, you will see - will clamp or clip more and more and more. And flowers to give will cease: - (.

01.09.2004, 11:51
Our song is good... Well who is not right, here longly to argue it is possible. I can tell that further at me. This " private or individual business " years 5 demands constant investments, and more will demand as much. Periodically I borrow or occupy on florets for March, 8th and on beer with friends. On the sea at my expense carry. NZ weeks of the house are longer is not late. Farewell the machine or car - hi peshkarus! The businessman on job will not go by a trolley bus) Again taki, there are less than money - problems less. Disappears need for evening dresses if the finance do not allow to go to restaurants)) To put it briefly, to live it is possible, if it is firmly assured, what not in money happiness...

Well here
02.09.2004, 04:46
Money spoil all! ((((((((, (((((((((((((

03.09.2004, 20:45
There was at me such friend, we klikuhu have given him a draught: the regular guy, the magnificent lover and from all money on bizness took. Has received, when into us has dug or run, already in uzbekistane 6 ms-tsev sat out.

04.09.2004, 16:26
Dengi-do not spoil. Spoils otsutsvie money, and is more correct, and is faster, than their presence. Take and turn a situation so that he should be spent for both of you largly. Understand, the type of people which like to a ball and which it or her ishchut-very precisely are able without a shadow of confusion polzovat another's babki moreover and to force the person to feel then guilty. It is characteristic. So chto-know, with whom deal.

Well here
04.09.2004, 21:54
Seledka-what difference, presence or absence of money? Glavnoe-presence of this concept. The problem begins when somebody in general starts to stammer about them...

06.09.2004, 05:29
Would tell to her better where another, not such, to find)))

06.09.2004, 11:05
nanavut, for my dry brains if you vashche find something under my box, in this dispute you have acted as one more acknowledgement or confirmation selyodkinyh words. Or it was the joke? Then speak where smejatsja, and that I have not reached. Can that your attitude or relation to money strausinovoe: there is no money as concepts, are not present a problem, only according to the economic doctrine they are menovyj the goods, there will be no money, there will be rams, mammoths, slaves, whether all is peer. Idea of the impecunious attitude or relation - utopian, that is proved historically.

07.09.2004, 01:34
Nuvot, it is necessary to concern to money correctly. On printsipu-money good the servant, but the bad owner. To speak, that money spoil, means to show to them such attitude or relation at which they to you never will go.

08.09.2004, 01:39
Thanks rebjatki - the truth has helped or assisted, though all this is not so consolatory... But better to the truth in eyes to look. And voobshche-that of money - a piece nasty when they mix up or are admixed in attitudes or relations. - to mine it is not important how much people earn, vse-peerly there are "slippery" subjects. Likely are right in the West when marriage contracts conclude. Though, I can is not right - there are exceptions? Ridiculously, that my guy and the truth the quite good lover:). And voobshche-that the Herring of the right - money should be, only concerns to them it would be desirable as to an agent, instead of the purpose