Просмотр полной версии : Whether it is possible to cope with a cancerophobia independently? Like other phobias is not present....

29.08.2004, 01:53
Whether it is possible to cope with a cancerophobia independently? Like other phobias is not present. Though is not present, I say lies, about 2 years ago still was afraid of AIDS, could not sleep, but now to catch there is no place, so this care has disappeared. And still sometimes very strongly I react to signs bad, predveshchajushchiegoresti everyones. There are frustration of a dream, depressions.

Tolokonin A.O.
29.08.2004, 16:50
Probably, but will demand from you long independent spiritual search, harmonization of the person, naturally deep introspection. But in any case, I to you recommend to be observed at the psychotherapist, and is better to resort to its or his help, t. To. The professional more precisely sorentiruet you in your person.

The anonym
31.08.2004, 02:10
The world is not spontaneous fluctuation vakkuuma, and develops under the laws which are not so terrible. All is done or made in the help to the person. Remember ingenious animated cartoon Norshtejna " the Hedgehog in a fog "? You, Katya, for the present in a fog:-). It is impossible to catch casually a HIV or a cancer, it it is necessary "to deserve". Understand, accident - destiny of small reason. It or her does not exist!

Beginning or Starting Wise man
01.09.2004, 04:41
About unknown! Why the cancer, as a rule, arises at good people (on my observations it so)? Than they, - to yours, have deserved such punishment?

The anonym
02.09.2004, 16:44
What "as a rule" to agree, certainly, I can not. But met also such. I shall allow to send to old clause or article: " Here, the truth, can arise a thorny question: why then are ill or sick and often good people, t hardly die. e. With pure or clean soul?

In our opinion, it is a lot of reasons, and all of them all - from disturbance of laws, the Christ is innocent only. Laws happen spiritual (10 precepts + Nagornaja the sermon) and space. Disturbance of the last looks or appears often very prosy: such good person zharenuju eats, for example a potato, moreover on bacon, almost every day, it is a lot of years successively. Means, saves carcinogens, already enters into group of risk. Then it, say, takes offence at itself (so, one my familiar, good and kind woman, accused itself of mors of the adult daughter, - and in two years has received a tumour on a kidney ), and already - disturbance of spiritual laws, the person belongs not to itself, and to the God (it or this do not understand often the suicide), love the near as itself , this subject is well opened in 5 oh S.N.Lazareva's to book. And here already rattling cocktail of a carcinoma of the stomach is almost ready: iz-for experienced long stress go seryoznye failures in job of immune system, accumulation of atypical cells in the system of an organism weakened or easied by carcinogens - digestive begins. [if more strictly to speak, in the beginning process of accumulation of "bad" cells goes to bloods [2], a lymph and an osteal brain; much depends and on cleanliness of an ethereal body and so-called causal, t. e. Whether there is a hereditary predisposition to a cancer.] now much depends on the person is connected with what egregors, t. e. With its or his personal karmoj (for example if it is connected with a religious egregor Angel-the keeper will inspire it or him to him to buy or purchase this issue. A joke!) . And if the person will manage to realize the fault and and z m e n and t with I to the best, - the immunity which has earned on 100 % "will eat" a tumour and all "bad" cells in its or his organism (or it or he is waited with an occurring with the strong healer). That is freedom of will remains with the patient even in such situation when the program on its or his leaving or care from this life (in view of its or his harmfulness) has already gone. Well and if we ostensibly to the pure or clean person does not manage to overestimate in time the way and to change, here togda-that he is ill or sick with excruciating image and dies, that from and it seems many disgrace, injustice. "

Beginning or Starting Wise man
02.09.2004, 21:39
It do not agree. On my observations, a lesion a cancer of good people law, instead of accident. Strange, - to yours leaves good people worse bad because have ostensibly deserved the fine offences such terrible punishment as a cancer. And why then everyones mean ljudishki which in general do not have any cultural wealth in a life, at times live till an old age and thus feel quite not bad. If they of that earn to themselves, so it, for example, a stomach ulcer, which on a degree of a pain and excruciatings nesravnima with any kind of a cancer. I think, that the unequivocal explanation to all to it or this is not present. We can guess and assume only...

04.09.2004, 07:45
Yes, argue we can now only conjecturally, by a word of the apostle. With other your reasonings it do not agree. As a rule, the cancer is LAST prevention or warning to the person. Before them happens much.

04.09.2004, 16:54
To wise man: absolutely with you it agree! Really, more often good people suffer from this illness! I think because the God takes away to itself the best, and the inferior are not too necessary to him! The conclusion arises by itself: Be worse, then you will live more longly!:-))

Beginning or Starting Wise man
05.09.2004, 08:46
I shall add only my assumption. Probably, it some kind of purification or ablution. The road to the God lays through sufferings, thus and so light enough during lifetime of douche of the person it is cleared completely.

05.09.2004, 21:09
Not, brothers, it at you lozhnoromanticheskaja the picture was drew. A cancer all, in most cases, karmicheskioe disease. The people, inclined to take offence are ill or sick with it or him more often. Also it is necessary to be Solzhenitsynym that owing to him to be cleared: (. The god of all likes, He does not punish. The person himself punishes itself. If the person will understand, in what he is not right and will manage with itself to work, the cancer will leave very quickly: vosprjavshaja the immune system itself will eat foreign cells. So in an ideal and to a cancer it is necessary to be GRATEFUL...

06.09.2004, 00:18
From my friends two have died of a cancer. One it is (conditionally possible to name good, the second (conditionally bad. They are my FRIENDS, but I am not assured, that I know about each of all of them. I know only that they "showed" me. Only about itself the person can tell or say good he or bad. And that not in hearing, and silently. You are assured that those, kotogo you name good, good in all?

Beginning or Starting Wise man
06.09.2004, 12:50
I personally knew many people who have died of a cancer. And these people were incomparably more kindly, more generously and svetlee many other my friends. Also I do not know what them " heavy sins " could draw upon them such misfortune! I think, to argue to us here there is nothing, therefore as any of us does not know Istiinnoj the reason, and to convince each other of the things obscure on 100 % to me it seems inutile employment or occupation.

07.09.2004, 22:08
When people die, their portraits change...