Просмотр полной версии : My mum again has left in a drinking-bout: ((last has ended 2 months ago)....

12.08.2004, 20:09
My mum again has left in a drinking-bout: ((last has ended 2 months ago).

14.08.2004, 08:40
And you so it is quiet about it or this? To help or assist it is necessary to mum!

I for Natalia
14.08.2004, 16:31
It not calmness, it more likely rassterjannost, powerlessness and in general: (She does not recognize it or this, she when leaves refuses to be treated, refuses to speak even on this subject.

The anonym
16.08.2004, 23:33
How old are you?

The anonym
20.08.2004, 14:34
25, I live for a long time separately, the brother too lives separately. She with the daddy lives.

The anonym
22.08.2004, 11:21
Try to talk to her that its or her constants pjanki hurt you. The father Let will talk, he more influence can has. If illness or disease already for a long time lasts, it is necessary to address in hospital and to spend treatment. And in what its or her reason pnok? Something can it or her disturbs? There is no realizovannosti, the liked business or affairs, too many unnecessary friends (drinking companions). Ask it or her why she does or makes it. Certainly, when will be sober.

24.08.2004, 02:36
She drinks one! Then where that goes

I for Natalia
24.08.2004, 19:05
The daddy otstavnik, the dictator, all decisions accepted all time itself. He only listened, soaps, erased, cleaned or removed, prepared (I understand, what is it our female to consider, but we with the husband do or make all together), goes with tjazhelennymi bags, is dripped on beds, and her only 45. Here she the reason, from such life everybody will wash down. But he does not recognize it or this, in the afternoon at job, evening of the house, in target on a summer residence. And she on herself drags all. And money osoblivo is not present, I think dollars 300 for two, it still is an occasion. Last time has told or said, that so to live does not want and it will be thrown out their windows. I do not know what to do or make, I do not wish to climb to them, they in fact in 4 years ago have celebrated already gold wedding.

The anonym
27.08.2004, 16:54
You are a daughter. Are obliged to not climb?! Well anything to itself. You that so are weak, that cannot talk to the father, let he and the dictator (at me the father the militarian with not less strong and rigid character, nevertheless with it or him I can speak, the truth possible or probable ways of "softening" of character are applied for this purpose - sometimes all both tears help or assist, and pressure upon conscience, type for you is a shame to me, etc., you the woman). And with mother speak as the daughter. Really it is difficult to establish or install confidential otnosheija. Means pobudte the psychologist for a while... Vam-that just and to interfere, differently the father will simply leave spivshujusja and the uninteresting woman. It is necessary to you? Give birth to the child and plant or put the grandmother with it or him, will distract.

I for Natalia
31.08.2004, 10:35
THANKS! I ppytajus

03.09.2004, 16:16
Talk in section - for those who series...

06.09.2004, 07:09
You are cold and indifferent! Your mum perishes! Well wake up, it is an appeal to your conscience. Rescue or save mother!