Просмотр полной версии : Since has left the former husband, at all I do not want and even...

27.08.2004, 21:16
Since has left the former husband, at all I do not wish and even to dream of the man and for a long time about home life. Earlier so liked: will take care, to show creativity, attention, etc., and now even to think of it or this I do not want. Though in fact I young enough, simpotichnaja also understand, what is it kak-that is not so correct. What to do or make? Prompt please.

28.08.2004, 21:30
There is such concept, how TIME if your status was tightened or delayed more year the psychologist is necessary if you only have left that you want?

31.08.2004, 06:47
It agree with Nikoj. Only here if time has passed or has taken place even more than year, and you as would not like seryoznyh attitudes or relations, it seems to me, it not the occasion to go to the doctor. Rasstovanija happen a different sort, and then each person to the same situations emotionally to concern on a miscellaneous who that has spat and has pounded, and at whom that a scar for long years. So only time and new love will help or assist you.

Hazhilina I.I.
02.09.2004, 08:35
Dear Egoistka! You do not wish to dream of the man because mentally (at a unconscious level) yet have not released or have not let off the past and up to the extremity or end have not forgiven or excused the former husband. Until then while you will not make it or this, you cannot build new attitudes or relations. Old constantly will pull back. The good way for the decision is problems method Rasstanvok. After May holidays there will be a group on arrangements if you from Moscow, can enter the name on it or her. Mine t. 8 916 140 74 55. Also for the decision of this problem individual job is possible or probable also. My full data you can find, having pressed a red inscription with initials first name, middle initial, last name

05.09.2004, 06:35
Tell or Say, you after divorce began to feel yourself easier, more freely, more happily? I have reconciled with the husband, not having held on 2 weeks before official divorce, and now I dream of divorce, yes I do not know as it correctly and easy to make? Write to me, surgmeb. yulia@mail. ru we shall communicate.