Просмотр полной версии : At me one terrible problem - the mother-in-law. I actually sometimes think ka...

I wish to kill the mother-in-law!
01.08.2004, 10:39
At me one terrible problem - the mother-in-law. I actually sometimes think as it or her to kill. Well judge. We live with her as it is considered, that she is hardly sick. Though actually it not so. She is sick, when she would like it or this. I try to concern to her with greater or big patience, I do or make practically all business or affairs on the house, and she only serials looks, never I am rude, I try as it is possible privetlivej to talk, but all uselessly. When the husband is not present the house, continuous reproaches. What not so soup has welded or cooked - even if under its or her prescription, all the same netak, not so a floor has washed, not so on it or her vzgjanula. And the sloven I and though a floor 32 times in my week, also put on not so, and not those read books, and in general to its or her son not pair (my parents - teachers, and her hoiteos a daughter of the factory manager). If I do not pay attention to reproaches specially chto-ngnibud brand new invents. Though actually it or her simply enrages, that to her it is necessary to divide its or her son with me. She as soon as with her to live steel, has told or said, that it is unpleasant to her to divide the son grown up by her or it, its or his attention, its or his money with the another's woman. But thus she against that we separately lived. At she names me lapushkoj, zajkoj, talks tenderly, praises, and if reproaches, all is soft supposedly to me forgives. He adores mother and when I complain, considers or counts, that I slander, in fact at itself onai such darling with me! And it is necessary to me hardly to take offence or reproach it or her with something, at once starts to catch at heart, and he considers or counts, that I lead up or take its or his mummy. Though actually at it or her pressure in norm or rate, she spetsuialno leads up herself, that it or her regretted. And so in a day. It is necessary to me to buy or purchase koftochku so she at once at the son of money for clothes demands, me rastratchitsej calls, though itself only in boutiques dear or expensive goes. It is necessary to leave at holiday as in two days calls: I die, come. We come - that's all right. He and so its or her whims carries out all, but her all a little. That is constantly rest by road demands, the TV huge. Move we cannot, as as soon as we about it or this start talking, she nachianiet to cry, complain of health. And for an apartment never we shall save up or we shall collect, as she lives in grand style, and to limit it or her it is impossible. In general, it is intolerable so further!

03.08.2004, 05:23
I sympathize!!! To you vozdastsja for your patience. Forces to you to not allow her to spoil to you home life. Try its or her cunning kak-nibud, probably differently it will not turn out. Forces to you!!! By the way, children it seems at you is not present? You know, when they will appear, I think at you in arms or hand will be more maps. Give birth to her to the grandson or the grand daughter, let itself will hang, here she not can compete the husband will to like more child and attention to HIM to give.

The anonym
05.08.2004, 23:48
I recommend for the lack of its or her husband as izvodit-call more!!! And prinem - tenderness " mummy! To you molochka lukewarm in postelku to bring? ":))))

08.08.2004, 05:01
It seems to me, that the mother-in-law does or makes it specially just to cause or call you on the conflict for the lack of your husband. And you it or her ignore (and I consider or count correctly do or make), that it is even more of it or her zadorit. Here it is necessary kak-to contrive that. If to operate or work with its or her method to her from it or this it will be easier. She will complain of you to the son and it in what good will not result or bring. With grandsons too it is possible to wait chut-hardly, let it remains " for a dessert ". I think, vo-the first it is necessary to cut down it or her in charges (let in the market puts on:-)), with the husband to talk about economy of money to postpone for an apartment. And you should cut down too yourselves in charges. I so have understood, what you sit at home, do not work? Urgently find job, the most simple. It will not be necessary to suffer or bear all the day it or her, let she now for you prepares (even dinners), washes and t. Item to the Husband tell or say, that has bothered to sit at home. Being on vacation instead of all to throw or stop and rush to mummy, cause or call fast, the nurse or its or her girlfriend, motivirovav that now cannot leave, it is possible to think up the reason. And to the husband tell or say, that there there is who will look after "patient", and you will arrive later, in fact so a long time were not together, naedene and t. The item For the beginning will suffice. And in general it is thought, that business not only in the mother-in-law, but also in your husband. He the only child I so understand, and all is told or said by it or this. He likes mum up to umapomrachenija and it seems to him, that she the ideal woman who needs to be worn on arms or hand.

11.08.2004, 14:26
Yes is not present, I work just. But I come to 7 evenings, and the husband in 11 evenings. Therefore he almost does not see the mummy. JA-that I can cut down myself in charges, but he considers or counts, that to mum by all is obliged, therefore she will receive everything, that she will want.

13.08.2004, 21:45
Well if he feels itself(himself) obliged to her let itself for her and looks after. Vy-that than her are obliged? Come home too to hours to 11. What problems?

16.08.2004, 02:37
Well here see before to struggle with the mother-in-law, you need "to withdraw" the husband from mum as it is possible further. In fact to look after it is possible and living separately. Every day for example after job to call in on chasik-another.
And it will be sometimes useful for you to pretend to the patient instead of welding or cooking a dinner in target or to wash up a floor.
At me the girlfriend so has re-educated the husband. He firstly too all to mum yes to mum. Last copecks will carry away, because mum does not suffice for a life of own salary, and there lives mum one. And she gives money, the child small helps or assists that is, senior synu-to a toper and its or his family, at them in fact. The husband of my girlfriend, - to an essence turns out, that, gave money to the brother. In general the girlfriend also swore, and to leave was going to and che only did not do or make. Though they lived separately from the mother-in-law, at the mother-in-law, but came to see first mum often, almost every day. Now they have bought or purchased own apartment, live for copecks because repay for it or her. The husband to its or her mum nothing wears, but attitudes or relations at the mother-in-law and my girlfriend any. But so it is got or started, that every evening they are obliged to call to mum and to be interested in its or her affairs. God forbid to not call - scandal.

17.08.2004, 17:32
You hishchnitsa. You not love, you of money divide. Sebe-that you can fairly admit it or this?:-)
If you liked the husband, instead of and the love to it or him;them with the salary in addition, the problem would not be.

The anonym
21.08.2004, 03:14
olge - you are not right.

23.08.2004, 23:11
Any attempts to expose the mother-in-law to humiliate it or her and t. The item at this stage of your life are doomed to a failure. Any forcing of mutual hostility will turn back against you. An output or exit one - to show patience and magnanimity, and a life izmenchiva, she quickly will place all on places.

26.08.2004, 04:17
I HATE ALL MOTHERS-in-law! All of them are identical! All the sonnies are jealous!

26.08.2004, 07:01
My mum same "decent or considerable" to drag in this plan. The most important - support from your husband as I support or maintain the wife. Without it or this is "zvezdets" to your family. And to live it is necessary separately and a point. Thanks God, my "ancestors" have fallen down in village...

The anonym
27.08.2004, 16:18

31.08.2004, 01:10
CHto-something you far here send or have come, " all mothers-in-law I hate ". And I, for example, very much respect with the and I like even because she to me never anything bad has made because my children (the grandsons) likes above all, for that that wishes goods to the son (my husband), therefore never about me of anything bad will tell or say, that he would not be upset, God forbid!

The anonym
01.09.2004, 18:07
OLGA - yes to you has simply carried, and to the majority - is not present. Here I mamashka was brought up by one. Did not allow even a nail to hammer. And it is now ready udushit any which will induce it to do it or him. It or her it is easier most to come to nevestke and to drive this unfortunate nail. So for what with it or her to respect, what u//yes has brought up? That the jealousy destroys or blasts family or what she likes the son more, than mine? (and it would seem at normal on the contrary grandsons like more, than children). In the majority of the mother-in-law try to not interfere, and mothers-in-law simply water with an avalanche of hatred nevestok. So was always!

04.09.2004, 16:46
Yes, to me, certainly, has carried, whether I at all do not know there can be I same as she. But it is all the same not clear why at people of emotion overcome reason? In fact it is clear, that people should have family and if mother one brought up the son she should make all from it or her depending or dependent, what at nego-that all was good!

05.09.2004, 03:56
Darling OLGA, in that that all and business, that it or him mamashka which brought up one, considers or counts, that for it or him it is better - to be near to her. Therefore also hates everyone who applies for its or her place. Not understanding that young ladies want not on its or her place, and on the - a place of the lawful wife. And more, pochemu-mothers consider or count that, that to their sons anybody, except for them, happiness cannot wish.