Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please!? The Girl with which I meet at our the first bl...

27.08.2004, 18:56
Prompt please!? The Girl with which I meet at our first affinity not spytala any (so it seemed to me) discomfortable sensations. nebylo any blood and that of a similar canoe. Though to me she has told or said that up to me at it or her anybody nebylo. Up to it or her I had girls but any of them was not "girl" so to be assured or confident I cannot, I know about a defloration only from the literature... Whether as a matter of fact me does not excite there was at it or her who or up to me, and excites me the fact of lie (though voziozhno it or her and nebylo). I am afraid what is it can it is very negative it will be reflected in our attitudes or relations. It would be desirable to hear opinion of the knowing person on this bill...

28.08.2004, 22:54
Such big, and in fairy tales you believe!

29.08.2004, 09:20
Know, Ivan, at many girls the first time does not happen neither pains, nor bloods. And it is simply excellent or different! Well what for to you its or her dyscomfort? Means to her with you it was good and even very much. You well done))) And about a blood, one my girl-friend by a youth has managed also a blood to arrange and from a pain to cry, though before already was and not with one... So to believe it is necessary to people, to believe!)))

31.08.2004, 00:29
It seems to me, that it is possible to notice on behaviour, but for this purpose it is necessary to be skilled or experienced the man and not the skilled or experienced woman... I did not have strong pain, a blood... Itself was surprised... It was unpleasant, entered nespesha... By the way at my girlfriend of a blood too was not. So not too it and seldom happens...

31.08.2004, 22:15
And povedenie-that what at it or her was? At chestnoj-raschestnoj? Would look narrowly...

01.09.2004, 16:58
Dear... As you there! To believe it is possible. I too for the first time did not have a blood. Well I do not know - why! So, if such could happen with me, and with your girl too!)

02.09.2004, 23:34
Unequivocally - at me too was not - and at my girl-friend - so it not a rarity - would be necessary to her you nadurit would make to itself restoration of virginity - eto not dearly or expensively now.

The fright
03.09.2004, 07:53
Elk, listen, the behaviour does not play any role. Believe to me)). I, for example, very much like the young man. He at me the first. But me with it or him so it is good, and I feel with it or him absljutno freely and comfortably, both behaviour corresponding or meeting. And a blood, by the way, too was not. And in general, as to plevy, votuzh a mistake or an error of the nature! On which she? Only superfluous problems with men. In sense who wants obmanut-without ceremony will deceive, and who is not going to to deceive I shall appease a nerve will spend to prove, that she is pure or clean and innocent. By the way, 15 % of girls are born without plevy, or lose it or her up to the seksuadnogo experience.

04.09.2004, 12:39
At me too bloods any nebylo and at my girl-friends too. Though before it seemed, as the pain will be intolerable and krovishchi the sea, instead of was. And my guy to me has believed and did not get suspicions and I am very grateful to him. So, as to you I advise to calm down. Or you would like, that it or her from a pain has braided and that you in a blood have sunk? Then you would believe? Ridiculously it, Be pleased, that to her with you it is good. Be proud, that have woken in her the woman and not partes.