Просмотр полной версии : Hello, I am am disturbed with such question. Why periodically it is pleasant to me...

23.08.2004, 15:23
Hello, I am am disturbed with such question. Why periodically I am pleasant like the pregnant woman (3 months), is pleasant to prepare for a maternity, to think of it or this. And from time to time I dumju, well what of me will turn out mother. And in general, in fact will have to refuse from very much in a life (clubs, entertainments and so forth) Then it is a shame with the ideas. Why so? And how to understand, whether really I want and I can become present or true 7

24.08.2004, 04:34
The theory practice all the same miss very strongly in any business. So in the theory you can ornament to yourselves everything and as will be in practice... Nobody knows. I saw girls who very much dreamed of the child, and is then remarkable threw off the child on shoulders of parents, not refusing to myself neither in entertainments, nor in clubs. But I know also such at whom children were even not desired, and they remarkable mums about what do not regret. What will be you personally? Who knows, but is possible or probable at psychologists there are tests defining or determining readiness for a maternity. But in any case it seems to me, that we are very similar to the parents... Get accustomed to the more close!

28.08.2004, 01:06
Alexander, you write awful things. In fact in each of the, probably, numerous beremennostej you already were mother and killed not born child. And all this, for the sake of game in a maternity? Be protected even, yet do not solve, that to you it is more necessary: entertainments or the child.

28.08.2004, 12:48
Alexander, let's specify. And that you have very muffledly formulated a question. You now the pregnant woman? Term - 3 months? Also it is first time? And you are going to to give birth or travail, but do not know, what of you will turn out mother?

Alexander, Natalia's answer
31.08.2004, 23:30
It's nothing such speak!!! You at all so have understood me. I am pregnant for the first time, no abortions at me existing. Even, when others brought a attention to the question on, whether to have to me the child, I not reflecting have chosen a maternity! And I want this child. Simply wished to learn or find out, who tested what feelings during pregnancy in an anticipation of the future maternity...

03.09.2004, 22:26
Alexander, RELAX.. Also take pleasure:))) is everything, that now it is necessary for you, believe:))