Просмотр полной версии : Men, tell or say, somebody considers or counts that 100 % would leave from the wife if she...

14.08.2004, 20:18
Men, tell or say, somebody considers or counts that 100 % would leave from the wife if she to you has changed?

17.08.2004, 06:20
To consider or count one, to make another:) All this too individually, changes too different. It seems to me, that the man will leave for certain, not self-assured. Strong can both forgive or excuse, and forget, and go through. But it only the opinion, can and I am mistaken.

20.08.2004, 05:15
Yes it is interesting to listen to opinion of other men. My husband speaks, that for my part for what would not forgive or excuse change. And here the opportunity of change from its or his party or side does not exclude and does not consider or count it shameful. Physical change doputima speaks, the main thing to remain correct in soul or douche. But it is admissible only for men. Here such unequality and we often have disputes or spores on this ground.

21.08.2004, 13:25
Nika, and here silnyj-weak? Business in trust to each other. As on me, the respect for the person is lost. If something not hvaet in dialogue it is possible to discuss all. I at once have warned the wife, if I will change also learn or find out, I shall leave at once though there is also a child. From its part I to her promised to not change and I think I shall constrain a word. As someone spoke " Men of changes do not forgive ". Can just weak and it is necessary sopli to dismiss near it or her...

25.08.2004, 12:04
Trust in marriage or spoilage, it perhaps the core, in it or this it agree. Only as that diko sounds... Discussion izmenish-you will not change, izmenju-I shall not change. It already absence of trust:) Probably any man (I mean normal marriages or spoilage) will not tell or say easy,-th I shall forgive or excuse to the wife change! Of it or this even to think it would not be desirable, if it is fair. Only change too can be different, any is morbid, but to forgive or excuse it is possible, if like, if understand, that without this person ty-all world another's if you believe is empty also, know, feel, that the love is, and it is a mistake or an error. You Oleg, wanted, that in case of a mistake or an error, you have understood and have forgiven or excused? Categorical pozitsija-I shall leave, I shall not forgive or excuse, nevertheless it is inherent, at least not to self-assured people. Marriage or spoilage, from here now has very strongly depreciated and it is so much troubles. In general that to argue on this subject senselessly, it already here was, to everyone the . Fortunately, I can not judge it or this from personal experience.

27.08.2004, 23:28
That person by whom in general nothing does or makes does not do or make mistakes or errors... Categorically it is not necessary to concern probably, but it already depends on the person. To me it is not believed, that attitudes or relations will remain the same, it already by the experience. CHto-something of type such at us with the wife has occured or happened. The fact of change was not, simply she has found the good friend (very good)... We then have discussed all, I have understood that to her did not suffice. Now all was already normalized, day does not pass or take place without that she did not show the love to me, but sdelanogo will already return. And any deposit has remained, can already for ever.... But besides another can already and would forget.

29.08.2004, 18:12
I I shall tell or say odno-know (if to rummage in myself) the reason of the change, and is assured that the husband NEVER can ustronit it or her by virtue of the character. And it not a dissatisfaction in sex. Very much would not like that he has learned or has found out, because I like it or him and I am afraid to lose..

31.08.2004, 23:27
Oleg to remember it is necessary not change (especially only preconditions), and a signal which you have caught and have successfully corrected, having saved marriage or spoilage. That is more expensively and more strong means. And to live all life cloudlessly in general very few people it is possible, success.

The anonym
01.09.2004, 18:26
How it to not remember change? Yes the person can and is glad it or her to forget, such things only are not forgotten. To forgive or excuse it is possible, zabyt-never.

02.09.2004, 14:47
That its or her any other muzhik lapal? I Shall kill.